Thursday, October 27, 2022

Mommas, Don't take your babies to Biden rallies

 A couple of weeks ago in California, Creepy Joe struck again. At a rally, he walked up to a young girl and placed his hands on her shoulders. Then he told her "No serious guys until 30". He then repeated the remark to her. This is not Biden's first time doing this. Biden loves to touch young girls and I am talking about girls obviously under 18. He likes to get close enough to sniff their hair. He also does this to women of legal age. If Donald Trump had done this, the media would have gone wild. Why not talk about "Creepy Joe"?

This is the same Joe Biden who used to shower with his daughter, Ashley. She wrote about it in her diary which she left in a halfway house and then accused the finder of stealing it. We know that this is all true because the FBI violated several legal principles to recover her diary. This was the first time that the FBI was ever called upon to find a First Daughter's Diary. 

Today in New York Biden claimed in a speech that gas was $5 a gallon when he took office. The national average was actually $2.39 when he took office. One is left to assume that on January 20, 2021, all of the national media outlets furloughed their "fact checkers". We haven't heard from them since Biden killed the Keystone pipeline on Inauguration Day. 

Famed election denier Hillary Clinton claims that the Republicans are planning on stealing the 2024 election. Does anyone in the mainstream media ever consider challenging anything that Hillary says?

For Christmas all I want is for Elon Musk to buy a television network like ABC and send that group of Commie cunts on "The View" straight down the crapper.

I think that the leftist staff at Twitter is going to get an education about how real capitalism actually works in the near future.

I watched about three minutes of the debate between the Wizard of Oz and Uncle Fester the other night on the news. The Democratic National Committee needs to hire a reputable physician to screen high profile candidates. Even in crooked Pennsylvania, where the dead go to vote, I can't believe that someone could watch Fetterman for more than a minute and say, " Hell, yeah! That's the guy I want representing me in the Senate." Uncle Fester looked about as comfortable in a coat and tie as I would look with a goatee and tattoos. This guy made Biden look almost coherent.

I saw a Kathy Manning commercial a little earlier tonight. She was talking about the abortion rights bill that she had authored. Kathy's a lawyer, so I can only assume that she has not actually read the Supreme Court ruling that said the states, not the federal government, had the power to regulate abortions. Her bill, if it were to pass, is clearly unconstitutional. Of course, that's not anything that liberals worry about.

Liberals always talk about abortions that are needed in cases of rape or incest. I am just curious, out of the more than 700,000 abortions a year, how many are actually due to rape or incest? Have you ever heard this number cited? Of course not.

If you are a Democrat running for Congress and you call Biden or Harris to come campaign for you, don't bother contacting a realtor about a place to live in DC.

If you run into Ashley Biden at a rehab program, ask her if she and her father have showered together at the White House. 

Domestic Terrorist and Mega MAGA Maniac out.


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