More Government Hypocrisy??
In the fall of 1962, I attended Tinker Elementary on MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL. Of course, that was long before people started referring to the area as Tampa Bay. "Tampa Bay" is a body of water in the Tampa area. No humans actually live in "Tampa Bay". The Tampa Bay area includes McKay Bay, Hillsborough Bay, Old Tampa Bay, and Tampa Bay. Let's just call it Tampa.
Anyway, back to my story. This was during the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Almost daily at school, we had a nuclear attack drill. If we were at our desks, we had to crouch down under our desks. If we were in the hall, we had to get down on the floor where the wall met the floor. Was this actually going to help us survive a nuclear strike? Of course not, but the government has this never-ending fantasy where they believe, "We have to do something." If I had known then what I know now, I would have just sat at my desk and read a book.
The whole crisis originated when the Russians started placing nuclear missiles in Cuba. President Kennedy ordered a naval blockade of Cuba, and the Russians took their missiles back home. Kennedy claimed that the Russians placing missiles on an island less than 100 miles from the United States was a threat against our country that would not be allowed. This was after the CIA staged the Bay of Pigs debacle to try to overthrow Castro. Even then, our government had the "Rules for thee, but not for me." policy.
Now, in a staggering display of hypocrisy, we are sending missiles (thought supposedly conventional weapons) to the Ukraine. The Ukraine actually borders Russia. The Ukrainians can use these weapons to strike Russia. So, it was wrong for Russia to arm Cuba, but it is okay for us to arm the Ukraine?
The latest thing that we are sending the Ukraine is the Patriot missile system. Who is operating these systems? They are pretty complex, and it takes more than a few days to learn how to operate them. We are either using American military personnel to do this or we are using military contractors (almost always former US military personnel). A few days after announcing that Patriot missiles were being shipped, they were already in action. That's a hell of a learning curve. How many American soldiers are in the Ukraine? I am not much of a conspiracy theorist, but why hasn't anyone asked this question of the Biden administration?
This is how we started in Vietnam. We started with "advisors". Then we sent over people to "train" their military. Next, some questionable incident will occur that results in us openly sending troops. Do Gulf of Tonkin and the USS Turner Joy bring back any memories?
The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things hoping for a different result. We haven't won a war since 1945. Let's pass on helping the Ukraine anymore.
Maybe I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist. Could we be helping the Ukrainians to keep them from telling the world about how much they have paid our President and members of his family? There are also stories that claim that we have been funding biological warfare labs in the Ukraine. We were funding virus experiments in China before COVID blew our cover story. Why not Ukraine? Are we buying silence?
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