Milestone Monday or Millstone Monday?
This is my 900th post in the history of Random Moments of Lunacy. So, is it a milestone in a literary career or a millstone around my neck before I jump into the pool?
When I was in high school, if a group of guys were standing around talking and someone said, " I'm having trouble with my tranny", you knew that he was talking about his car's transmission. Now you have to ask for more details.
I have heard more talk about pronouns in the last two years than I did in twelve years of school.
In high school, we had a couple of girls get pregnant and quit school. Now they quit school to avoid the shame of not getting pregnant. Why is the pregnancy rate so much lower in private schools?
In the old days, you would see someone and kind of whisper to the person with you, "I think that they are queer". Now you drive down the road and there's someone on the corner screaming at you, "I'm queer!"
One time I had an employee tell me, "I'm queer." Thinking that we were engaged in some kind of honesty competition, I replied, "Hell, I can see that. I am only bald, I'm not blind". He quit.
One night at the Waffle House on Westshore in Tampa we had a waitress may have been working under the influence of amphetamines. A regular customer called her over and quietly asked her, "Honey, are you speeding?" She replied, "No, I am left-handed." We sent her home.
There are two genders. Everything else is just a perversion variant.
In New Hampshire a school system is removing urinals from their restrooms to make them more "trans friendly". Why not go with the big troughs they used to use at stadiums and fairs?
I'm so old and white that I remember when there was only one national anthem for all Americans. Fuck the NFL and their racist, brain-dead followers.
Why doesn't the federal government enforce the antitrust laws with the NFL and the NBA? Time to revoke that antitrust exemption for Major League Baseball as long as we are at it.
If Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice could quit labeling parents speaking at school boards as "domestic terrorists", they would have the time and energy to go after Google, Microsoft, Apple and the other high-tech monopolies.
The IRS is too busy chasing waitresses for taxes on tips to chase Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. As long as we are advocating "pay their fair share", how about higher taxes on professional sports teams? If there are limits on deductions that I can take, surely there should be limits on deductions sports teams can take. We can start with limits on player salary deductions.
If "classified documents" are such a big deal, are we working on a machine that will remove the information from the Presidential brain cells? Seriously, once the President has read all of this info, what difference does it make if he keeps the papers? Why is it okay for the President to retain that classified info in his head but not on a piece of paper? This is the biggest nothing burger in the history of politics.
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