Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Segregation- Back to the future?

 Looking for cheap entertainment, I turned on the television news this morning. The rewards were beyond my highest hopes. 

In Minneapolis, they have settled a teacher's strike with a new contract. This new contract calls for layoffs to be based not on seniority, but on race. Yes, white teachers have to be laid off before black teachers and those of other colors. Apparently, news of the Constitution has not made it to Minnesota yet. School officials claim that this will make up for sins of the past. Supporters of this race-based discrimination claim that students learn better when they are taught by someone "who looks like them". They speak of studies that show students learn more when taught by people of their own race. I have been waiting almost 70 years to hear someone justify segregation and finally a group of black "educators" is doing it. I am almost speechless, but that won't keep me from writing.

When white people made these same claims, they were labeled "racists". Today it is black people making these claims. Will they be labeled as "racists"? If not, why not?

Public school integration started in the late 1950's, picked up in the 1960's and exploded in the 1970's. The federal government pushed school integration as the way to save our nation from racism. What it did was save our nation from education. School systems crammed socialization among the races as the new "education". We stopped learning math and science so that we could focus on making new friends of other races. Blacks and whites both focused on race relations as the goal of public education. Race relations, sports, and feeding lower income students became the standards by which schools were graded.  Asian students and parents didn't take the bait, so they kept learning math and science. This explains the achievement gap today.

There are many more private and church schools today compared to 1962. Why? People want their children to learn. If public schools work, why do politicians who support public schools send their children to private schools? Why did Barack Obama send his daughters to a private church school? Surely, he was not going to deny them the socialization experience of public schools. Maybe, he just wanted them to learn something. I sent my kids to private schools to get an education. They learned socialization skills at church and work. It can work for your kids too! 

Standardized test scores have been on the decline for the last 50 years. They keep changing the tests to stop the slide, but students do worse every year. Kids today can't find their way home from school without using the GPS on their smart(?) phone that everyone over five years old carries now. Of course, they don't need the exercise that they would get by walking to and from school, so overloaded parents drive the little bastards everywhere they go.

They can't read, they can't write, they think that cursive is some kind of spy code, they don't know anything about history. But they know every athlete's jersey number. Of course, they can't add two jersey numbers together.

Maybe some of the teachers are right? Maybe we need to go back to segregated schools. If we weren't focusing on our roles as black people or white people, we could go back to learning. Liberals don't know whether to shit or go blind on this whole situation. 

When I graduated from high school there were hundreds of all male and all female colleges. Today there are about thirty all female colleges and three all male colleges. Almost every study ever done shows that students learn better in a single sex school. But the liberals and the government had to screw that up as well. What they have done has failed. It's time to learn again.

Write this down. The purpose of schools is to educate our children. It is not some kind of experiment in socialization. 

There is one more important thing to add to this. My older son attended Ballenger Academy in Greensboro for a few years. Patsy Ballenger had this in the Parent-Student handbook, "Education at Ballenger is not a spectator sport. We expect parents to be involved." My wife and I followed that guiding point. Today my son and his wife follow that same point with their child. Get involved, it works.

Let's go back to the future!!


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