Saturday Roundup
The Jan 6 Communist Committee this week showed that Trump edited a speech that he did not give on Jan. 6. This may cause me to redefine "grasping at straws". Are they going to impeach him again for editing a speech?
Adam Schitt, the bug-eyed bozo from California, is rumored to be eying the Speaker of the House role if Nancy Pelosi retires this term. Schitt is apparently confident that the Dims can retain control of the House. That may be a new standard for optimism.
The Britney Griner saga continues. Maybe if Biden could do as much to get people out of jail in DC? The media keeps claiming that Griner has been "wrongly accused". They must have slept through the part where she pleaded guilty. They keep talking about all of the places where marijuana is legal. Get a frigging map!! Russia is not one of those places. She has worked in Russia, surely, she knew the rules.
What's the difference between Griner's trial in Russia and the Jan 6 Communist Committee hearings? In Russia, they had defense attorneys and both sides were presented.
Rumor is that Liz Cheney's next job will be the Moscow Washington correspondent for MSNBC.
When I compose this swill, I like to insert enough "microaggressions" to send your average pantywaist college student running and screaming into traffic.
The Democrats in the Senate want to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to "reduce inflation". They must have studied economics by reading the back of the stall doors in the men's rooms at The Capitol.
This just in!! Brain Dead Biden (Joe, not Hunter or Jill) has COVID again! That God he had two vaccinations and two boosters. Otherwise, he would keep getting the disease.
I am so old that I remember when a "vaccine" kept you from getting a disease. If the polio vaccine had worked as well as the COVID vaccine, I would be in a wheelchair today.
The Chinese are threatening to shoot down a plane if it is carrying Pelosi to Taiwan. They are afraid that she will get there and screw everything up there like she has done here. Meanwhile, Chief of Staff Gen. Milli Vanilli continues to try and understand "white rage". Someone should tip him off about "yellow rage".
The media keeps telling us that the Russians are finished in the Ukraine. Of course, they also report about Zelensky firing several of his military leaders. Who fires the generals when they are winning? Other than Eisenhower sacking Patton.
The Inflation Reduction Act could not be sold to the public, because it violates all of the truth in labeling rules. The government is going to borrow more money (from China) that it doesn't have so that it can spend it to reduce inflation. This is what happens when you have a government filled with dorks who have never actually run a real business.
The Dims want to give you a $7500 tax credit to buy an electric car on which you can't afford to make the payments. Some California Crackhead was complaining because they wanted a tax credit for e-bikes too and the Dims took it out of the bill. Memo to e-bike lovers, this isn't Europe.
Manchin? Even Benedict Arnold was able to switch sides and stick with that choice. Manchin needs to get a Waffle House franchise. He's born to "waffle".
After reading about Birx and Fauci, all I want to know is "Why do these folks still work for us?"
A study shows that 98% of people with monkeypox are gay and the other 2% are liars. When do the lockdowns on gay people start? Are we going to impose curfews on gay people? Will the CDC mandate some kind of masks on their sex organs? Will we ban gatherings of more than 10 gay men at a time? Will we close gay clubs? Will Biden start an "Operation Cockspeed" to distribute the vaccines? Will there be a social distancing requirement for gay men? Will they have to stay six dicks apart? Will Fauci blame the disease on someone biting the head off a woodpecker or monkey in Africa? Is the name "monkeypox" hurtful to monkeys? Should we just rename it "cockpox"? Many men with the disease report lesions on their genitals. Is this a new meaning of "bumpy ride"? Will there be pecker-checkers at public places so that those infected can be denied admission? Will people need to present a card showing a vaccine for the disease and a negative test result to travel on airplanes? Why not? We did all of this for COVID. I will stop there before offending everyone that I know!!
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