Free Shot Friday Ver 1.13
I never have anything bad happen on Friday the 13th but Sunday the 15th is never good.
All of the "experts" are missing the real story in the Biden "Classified Documents" story. The BIG LIAR in the whole case is the National Archives. When the Trump story broke, Trump claimed that Obama had taken a bunch of documents with him. The National Archives said that they had "all" of the Obama papers. Apparently not. Maybe the folks at the Archives might need to recount?
The other Big Winner in the "BIG LIAR" competition is the Justice Department, that bastion of bastards that houses the FBI. They knew about the documents on Nov. 4 (or Nov.2) and said nothing about it until Nov. 9, after the midterm election. As I write this on Friday evening, the FBI is preparing a late Friday data drop announcing that Hunter Biden robbed a bank on November 4.
Biden is filming a new series of Public Service Announcements asking that everyone check their garages for classified documents. If you find any, throw them into the nearest Corvette and an FBI agent will pick them up.
A few months ago, the American Spectator ran a story about the Trump case and pointed out that the President is a walking repository of secret information. What difference does it make if he has some papers? If Trump really wants to be reelected, he needs to tell us what the government really knows about UFO's. Tell us Don!!! While you are at it, how about the government files on Bigfoot? Put out some info people really want to know. Who gives a rat's ass about the Ukraine?
Does the government have anything of real use in those billions of documents? On a more serious note, how about a little info about James Earl Ray? After allegedly shooting MLK, he fled to Canada and from there to England and Portugal. The guy didn't even have a job. Oswald went to Russia before the JFK shooting. How do all these assassins get the traveling benefit? That has to be in the billions of secret docs.
We have billions of classified documents. This is because we have way too many "intelligence" agencies. Given the Afghanistan debacle, COVID, and the Ukraine, we have about 16 more intelligence agencies than we need. Time to thin the herd.
A friend and his wife have a Class A 39' motorhome. Now they bought a mattress that fits in the back seat of one of their Teslas so that they can go "Tesla Camping". I must admit that I am confused that one would prefer to sleep in the backseat of a Tesla rather than a large motorhome. I suggested they just tow the Tesla behind the motorhome.
I visited the Cone Urgent Care on Sunday morning. Tests revealed that I had a fever with no apparent cause. The list of what I did not have was long. I had a fever of unknown origin. Come back next week if the fever remains.
The Moultrie Automotive Swap Meet takes place on March 31 and April 1. I will be making my first appearance at the Spring Event. The lovely Mrs. Jones will be accompanying me to this event. Indulge your inner masochist and stop by for some tasteless but witty conversation. See you in Moultrie!!
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