Questions worth asking?
Who picks out the reporters who get to ask Dementia Joe questions?
If we are sending Ukraine advanced weapons to use against Russia, who is training the Ukrainians in the operation of those weapons? Are there US troops in Ukraine?
If fully automatic weapons should not be in civilian hands, why did we send them to Ukraine for the people to use?
How long will Biden or Dr. Jill let Garland leave protesters in front the homes of Supreme Court Justices?
Why didn't anyone ever show Jayland Walker in Akron a Grady Judd video? I think the one where Sheriff Judd said, "If you shoot at us, we are going to shoot back. We are going to shoot a lot. You are going to be graveyard dead." Would this knowledge have helped Jayland in his interaction with the police?
Why did Jayland Walker shoot at the police to start the whole process?
Why did Jayland Walker exit his car running and wearing a ski mask? In July?
Why do young black men want to fight with law enforcement officials carrying guns?
What do we know about "experts' who say that the police should just shoot to wound and to stop people from fleeing the scene? First, we know that they have never been in a fight where death is a possible outcome. Second, we know that they have never had to shoot anyone. Last, they watch too many movies.
Does anyone really care about Brittney Griner? There was a story today claiming that if it were LeBron James in a Russian jail, they would have already had him freed. Not if I was handling it. Someone said that she was still there because she is a black, a female, and a lesbian. She's there because she broke a Russian law, the other reasons are just a bonus. The same American politicians who are talking shit about Russia and Putin want Russia to help free Griner. Really?
What happens if Putin offers to release Griner if all of the political prisoners from the Jan. 6 incident are set free?
What happened to all of those biological labs in Ukraine? Did they just close up shop or did the Russians get them?
What's the status on the GoFund Me page to buy Zelensky a collared shirt going? He looks more like a Communist that any of the Russians.
I had several page views from Russia lately. Is there nothing to read in Russia?
Will Biden acknowledge "inflation" when the price of ice cream cones compels him to pull out a credit card at the ice cream shop?
Has Biden proven that you can forget how to ride a bike? While riding?
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