Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Eyewitless Wednesday

I emailed "Ma" Garland at the DOJ today. I can't find my checkbook and I asked that he put the FBI on the case. I explained that I had left my checkbook at the halfway house where I stayed while completing a twelve-step program on how to rid my life of. sarcasm. If you are contacted by the FBI, don't be alarmed. I also told "Ma" that my checkbook was marked "NATO Top Secret".

President and suspected child molester Biden will be addressing the nation tomorrow night from Independence Hall. In Las Vegas they are taking bets on whether or not Biden will claim to have been there when the Declaration of Independence was signed.

I saw a video where Biden ridiculed gun owners who claimed that they needed "assault" rifles to fight a country that might invade us. He said that "You need an F-15" not a rifle. First, Joe Molester, F-15's first were delivered to the military in 1972. They are working their way out of date. They have been killing enemies as long as you have been slopping at the public trough. Of course, I have never seen an F-15 swoop down and sniff a little girl's hair, I can't say the same about you. Second, we sent military rifles and other weapons to Ukraine so that they could arm their civilians. So, in Ukraine rifles will work to fight an invading country, but they won't work on invaders in this country? We did not send them any F-15's. Last, but certainly not least, the Taliban had no airplanes. That didn't stop them from running our asses out of Afghanistan. 

The North Carolina Chapter of the NAACP had their tax-exempt status revoked for failing to file a federal income tax return for three years. That actually happened on May 15, it was just announced. If Trump was running the NAACP, they would have had Treasury agents swarming the NAACP headquarters looking for a list of donors. It would have been announced on May 15, not August 30.

Bank of America announced a program for zero dollars down for home mortgages in Black and Hispanic communities. Have they ever offered this in white communities?  By any standard this is racism. Memo to voters: We can't bail out the banks again. 

The Labor Day Weekend Flea Market starts Friday morning in Hillsville, Virginia. VFW market opens at 7:00 AM. Sarcasm and smartass comments start at 7:04. I am about a four-minute walk from the front gate if you were wondering about the delay.

The United States is such an unusual place. Where else in the world do so many poor people suffer from obesity? I was on the road behind a school bus this afternoon. It would make for quicker stops if they had a ramp for the chubby little bastards to slide down instead of having to ease down the steps. Then they get into the car so their parents can drive them the fifty yards to their front doors. I remember when kids played outside rather than virtually on a computer system. Hard to get into shape moving a joystick?



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