Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Asking the wrong question?

 In one of his books that I read more than thirty years ago; Roger von Oech wrote about people getting the wrong answer because they are asking the wrong question. So, today we are going to explore this idea.

A big problem around the nation at this time of the year is "How can we hire enough school bus drivers?". Judging by the news tonight, no one has an answer. The question should be, "Why are we bussing so many students?" If you ask this question the school systems will tell you that it is all about racial balance in schools. Fourteen years after electing a half black man President, people still are chasing racial issues. Why?

If we eliminate bussing for integration, we can save billions of dollars a year. The teachers union thinks that black kids will learn better if their teacher is black. Is the Justice Department taking them to court for saying this? If we go back to neighborhood schools, we can help stave off the feared "climate change". Just think of the reduction in emissions by parking 60% of the nation's school busses. I can't believe that liberals aren't begging for this solution. They can reduce bussing, or they can park John Kerry's private jet and Paul Pelosi's Porsche.

Almost two years after the 2020 election, people are still asking "How did Trump lose?" What we should ask is "How did a guy with dementia campaigning from his basement win?"  Just a local example here on this one. A Democratic group sued the state of North Carolina (including the state legislature) to change rules on absentee ballots. The State Board of Elections signed a settlement agreement without involving the legislature and their leaders (who were part of the lawsuit).  The Board did not have the authority to change election laws. So, when the legislature leaders challenged this, the Board of Election told us that they had not changed the laws, they had only changed the rules.  In the old days, we would have taken these people out and shot them.

"Why hasn't the FBI taken action in the Hunter Biden case?" The real question is "What does Hunter have on Joe Biden that is preventing the FBI from charging him?"

"Why did the FBI raid Trump's home at Mar-A-Lago?" The real question is "What does Hunter have on Joe Biden that is preventing the FBI from charging him?" This whole thing is about getting the Biden Family Chronicles off the news shows.

In the last few years, several newly elected sheriffs in metropolitan areas in North Carolina have decided not to work with ICE on holding illegal immigrants. Various people have asked "Why don't you want to work with ICE?" This gives the Sheriff the opportunity to talk about how some people in the community are afraid of ICE. The right question is "As Sheriff, why don't you want to enforce the law of the land?"  Sadly, a deputy in Wake County was murdered a couple of weeks ago. Two men have been charged in the murder. It appears that the two men are here illegally. One was actually in another county jail being held for the federal government when he was indicted. "Sheriff, why don't you want to enforce the law of the land?"

This one seems to never change. "Why do police shoot so many black men?" No news reporter has EVER asked the right question, "Why do so many black men want to fight with the police?"   

Wrong question, "Is this all?" Right question, "How much more of this swill can you read?"


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