Right wing, redneck, reactionary??
Yes, I am the right-wing, redneck, reactionary that college professors are warning their students to avoid.
Biden is telling us that we are going through a transition period to new energy sources. To go from something that you have to something that does not currently exist may be the definition of "stupid". This is like deciding to become a vegetarian in a house filed with meat, but no vegetables. It won't work.
The FBI arrested a candidate for governor of Michigan for several misdemeanors in connection with the January 6 incident. Their key informant on this is the same guy the FBI paid $50,000 to try to entrap the Michigan militia trying to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer. What a coincidence!!
How many misdemeanor arrests has the FBI made this year outside of the January 6 incident? Asking for a friend.
I read a column this morning about the January 6 incident. The writer described it as "the first time the Capitol has been breeched (sp?) since 1812". First, he can't spell. Beyond that, assuming he meant "breached", has he actually researched anything about this? How about the Puerto Rican nationalists shooting five members of Congress in 1954? I realize that shooting incident doesn't compare with someone sitting at Pelosi's desk for those of the liberal persuasion.
Why isn't the Attorney General taking action against those illegal protesters at the homes of the Supreme Court justices? Maybe if Kavanaugh or Thomas were on a school board? If the Republicans take the House in November, impeach Garland first!!
I saw Zelensky on television saying that it was going to take more than $850 billion to rebuild Ukraine. He should first get back whatever they have paid the Bidens. That will give him a start on the fundraising. Maybe shaking down the Bidens for money will be a refreshing change of pace?
I am opposed to sending a single dollar more to Ukraine. If we learned anything from Afghanistan, it should be that we shouldn't waste money on nation building.
I bought gas at Sam's Club in Danville yesterday. Who knew in 2020 that buying 24 gallons of gas at $4.05 a gallon would one day be so exciting?
Liberals want to raise the age for people buying rifles to 21. They claim that young people's minds aren't sufficiently developed at 18 or 19. However, the government does employ the same young people in the armed forces to operate missiles, machine guns, bombers, and fully automatic weapons at ages under 21. A quick study of the names on the wall at the Vietnam Memorial would probably show that more than 50% were under 21 when they died. Maybe we need to check the mental capacities and functions of those who make the laws?
How bad is Biden's new black lesbian Press Secretary? First, unlike her, I don't need to check my binder for that information. This woman is so bad that people are saying that they miss Jen Psaki.
Private school and charter schools have enrollment rates that are booming. Repeat after me, "Public School is the experiment and it is failing worse now than it ever has."
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