Thursday, December 29, 2022

George Santos, Joe Biden wannabee?

 Recently elected Republican George Santos of New York is being attacked for fabricating his resume. WOW!! That hasn't happened in American politics in hours. Democrats are outraged about Santos, mainly because he defeated a Democrat. 

Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal claimed that he had served in Vietnam. He had not. The closest that he came to a war zone was running the Toys for Tots Christmas drive in Washington, DC.

Sen. Elizabeth Faux-Cohontas  Warren claimed to be of Native American heritage. How did that work out, Kemosabe?

For six months during every election year Sen. Thom Tillis claims to be a conservative. The week after the election, he is back to voting with Democrats. His latest votes should make this obvious to even the slow among North Carolina voters. Does he lie in his campaign? Do bears take a book to the woods?

Did George Santos tell us that his wife had been killed by a truck driver who was drunk? When the facts showed the truck driver was not drunk, did George fail to issue a retraction? Oh wait! That was Joe Biden.

Did Santos claim that he had attended an historically black college, but in fact had not? Again, that was Joe Biden.

Did Santos claim that he had three college degrees when he did not have three degrees? Once again, that was Biden.

Did Santos claim to have received an appointment to the US Naval Academy after graduating from the University of Delaware?  Once again, it was Joe Biden. Next week, Biden will claim that he served in McHale's Navy.

Did Santos claim that he graduated in the top half of his class in law school when he was 76th out of 85? You guessed it! Joe Biden, again. I may have to give Biden a break here. Maybe he just sucks at math.

Did Santos have a dead parent urging him to give his dead uncle a Purple Heart? No, No, No. It was Joe, Joe and Joe. They also serve who only stand and tell lies.

Did Santos claim that he tangled with a gang leader named Corn Pop? That was Captain Crunch. No, that was Joe "Lyin Biden" again.

The problem is obvious. Santos is being attacked because he is a Republican. It's okay for Dimocrats to lie. I think that it is a bigger issue than that. Santos did not run for a high enough office. If he had run for President and won, these stories would not even be published. Of course, that assumes that he switches parties to the Dims.

When will Merrick Garland charge Joe Biden with spreading "misinformation"? Never. Those rules are only for Republicans.


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