Tuesday Taunts, Topics, Teasers,
E. Jean Carrol is unable to cite the year that Donald Trump assaulted her. She also claims that she was assaulted by another celebrity whose name escapes my memory at this moment. Of course, E. Jean cannot remember when she was assaulted, so I guess that I can forget the name of assailant. I would think a situation that traumatic would be etched in her mind. Of course, I am not a scorned woman with a book to sell. Who would have guessed that she was that hot? E. Jean, I am sorry about being a sexist pig. I just gotta be me, Babe!!
Democrats want the Republicans to raise the debt ceiling so that they can keep handing out money that we don't have. Why didn't the Democrats authorize raising the debt ceiling when they passed the Inflation Reduction Act last year? At the Jones house, we don't decide to buy a new car and then act surprised when the bill arrives. You need to line up the financing BEFORE you go on the family vacation. Actually, now it is necessary to line up financing before you go to the grocery store. I'm looking for terms on a chuck roast.
The liberals are rewriting the dictionary to keep from telling the truth about anything. They keep telling us that we are not experiencing real inflation. Memo to libs and liars: I stopped at McDonalds yesterday for a chicken sandwich meal. I left with $11.57 less in my wallet. That is way more than a 50% increase in the cost of the sandwich. How much would inflation be?
Hunter Biden arrived at the court in Arkansas yesterday in a five-car motorcade. What does he need that much protection from? More subpoenas? More baby mammas? Art critics who aren't liberals?
From Washington comes the news that President Biden works a thirty-hour week. That's a lot of damage caused by a part-time leader of the free world. Thank God he isn't working sixty hours a week.
Democrats want Mitch McConnell to get involved in efforts to raise the debt ceiling. That tells us more about Mitch than it tells us about Democrats. The Uniparty is going to their bench to solve this one.
What's the worst that will happen if the government has to cut back their spending? Will we be stuck with racist highways? Will the Ukraine have to arm themselves with their own money? Will Hunter have to get a job? Will drag queens have to get real jobs? Will college students have to pay their own tuition to not learn anything? Will the homeless have to buy their own drugs? Wow! Maybe that debt ceiling does have a use.
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