Screwed by the NFL?
The NFL sucks billions of dollars out of communities for stadiums but punishes DeShaun Watson for contact with a masseuse. The NFL screws entire communities, Watson was trying for a single masseuse. The NFL is incapable of monitoring their own moral behavior, why should anyone pay attention to what they say about others?
I still think that Watson asking to have a non-disclosure agreement signed before the massage began should have been a warning sign. Wasn't bringing his own towel a hint that something was amiss? Was he planning a remake of "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas"? If he does, I want the role of the sheriff, "Cussing Sheriff Ed Earl!"
The FBI investigates Republicans while Antifa runs free. Is Merrick Garland that stupid or is he a Communist? You can pick more than one answer.
The IRS is stockpiling ammunition and weapons before increasing their staffing levels. That auditing thing must be dangerous work. Call me when they start auditing Black Lives Matter.
See Mar-A-Lago!! From the producers of Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Russian Collusion. Coming to a television set near you.
The ATF sent 80 agents in trucks and horse trailers to invade the Branch Davidian compound. I guess arresting Koresh at the Sheriff's office who he met with regularly or while he was out jogging was too mundane for the ATF to make the national news. They acted like the FBI at a school board meeting.
The Obama Library will be the first Presidential library since Hoover not to have the National Archives administer the document collection. The Obama Library will put everything online for people to view. Yet, the National Archives show no concern that Obama will share "national secrets". Why are they all excited by Trump? Oh, that's right, Trump is a Republican.
George W. Bush is a Democrat in drag. Actually, Bush is a member of the Uniparty that traditionally runs DC and hates Trump.
Where is the NFL's push for more Hispanics to play in the NFL? Will they play the Mexican national anthem at games? Will the slogans on the helmets be in Spanish? Will they replace Gatorade with some kind of mango soda? Will the scoreboards be compelled to go bi-lingual?
How many Asians are there in the NFL? Save me from writing, just insert Asian in the above paragraph for Hispanic.
I lived in Tampa when the Tampa Bay Bucs first started. I didn't think that pro sports could be any worse. Then I moved to North Carolina.
The Fulton County District Attorney has a grand jury to help in the investigation of Trump trying to affect the election outcome there. Will there be a grand jury investigation into why Fulton County stopped counting votes at 10:00 PM and then restarted a few hours later with Biden suddenly in the lead?
Fraud, by definition, is not readily obvious, and requires extensive investigation. Liberals all claim that there was no voter fraud but are unwilling to do a serious investigation. To claim that there is no fraud without a serious investigation is factually challenged.
If you are calling Trump a liar for saying that some nursing homes in Wisconsin had 100% of their votes for Biden, then show us those votes.
In North Carolina, we are still celebrating the end of Gov. Crapper's "888 days to slow the spread" emergency. Now he is working on the "monkeypox" crisis. I have a hundred bucks that says he won't quarantine, curfew, or lockdown those folks. They are special to liberals.
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