Gov. Roy Cooper, Jackass at Large
Roy Cooper held a rally in Raleigh on Saturday with a few hundred of his dumbest supporters. Roy was there to drum up support for his veto of the abortion bill that the NC State Legislature had passed.
Only in the wildest of Republican dreams would a Democrat veto a law restricting abortions on the day before Mother's Day. Looking a gift horse straight in the mouth, I didn't hear a single Republican point out the irony of this veto's timing. I even called a couple and pointed this out. I had forgotten that not all Republicans want to stop the Demoncrats.
Maybe some Republicans did say something, and I just missed it. Why didn't any Republicans point out that if Roy's mother, Mrs. Cooper, had believed in abortion and acted on it, she would have saved the state of North Carolina a lot of money and trouble.
Reagan was right, all of those who support abortion have already been born.
Democrats are always talking about equity. Do they build abortion clinics in the same neighborhoods as the country clubs and golf courses? Of course not. There's almost always a bus stop near an abortion clinic. There's a bus stop right in front of a local Planned Parenthood clinic.
Why do they call it Planned Parenthood? Isn't it really Planned UnParenthood? Like everything else that liberals are pushing, it's a lie.
Liberals wanted everybody in the country to get the COVID vaccine and the booster shots. Why don't they get as demanding about women taking birth control pills? I'm sorry, I forgot they can't define "woman". To be fair, it's not all the women's fault. We control the deer population by killing the bucks. I am not advocating killing males, but a bunch of guys having a couple of quick snips could save us a lot of money. That sounds a lot better than funding a supply line of fetuses for lab purposes.
Roy Cooper just wants to keep that supply line flowing. He didn't lockdown any abortion clinics during COVID. Only ten people could gather for worship at one time, no limit on lines at abortion clinics. Roy knows his supporters.
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