Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Wednesday Wit, Wisdom, and Snarky Remarks

 I thought that I would go with the truth in labeling idea on today's title.

Lori Lightfoot lost her bid for mayor of Murder City or Chicago as we used to call it. She managed to get around 17% of the vote. I would have thought that with Lori having (according to her own claims) the "biggest D*ck in Chicago" she was a shoo-in to win. It's not like she was running against Ron Jeremy or John Holmes, her leading opponent was an older white guy. Apparently, the voters did not rally around the long schlong lesbian.

Lori said that she lost because she is "a black woman". She was a black woman when she won four years ago. I am not sure if I am confused, or Lori is confused.

Down in River City or The City by the Sewer, (That's New Orleans for you cave dwellers) they are trying to have an election to recall Mayor LaToya Cantrell. This is the same women who would not reimburse the city for flying first class on airline flights. She said, "it isn't safe for a black woman in coach". Hell, it's not safe for any woman in New Orleans! But not all of them are sleeping with their police escorts. Maybe she couldn't take her cop on the plane? Maybe the real "Big Easy" is LaToya Cantrell?

The dumbest nominee ever for the Supreme Court testified before Congress. When asked, he said that the reason the DOJ prosecutes more Pro-life people is that Pro-Lifers work in the daylight unlike the scum who oppose them. Who knew the FBI knocked off at 5:00 PM? That may be the stupidest excuse ever offered in a Congressional hearing. They should use that in his coming impeachment trial. Who told him about the parents protesting at school board meetings? All of those meetings were after 5:00 PM. That must be why the FBI jumps on bank robberies. That all happen before 5:00 PM. If you are robbed after 5:00 at the ATM, you are on your own.

I didn't expect Biden to appoint any Mensa members to office, but I expected them to be able to breathe without instructions. 

Let's be honest here with Biden, Butt-Gig, Garland, Harris, Mayorkas and all of the other Cabinet level and higher office holders. The dedicated (liberal Democrats all) employees in every federal office are the ones actually doing the work. Your job is to lead. Your job is to be the public face of your department. They don't need you there to do any actual work. Nobody is working.  Pothole Pete waited three weeks before going to Ohio. Was he home chest feeding his baby?  He could have walked to Ohio before then. Biden went to the Ukraine. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Biden goes to get ice cream.

It's time to get our money back from Dr. Fauci. At this point, it appears that other than his name, everything in his testimony was wrong. People who aren't doctors were right more than Fauci. 

If you get a COVID vaccine shot now, you are either stupid or not paying attention. Or you are a Democrat. It's like a Chinese menu, pick two.

The day after election day in Chicago, the chief of police and the US Attorney responsible for Chicago resigned.  I am sure this is all pure coincidence. Maybe they are afraid of getting into a schlong measuring contest with a new mayor?


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