Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Eyewitless Wednesday

 People who support abortion, (murder if we are being honest) claim that we do not know when life begins. That's bullshit, of course. But if you really don't know when life begins, how do you know when life ends? Are you going to wait for old people to actually die or are you going to kill us when we start to be a hindrance in your busy life? Trust me on this. Old people want to know.

Before computers were in everyone's pockets, we usually had election results by the next day. This leads me to believe that there are other factors involved in the vote reporting process. Any of you lying, stealing election supervisors want to talk about this?

Our newest Supreme Court Justice claims that she can't define what a woman is. So logically she should recuse herself from any case dealing with a woman's rights since she doesn't know what a woman is. At least the old singing Supremes knew what women were.

Biden doing his usual unbelievable job representing us overseas at a conference. He can't read a teleprompter in Asia any better than he can at the White House. Maybe he will wander out of Air Force One at about 35,000 feet. It's only a dream. I am sure they have someone assigned to keep him from wandering off the plane. 

Liberals are always telling that "marginalized" groups like blacks and women need special treatment and more understanding. Of course, all of that goes out the window when a black or a woman runs as a Republican.

Some deep thinker on television said that all of these election issues reinforce the need for the federal government to take over running the election process.  Yeah, they are doing so well with everything else.

I saw a story about Baltimore City Schools on the news the other day. They are being sued because they are not actually educating students. Apparently, it involves at least one young man who has only passed three classes in his high school years but is ranked in the top half of his class. Before placing all of the blame on the schools, this blast from the past. My older son attended Ballinger Academy in Greensboro for two years. In the Parent-Student handbook was this note. "Education at Ballinger is not a spectator sport. We expect parents to be involved." 

Since Ben Crump, noted civil rights attorney, is involved in this case with Baltimore Schools, race is obviously an issue. Memo to Mr. Crump and all of his followers in this case. You cannot reap where you have not sown. Education is not important to your children because it is not important to you. As an example, in Greensboro there is a library directly across the street from a large city recreation center. I have driven by there hundreds of times. While I always see people at the recreation center, I have never seen anyone entering or leaving the library. When did you last take your children to the library?  How about to a sports event? When readers get the same attention as ball players, we will be making progress in education.

In my "Stuff for Sale" enterprise, I sell a lot of old Life magazines. I also sell other old magazines, like the Saturday Evening Post and Popular Mechanics. All of these make for great reading and insights into the past that are sometimes omitted from history books. An August 1, 1959, Post yielded this gem of a story, "Can Castro Save Cuba?"  A Post Editor had traveled to Cuba and into the backcountry to meet Castro. Spoiler Alert!! It's not the history we are told today. What's the moral of this story? Zelensky. We think we know him. We don't.

Having taken my obligatory shot at our Ukraine policy, that's all folks!!


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