Saturday, February 04, 2023

Saturday Morning Confusion 2.4

 Here are a few quick thoughts before I head out the door to the Longwood University Civil War seminar. I figured that I better let off a little steam before getting on the highway.

Biden spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday. Reports indicate that he called for "respect". Conservatives are calling "bullshit!" As Republicans close in on Hunter's activities which certainly involve Brain Dead Biden, Joe wants everyone to just be friends. Sorry Joe, I didn't buy that on Romper Room when Miss June sang that more than sixty years ago. MSNBC reported that Biden performed his Rodney King impersonation saying, "Why can't we all get along?" Biden claims those words came to him while he was recalling his days at the pool with Corn Pop.

The child abusing and genitalia mutilating crowd tells us that there are 56 or so genders. Interestingly enough, there are only two operations to change your gender. You either change from a woman to a man or change from a man to a woman. There are no surgeries to change you from a demented unisexual to a board-certified bisexual sheep. Sorry for the baaad news!

There's Chinese observation balloon somewhere over the Midwest. We are told that the military is tracking it. The government says they won't shoot it down for fear that it will cause damage on the ground. There's a chance that the balloon will cross over the Carolinas on Saturday or Sunday. I don't think that we can guarantee its safety. 

What are they going to do in a real war when missiles fill the sky? Will we not shoot them down?

The U.S. military has committed to defend Taiwan against a Chinese invasion.  I can't find Taiwan's commitment to help defend the United States against a Chinese invasion. Maybe they could shoot down that balloon? Has General Thoroughly Modern Milley talked to his Chinese counterpart to get the okay to down the balloon? If Milley had any balls or brains, that balloon would have been downed somewhere in Alaska.

Of course, as a bonus, we found out that this is not the first Chinese balloon that the military has tracked crossing our country. Were the others headed to Delaware to airdrop Hunter's drug buffet?

The military is stressing that they won't put American lives in danger. This excludes forcing military members to take a vaccine that doesn't work and may actually kill them. 

Unemployment levels are declining. Unfortunately, those numbers do not include those who have simply stopped looking for work. It's only nine or ten million people, why worry? We have millions of people not working and millions of open jobs. If government actually worked, they could solve this issue. Their plan is to give the people not working, more money. It ain't going to work. The real problem is that liberals in government have never actually held a real job.

California wants to tell fast food restaurants how to run their business. They have done such a great job with the homeless and crime. They can screw up restaurants without even breaking a sweat. When there aren't any places to eat and no jobs for entry level employment prospects, that flushing sound from the west will be California going down the shitter. That might mess up Newsome's hair.

I am still trying to figure out how to get those Confederate flags into the Pro Bowl game this weekend. It's not like anybody on that field will recognize a First National Flag. They will probably have to flip a coin to see who gets the Raindow Flags. What's flag football without a few real hits? 


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