Thirty Thursday Thoughts Ver. 3.16
1. "A Prague Professor thinks that despite opposition English will become the world's language. America will be the last country to give in." Passing Show (London)
2. "We do not know what the country is coming to, but we hope it is coming to." Weston Leader
3. "The world seems fairly safe for democracy, except at a Democratic meeting." Brunswick Pilot
4. "Another difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get worse every time the Congress meets." Akron Beacon-Journal
5. "The abolition of U-turns in Washington will certainly be hard on politicians." "Washington Post"
6. The Chinese government is considering sending troops to the United States to help with the invasion from Mexico. They are just trying to protect their biggest customer.
7. In the same vein, why don't we send troops to secure the peace in places like Los Angeles and Chicago rather than worrying about the Ukraine?
8. Before we abandoned ship in Afghanistan, a 19-year-old black man was safer in the Army in Afghanistan than in Chicago.
9.The brothers who played "white supremacists" in the Jussie Smollett production in Chicago a couple of years ago are telling their story now. It doesn't bear any resemblance to what Jussie says.
10. What kind of dumbass pays two black brothers to pretend to be white supremacists in Chicago? Jussie will claim to be handicapped by color blindness.
11. Donald Trump wouldn't take a million dollars to scream "This is MAGA country" in Chicago at 2:00 AM. (And he has Secret Service protection)
12. About forty years ago, an acquaintance of mine was sent by his police department to monitor a KKK meeting in Hillsborough County, Florida. He told me later that there were nine people at the meeting. Four were undercover law enforcement agents. And that was four that he knew, it could have been more.
13. How many confidential informants and undercover agents were at the January 6 disturbance? Intelligent people want to know. The FBI claims that they can't tell us. Intelligent folks know that this response is bullshit.
14. Don't we have enough crime in the country without the FBI encouraging illegal activities? Asking for a friend. Police agencies are to stop crime, not encourage it.
15. When I worked at the Waffle House, all of the hookers working the area knew who the cops were. Drug dealers weren't as smart as hookers. They were always getting busted.
16. The University of Alabama refuses to take any action against their star basketball player who many believe broke the law by delivering a gun to a friend at a bar at 1:30 AM. He brought a gun to a guy who had been in a bar drinking. He dropped him off at the bar earlier. Criminal negligence? Then it was just a "coincidence" that he parked his car in a position to block the path of the woman who was later murdered. His car kept her from being able to drive away before she was shot and killed. Non-basketball playing people have gone to prison for less. The guy indicted for the murder was an Alabama player. Will winning a national championship bring that young woman back to life? Maybe they should wait until next year to play for a championship. But that would require more decency than is available in college sports.
17. I will be at the Moultrie Spring Automotive Swap Meet when the Final Four starts. Hopefully, no one will have a radio or television there.
18. Justin "Little Fidel" Trudeau has Canada on the fast track to a dictatorship. We still need to do that DNA test on him. If he isn't a Castro, he's doing a hell of an impersonation.
19. Nothing like a few thousand jobless illegal immigrants to change some attitudes in New York City. I keep watching the news for a picture of him reading this site. Can Mayor Adams still say, "Sanctuary City"?
20. Is the FBI too busy breaking the law to find those other folks who are breaking the law?
21. Alexander the Great could not control Afghanistan. The British could not control Afghanistan. The Russians could not control Afghanistan. What the hell made us think that we could? Arrogance.
22. What does it costs to replace the batteries in a Tesla or other electric car? How much does it cost to replace the electric motor? Where will we get the raw materials to make the batteries?
23. There's a new battery plant being built in Liberty, NC. The government is pumping millions into this project. What's the schedule on recouping our investment? Building big manufacturing plants in small communities is just the 21st Century mill village.
24. At a Waffle House a few months ago, I was looking at the pictures on the wall of people who worked at Waffle House in the early days. I told the waitress, "I used to work for that guy in the picture." She said, "What was he?". I said, "He was an asshole." She laughed and asked, "What does he do now?" I replied, "I guess that he is still an asshole." She walked to the back to share the story with the manager.
25. If you think that things ever change in Washington, this note. The five quotes at the top that started this missive were all published in 1931. You should have been able to tell by the comment from the Washington Post.
26. I love reading old books and magazines. I picked up a few at an auction last week from the 1920's and 1930's. More excerpts later.
27. They are going to build a casino in Danville, Virginia. That's only about 20 minutes from home. America is going to go broke gambling our way to riches.
28. Why don't we require passports for travel in and out of Indian reservations?
29. I heard someone refer to Karine Jean-Pierre as "KFC with the Jiffy Pop hair". 'Nuff said.
30. If Biden does appear at the Carter funeral when it comes, how will we be able to spot which one is the dead guy? Name tags? EKGs?
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