Thursday Thoughts 10.13
Joe Biden claims that if Republicans are elected, prices will rise. This is the same guy who claimed a few weeks ago that there had been "zero inflation" in the previous month. This stupid SOB wouldn't know inflation if he sniffed its hair.
In Florida, some bleeding-heart liberal on the jury kept the Parkland shooter from getting the death penalty. The Florida legislature needs to change the law requiring a unanimous vote on this issue. In the meantime, we can only hope that this guy's fellow prisoners give him the Jeffrey Dahmer prison treatment. Sleep well, sweet prince!
Liz Cheney made the motion to subpoena Donald Trump to testify before the January 6 committee. With any luck, her father will take her hunting during the recess.
In an interview on the Communist News Network, Demented Joe said that his son Beau, was killed in Iraq. Beau actually died of brain cancer in Maryland, but at least Joe got the part about him being dead right.
Democrats are attacking Herschel Walker for suggesting that a girl get an abortion several years ago. They say that is is wrong for him to now be against abortion. A lot of people have positions that change over the years. Let's take Democrats as an example. In 1996, the Congress voted to approve the Defense of Marriage Act defining marriage as being between a man and a woman. 118 Democrats voted for that bill. Now they all claim to be willing to die for gay marriage. Among those 118 Democrats was Rep. Chuck Schumer. Let's ask Chuck why he changed his mind.
Two brothers grew up and moved away to pursue opportunities. The first became the vice-president of the United States. The other became an anchor at CNN. Neither was ever heard from again.
Biden said that he didn't want to talk to Putin unless it was about Brittney Griner. People may freeze in Europe this winter and Americans may pay $8 for gas, but Joe is going to get that America-hating, I-won't-stand-for-the-anthem, lesbian piece of crap back home. I can hardly wait.
Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democratic Party. What took so long Tulsi?
Uncle Fester, the Demon-Crat candidate for the US Senate, needs to call it a campaign and try another year. You would think that the Dems realize that they are at their limit with people who are unable to understand simple questions and speak in complete sentences.
Twitter blocked the account of the Florida Surgeon General for posting results of a study on COVID vaccines. They unlocked it the next day. Liberals are trying to make different opinions illegal. They might want to study that history of fascism one more time. Here's a hint guys; you are the fascists.
Maybe the Democrats will nominate Liz Cheney for President in 2024. Actually, Cheney's family is a prime example of how we are moving to the Communist system with a ruling class. They just claim to be different parties for fun.
More foreigners have crossed our southern border into our country in the last year than have crossed into Ukraine from Russia. Yet we support the Ukrainians throwing those people out of their country. But we won't do that here.
We are going to change that plaque at the Statue of Liberty from "yearning to be free" to "yearning for free shit".
How many troops do we have in Ukraine training the Ukrainians in how to use that equipment that we are sending them?
Finally, a note to headline writers, If the candidate's lead in a poll is less than the margin of error, they aren't in the lead.
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