Sunday, January 01, 2023

The Arrogance of Man(kind)

 I thought that I would go ahead and take a few shots early in the New Year. So why wait until lunch?

My apologies to Joyce Kilmer, but a tree is not the only thing that only God can make. "Doctors" and "scientists" tell us that they can turn a man into a woman by removing his sex organs and pumping him full of hormones. Anyone who believes the result is a woman should be a candidate for the Supreme Court because they can't define "woman" either. There are hundreds of differences between men and women, they aren't all changed with a knife.

Parents who are getting "gender-affirming" care for their children should have their children removed from their custody. I think that this is the apex of child abuse.  I wouldn't let a six-year-old decide what's for dinner, much less decide to have mutilating surgery. It should go without saying, but let's not put those kids in government custody.

Gender issues were considered to be mental illnesses until doctors and pharmaceutical companies realized that there were huge profits to be made in providing transgender treatments. Or maybe that is all a coincidence?

I will save most of it for a future post, but it is becoming obvious that over the last thirty years, we have become the queerest nation on earth. We have kicked the British and the French aside to gain this place. Life was better when we were "the arsenal of democracy." It's not enough that we have done this to ourselves, we want to do it to other countries. The State Department spent more than $20,000 of your tax dollars to stage a Drag Queen show in Venezuela. They claim that they are trying to "enlighten" those folks in Venezuela. No wonder they hate us!

We keep hearing about the oceans rising and the land sinking, but we keep building on the ocean front. We keep building on rivers and lakes and then whine when there is flooding. There are reports that Lake Mead is at record level lows. They are blaming it on a lack of rain caused by climate change. Here's a theory to check out. Maybe, it's caused by all the water that it takes to operate that oasis near Lake Mead called Las Vegas. Not any chance that millions of visitors a year would increase the water consumption, is there?

In 2005, I wrote one of my early blog posts about Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans. Seventeen years and billions of dollars later, we still have that same situation. Is it arrogance or stupidity? You make the call.   Random Moments of Lunacy: Nature 1 - Corps of Engineers 0

We listen to alleged scientists who tell us that we can control the climate. What is their plan on controlling the output of the sun? You know, that big shining thing in the sky. Nothing that mere mortals can do will affect the climate as much as the sun that we cannot control. We can go back to walking everywhere but if a large volcano erupts, it is going to put out more CO2 than John Kerry's private jet on a trip to Epstein's island.

The weatherman likes to talk about climate change and tells us what it will be like in a hundred years. Meanwhile, he's only right about 50% of the time about when it will rain next week.

The problem behind all of these is what I call "Snapshot management". Over my lifetime, the use of "snapshot management" has exploded. So, what is it? Here's a good example: You walk into a pancake house at 11:00 AM on Sunday morning. The seats are all full and there is a waiting line for a table. If you are a practitioner of "Snapshot Management", you say (or think), "Wow! They must do about $20 million a year in sales." They don't. Come back on Monday at four in the afternoon, you will see.

Another problem is the data that is being used. The equipment being used to measure temperatures and other weather info varies from nation to nation. The standards for temperature stations are not all the same. Furthermore, you are comparing it to data gathered more than a hundred years ago with different kinds of measuring equipment. For those who keep saying "Follow the Science", I implore you to take your own advice. 

Two facts from all of this.

1. Scientists and Doctors always want more government funding so that they can avoid getting real jobs.

2. The government exists to try to take more control of your life. Right now, they want to convince parents to have their children sexually mutilated. Twenty years ago, people were claiming that circumcision was sexual mutilation. Today they just want to lop the whole package off.  I guess that "Take a little off the top" is no longer in style.


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