Ukraine, the next Vietnam?
Last night, "Fidel" Zelensky came to the US Capitol to raid our grandchildren's futures of more than $45 billion. Clad in his ever present pseudo-military tee shirt, he implored our low IQ government representatives to fund his ongoing dispute with Russia. Judging by their emotional overreactions as he spoke, we will soon be packing off billions of dollars in weapons systems and other military equipment to the Ukraine.
Conveniently, he arrived in Washington the day before the Congress is set to start debating a spending bill of almost two trillion dollars. What an incredible coincidence! It's almost like it was planned. Who would have done something like this?
The spending bill is more than 4,000 pages and has been read completely by no one. There's a better chance that a Fyodor Dostoevsky novel has been read by a first grader than a U.S. Senator has read this entire spending bill. This spending bill is so long that it makes a Dostoevsky novel look like an article in Readers Digest. To his credit, Dostoevsky did write "The Idiot". But I digress.
I must admit that I am somewhat confused that many alleged conservative individuals, publications and news sources fawn over Zelensky. Ask any of them why they support Zelensky, and it is always the same response. Zelensky is "fighting the spread of communism". The problem is that all of these folks want to stop the spread of Communism in Europe but are okay with the spread of it here in the United States.
With your breathing now having hopefully returned to normal, let's look at the growth of Communism in America. The Communist Party leaders are the ruling class in Russia. The Democrat and Republican Party leaders are the ruling class in the United States. In the United States, we are still in an uproar after an outsider broke into the Presidency in 2016 and sought to change things. The Democrats sought to remove Trump from office based on testimony about him and events in Ukraine. Until the almost life-like testimony of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, few of us knew that the Ukraine was the lynchpin of our national security. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump to save the Ukraine. Unable to find 67 votes in the Senate, the Democrats temporarily gave up their attempt to turn Ukraine into a superpower. Now, they are back and their friends in the Republican party are helping them this time.
In the United States, the ruling class votes itself whatever they need. For PR purposes, they rarely make it a unanimous vote. Bernie Sanders, the avowed Socialist, owns three homes. He and his wife traveled to Moscow shortly after their wedding, but they claim this was a business trip, not a honeymoon. Readers are left to decide for themselves. Just for laughs, try to find Bernie's job history that does not involve elected office. No one leaves the Congress with a lower net worth than when they entered. See Sen. Richard Burr's financial statements for proof of this. Burr is the cautionary tale for what happens when people stay too long in Washington. Full Disclosure: Burr was both my Congressman and Senator. He will never get another vote from me.
Back in the days of the USSR, the statistic that real conservatives liked to throw around was that the turnover rate in the Soviet Politburo was higher than that in the U.S. Senate. The Senate is not a legislative body. It's a retirement home. The younger members are there to remind the old ones on how to vote.
The COVID experience of the last three years shows the power of Communism in this country. The Party mandated shots for everyone. They produced a "vaccine" that does not meet the standards for "vaccine". The vaccine did not prevent the disease and did not prevent you from spreading the disease. There was also an "unfavorable reaction" for several thousand who took that shot. The government called death an "unfavorable reaction". What a gift for understatement!
The government prohibited religious services but provided an exemption for Black Lives Matter marches, rioting and looting. They closed schools and replaced them with "remote learning". It turned out that the possibility of any learning taking place in that system was indeed "remote". Communism seems to work best on the over-educated and the under-educated. Those in the middle seem to prefer free enterprise and personal freedom.
In North Carolina, Gov. Roy "Commie" Cooper kept the state in a declared "State of Emergency" for 888 days. This is what happens when a Communist governor tells you that it will take "15 days to stop the spread". For extra discredit, Roy participated in a BLM march in Raleigh with his mask hanging from one ear. Way to lead by example, Commie Cooper!!
Democrats are the driving force in the Communism takeover of America. They are busy reworking the English language. They are so busy redefining words that no one can keep track of them. Here are a few examples of words being redefined: Woman, Man, Gender, Recession, Inflation, Tax, Education, Marriage, Income, Discrimination, Election Day, Freedom, Investment, Budget, Liberty, Rights.
We have a new Supreme Court Justice who cannot define "woman". We have a Presidential Press Secretary who cannot define anything. We have a President who talks to dead people. We have a Congress voting on a bill that not a single one of them has read. This is the fast track to Communism.
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