Are we buying "protection"?
In days of old when the Mafia and similar organizations were more of a presence than they are today, these groups sold merchants in their area "protection". If you paid them a percentage of your sales, it would keep you from getting robbed or your store from burning down.
Fast forward a few years and just like with the lottery, the government has muscled the Mafia out of the "protection" business.
Now the government is telling us that if we will just let people steal less than a $1000 worth of goods or whatever your local liberal city sets as the limit, then those people won't be out rioting, burning, and looting. They want merchants to just ignore that people are brazenly just walking in and getting carts full of merchandise and walking out with it. It is okay with the government if the rest of us have to pay more so long as the Democrats' "chosen people" get their stuff free. The rest of us may have to buy groceries, but the "chosen ones" steal their groceries without fear of prosecution. Democrats assure the terrified public that we will have better relations and will be safer if we just let others rob and steal. Are the Democrats just making us pay for "protection"? Why are we electing prosecutors who won't prosecute criminals?
We all have to obey traffic laws including equipment, licensing, and insurance laws. But liberals want to keep those laws from being enforced because the voters that they need to stay in office don't obey those laws. When you run into someone because they are driving around at night without lights on their car because liberals claim those laws are "racist", who do you think that they are blaming for the accident? Check a mirror!!
Liberals are pushing "reparations" now. They want people who have never been slaves to get money from people who have never owned slaves. I am waiting for advocates to establish an actual connection in this situation. If we pay reparations, we can avoid rioting and looting. If the government will enforce the laws, we can avoid rioting and looting. Beyond that, if the government is serious about "reparations", there are millions of us who want to be reimbursed for stuff that was stolen from us. I am looking for about a million bucks to cover a bicycle and a baseball glove that I had stolen.
We have been pumping billions of dollars into this situation since LBJ started his "Great Society". Obviously, there were no laws about "truth in labeling" on federal legislation. Given more than fifty years of pumping billions of dollars into this situation, all we have to show for it is the destruction of the family unit in the black community. At this point even a blind liberal should be able to see that this is not working. The government has spent billions trillions on "protection". It has failed miserably.
The government is not enforcing the laws at the border. Biden and his Secretary of Homeland Security are the biggest liars in the land. The liberals will probably try to redefine "liar" like they have everything else. They avoided a recession by redefining "recession". The economy still sucks but it's not a recession. They need to jail those two bastards for failing to enforce the law.
There are more illegals in Texas than there are Russians in the Ukraine. So, Biden flew secretly to Europe and according to the media, took a train to Kiev. Maybe when he gets back, Biden can take a train to the border? Maybe he will go get a breath of fresh air at that derailment in Ohio? The government kept Biden's trip a secret from the American public, but notified the Russians that he was making the trip. Now we know who Democrats think the enemy is. The American people.
So much for "equal protection".
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