Monday, November 14, 2022

Monday Morning Moans and Groans

 How do we get results of governor and U.S. Senate races but don't get results of U.S. House races all in the same state? Aren't they on the same ballot? Are they just counting one race at a time? This is why people don't believe in election results. 

Sen. Ed Markey told Elon Musk, "Fix your companies. Or Congress will."  That's pretty big talk for an election denier whose business experience consists of driving a Hood's ice cream truck while in college and operating his law practice for a few years before going to Congress.

In 2004, "Eddie the ice cream man" Markey voted against recognizing Ohio's electoral votes that George W. Bush had won. Why isn't the news media labeling Markey as an "election denier"?

Lots of headlines about election deniers losing big races, but I can't find any about Stacy Abrams losing to Brian Kemp that call her an election denier. Apparently, liberals like Abrams, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore can question elections at will. Meanwhile, only Republicans are attacked as election deniers. Liberals are fact deniers.

Jim Irsay, owner of the Indianapolis Colts, is being blasted for hiring a former player as interim head coach. The new coach has no college or NFL coaching experience. All of the outrage makes it sound like professional football is about to lose its sterling reputation. Meanwhile, the rookie coach won his first game today against the Raiders. Maybe it's not as complicated as they think.

The NFL should lose all of their racism slogans and signs on the field and their uniforms and just play football. Since I don't really watch the NFL, I don't know if they are still playing the "black national anthem" at games. Maybe they should just play "Send in the Clowns" before a game?

One of the NFL helmet slogans is "Choose Love". Pretty catchy slogan for an event where people hit each other and slam each other to the ground. My other favorite is "It takes all of us". They left off the "to utter a complete sentence" part. 

People who think that mail ballots are a good idea, and a safe practice, are doing time in another dimension. Maybe in their world, the Postal Service is famous for never losing anything or delivering something to the wrong address, but here in the real world, it happens thousands of times every day. 

I have said it before, but until the IRS starts taking tax returns and payments at ballot drop boxes, I won't believe that they are secure.

In the third most populous state in the Union, the Republican incumbent defeated his Democratic challenger by 1.5 million votes. The Democrat lost by almost 20 percentage points. I doubt that even MSNBC can convince Charlie Crist that there was no "red tsunami".

In Las Vegas, you drop your money into a slot machine and in seconds you know if you have won. Go into a voting booth and fill out your ballot and it takes a week to know who won. Nevada ranked 32nd state in population, first in dragging out election results. It cuts down on the number of election deniers by the number of old people who die waiting on the results.

In Oregon, they have just passed a bunch of new gun control laws to reduce violence. Over the last few years, they have legalized the personal possession of most previously illegal drugs. Even the slow among us understand what the real problem is. Let's just let California, Oregon and Washington secede and form their own paradise. Build a border wall out there!


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