Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Wednesday's Child is full of Questions

 When COVID showed up, governors shut down states. They imposed curfews, shelter in place orders, shut down businesses, banned large groups, and generally imposed a police state. With monkey pox racing through the homosexual male community, are they doing anything like they did with COVID? Of course not, we can't treat gay people like common people.

They shut down bars to stop the spread of COVID, but have they shut down a single gay bar to slow the spread of monkey pox/cockpox?

President BS Biden and his chief liar KJP, the bullshit queen, both claimed that the inflation rate for July was 0%. These are the two dumbest people in DC and that's quite the accomplishment.

Sixty years ago, Norman Minow defined television as a "vast wasteland". Please have someone show him Tik Tok or Twitter.

Biden is going to the beach in South Carolina this week after recovering from his second case of COVID. In most jobs you have to get your work caught up before going on vacation.

More than fifty years after their deaths, the government records on John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King have still not been released by the government. Why the hurry and worry about the Trump papers? What happens if it turns out that Trump had declassified all the papers at Mar a Lago?

I love how the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies stage these enormous raids for negligible rewards. After Waco? These guys really are slow learners.

Does life imitate art or does art imitate life? Find the movie Harry's War and watch it. I think that Ed Hermann is the star.

What happened with Ashley Biden's diary? 

New York is threatening to send busses full of people to Texas. They won't have any trouble finding volunteers.

Are they going to hire all of the 87,000 new IRS agents just to audit Black Lives Matter?

Why do some publications capitalize "Black", but not "white"? Is that racist?

Merrick Garland has time to chase Trump since the school boards aren't meeting during the summer and the "domestic terrorists" are on vacation. 

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff isn't paying attention to China as he worries about "white rage". I think that he ought to check out yellow rage in China. If were skilled in making videos, I would have Milli Vanilli singing "Yellow rage of China" to the tune of Yellow Rose of Texas. 

If I were Putin, I would offer Biden this trade, Brittney Griner for the people held by the DC police for being at the capital on Jan 6.


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