Sunday, August 07, 2022

On a Sunday Morning Sidewalk Ver. 8.7

 The US Senate is working this weekend as Democrats try to cram the Inflation Reduction Bill down the nation's throat. 

A major part of "inflation reduction" is increasing funding at the IRS so that they can hire 87,000 more agents. They can also pay 250 of their agents the same amount that the Vice President of the United States is paid. There are approximately 800 or fewer billionaires in the United States. This means that there are at least 100 agents available to audit each billionaire to make sure that they pay their "fair share" (a phrase used extensively by Democrats) of taxes. If you believe that this is what will happen, contact me immediately about some real estate that I have for sale. No, these 87,000 new agents are going to make life miserable for the middle class. The middle class is where the government has always found the majority of their income. The middle class doesn't have tax lawyers and accountants. We just have to pay our taxes. Just out of curiosity, how does hiring IRS agents reduce inflation? After all, it is the "Inflation Reduction Bill".

Laffer said it best, "Have you ever heard of a country taxing its way to prosperity?"

The bill will give tax credits/rebates to people who buy electric vehicles. No mention of a plan on where the electricity will come from to power the cars. The people who qualify for the bigger rebates can buy the car but can't afford to make the monthly payments to keep the car. Then what? How will electric vehicles reduce inflation?

As long as I am on the electric vehicles theme, how many of the limos transporting the President are electric? How many Congressmen and Senators are driving electric vehicles every day? 

Manchin claims that Pelosi and Schumer will support a pipeline project bringing fuel to West Virginia. What happens when that pipeline project doesn't get approved? Can Manchin take back his vote on the Inflation Reduction Act? I was wrong, Joe is as dumb as a Democrat.

Leftists are now claiming that there is no recession because the number of people getting jobs jumped dramatically last month. If you leftist loons will allow me a moment, let me explain the realities of life to you. First, the reality of life is that the people who compile the statistics all work in the executive branch of the federal government run by Joe Biden. What would be the degree of difficulty in making a "mistake" in the numbers which will not be discovered until 2025? Maybe the real numbers will be released when John Kerry coughs up the info on his branch of government?

The good news for the government is that I actually believe that more people went back to work in July. I don't believe that the number is anywhere near what the government claims, but I believe that employment is up. Why is it up? Because inflation is so damn high that people can't get by on the government handouts and are having to go back to work. Not to mention the retirees are having to go back to work to be able to afford groceries. How about people having to get a second job to pay for that electric car or a couple of loaves of light bread?

How accurate is the data used to compile the stats? Is it actual counts or is it based on extrapolation and projections? Years ago, I got a notice one day about a form that I would have to fill out every month for at least a year about the number of employees and related information at the restaurant. I filled that form out every month and submitted it. It only took a couple of minutes because I made up all of the numbers. What are the chances that across the nation I was the only guy fudging the data? Yean, that's what I thought.

How accurate are government statistics? They tell us that inflation is a little over 9%. Things at the Dollar Tree are now $1.25, a can of sardines went from $1.00 to $1.39 at Food Lion, a pack of 3 fresh baked cookies at Walmart went from $1.00 to a $1.49. WOW! these numbers are much more than 9% higher. Do you think that these are the only items that jumped more than 9%? No, the government is just bullshitting us.

Let's just all pray that Democrats don't try to pass a bill called "The Grocery Price Reduction Act"!!


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