Thursday, May 25, 2023

"Emergency Boy" Roy?

 A few days ago, Governor Roy Cooper declared a "State of emergency in public education" in North Carolina. What prompted this emergency declaration? Cooper is afraid that the legislature will pass a budget that does not give teachers a huge raise in pay.

The State Senate wants to give teachers a small raise of a few hundred dollars. The State House of Representatives wants to give teachers a little more than a 10% raise over the next two years. Roy wants to give the teachers a raise of more than 18% over the next two years. While I think the Senate bill is unreasonable, I think that the House bill is more than fair. 

Roy is just trying to buy votes with an 18% raise over two years. Either that or he is sleeping with some teachers. How many people in the private sector are going to get an 18% raise over the next two years?  My wife works at a large company and most raises there are between 3% and 4% a year. That's a far cry from 18% over two years.

First, from an economy point of view, excessive pay increases fuel inflation. Beyond that, aren't increases usually based on performance of the individual and the business? Yes, the public school system is a business. It sucks cash from the state treasury and produces a product, educated students. But what about the quality of the product?

After the COVID panic slowed, private and parochial schools reopened and returned to educating students. The public schools remained closed with their efforts based on "remote learning". The main thing to know about "remote learning" is that the chances are remote that children are going to learn. Public schools were slow to reopen. They were aided by Roy Boy who kept his "COVID" emergency in place for 888 days. Roy Boy is just a little power hungry.

Roy's record on education is at best dismal. Did Roy declare a "State of Emergency" when standardized test scores fell? As reading and math proficiency levels have dropped, has Roy declared an "Emergency"? When "remote learning" resulted in huge learning gaps, did Roy declare an "Emergency"? The schools are inundated with rising discipline issues. Has Roy declared a "School Behavior Emergency". I have spoken to teachers who talk about having to tolerate bad behavior from students because the administrators don't want to offend minorities by suspending them.  Has Roy declared an emergency about "Minority student behavior"? You can bet your ass that he will NEVER do that. But afraid that the NC legislature won't give teachers an 18% raise, Roy whips out his "emergency" kit.

Roy wants teachers to make a lot more money. Why? Is their product improving by 18%? Hell, no. I have spent the last fifty years hiring employees who were public school products. The quality of their education has declined over the years. In 1969, every kid in America over ten years old could tell you who the first man on the moon was and that we were fighting a war in Vietnam. A ten-year-old today only knows what he read on social media in the last 15 minutes. 

The hard truth for Roy and the other leftists is that there is no correlation between funds expended and educational excellence. Parochial schools and other private schools produce educated students at a much lower cost than public schools. There are a lot of teachers who will work for less if that are actually teaching students and not babysitting kids in need of discipline and structure at home and school. In the old days, we had "reform schools" for these cases. Political correctness has destroyed public education. Afraid to offend some people, we are instead dragging everyone into the gutter. 

For centuries, we educated children through home schooling, private schools and church schools. Public education is not the standard, public education is the "experiment". It's an experiment that has peaked and is now failing miserably. We either need to reform it or shut it down. Maybe the public schools could all shift to "remote learning". In ten years, Tik Tok Tech would be the major alma mater for America students.

Here's everything that you need to know about this whole situation. Roy sent his child to private school. 


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