Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Easter Week in America?

 I am not a terribly religious man; I am a Methodist. I tried being a Presbyterian a few years ago, but that didn't work out for me. I guess that was pre-destined.

I spent the last six days in South Georgia at the Spring Moultrie Auto Swap Meet. It's only a two-day show but it takes a day to set up and a day to take down and then a couple of travel days.

I had a great time in Moultrie. My wife went with me and actually had a good time. We talked with hundreds of people from several different states. It was an enlightening experience for my beloved. She was delighted to find out that our political beliefs are held by many other folks. America is not the land you see on the network news.

Today in the news, there are the usual cries for more control in the wake of the Nashville school shooting. Guns don't fire themselves. Why don't we take steps to control transexuals, who until recently were defined as mentally ill? If you are willing to mutilate yourself, you probably will have no issues with killing others. The trans folks and their leftist supporters are trying to portray the shooter as a "victim". I don't think that you can sell that absurd idea to anyone with over a room temperature IQ. 

Just a quick "Thank You" to the police officers who did not hesitate to enter that school building and shoot the psycho killer.

If we could just ban guns, people would only be killed by being run over with cars, beaten with bricks and stones, stabbed with knives, hammered with hammers, batted with bats, poisoned and/or held under water to drown. Memo to morons favoring gum bans: People have been killing each other since the beginning of time, they didn't wait for guns. Even the slow among you have heard about David slaying Goliath with a stone. Goliath, first guy to be stoned?

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post called "Prophet or Profit" about Donald Trump. The irony is that on Tuesday, Donald Trump will appear in a Manhattan court to be charged with violating something that is not an actual law. The DA is working on a "novel theory" of an interpretation of the law to charge Trump. It would be easier if Trump had led a failed bank, but they aren't rushing to charge anyone for bilking us out of billions of dollars. Trump hasn't committed a gun crime like Hunter Biden. They have no evidence that the Trump family has taken money from foreign governments. There aren't any email messages telling Trump family members to save 10% for the "Big Guy". Nobody in the Ukraine sent payments to the Trumps. The Uniparty is threatened by Trump's existence.  He must be silenced.

One of my favorite expressions is "We have traveled this road before." More than two thousand years ago, a government charged a man with made up crimes to keep him from leading the masses in a different direction. It is Easter Week, and we are doing the same thing again. History does repeat itself.

I am most certainly not comparing Donald Trump to Jesus Christ, but I am comparing the government of Israel at that time to the government of the United States today. They are threatened by a force that they cannot control. After more than 2000 years we still haven't learned. In the end, the common people will pay the price, and the Pharisees/Uniparty will just suck up to another foreign government. 


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