Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday Flush

The online news today is alive with the sound of music. The news is reporting that CNN's Don Lemon sang the black national anthem this morning on the air. I hate to break any hearts, but we do not have a "black national anthem". The liberals who want to "unite" us are dividing us by race. Memo to libs: You can't have inclusion for everyone one by having a national anthem for every race. That's actually fits the definition of "racism".

As I get older, I remember the words of Ed Wolf, my mentor at the Waffle House. "The last day of your life will be like all of the others. Just shorter." He also said, "The trick to getting old is to survive not only my own stupidity, but that of those around me."

Today, I received an invitation from Foodservice Equipment and Supplies about a webcast on DEI. Yes, the dreaded diversity, equity and inclusion bullshit that all of the race hustlers are pushing. Do they really think that after more than fifty (50) years in foodservice that I don't understand race relations? What do they think that they can teach a guy, who was the only white guy on the staff at several Bojangles locations, about the need for diversity? Do they think that a guy who hired prisoners on work release programs to work in a restaurant doesn't understand inclusion? Want to discuss equity? I spent a lifetime teaching young people how to sweep, mop, wash dishes and clean tables. There are no equal outcomes without equal inputs. Clean floors don't lie. Want to talk about gender or sexual preference? At a Taco Bell franchisee, I was the only heterosexual in upper management. I have heard all that I can take from "experts". This is like listening to liberal politicians who have spent their lives slopping at the public trough, telling us how to run a private business. Call me when you have actual experience!!

I am not interested in listening to an academic analysis of a contrived problem. How many jobs have these experts actually created for minorities?  When will the NBA, the NFL, and Major League Baseball diversify to fit our national racial mix? When will they start building basketball courts in white neighborhoods? When will they compel blacks to start watching hockey? Does Tiger Woods have a line of golf shoes being hustled down at Foot Locker or Target? 

I just took a breath. I did unsubscribe to that website right after reading their crap. I'm feeling much better now.

I just heard an ad for "The Book of Mormon" musical that is coming to Greensboro. I just want to make sure that I understand this concept. If you put black on your face to portray a black person, you are a racist. If you ridicule the religion of several million people in a musical, you can tour the country and have people laugh. Where are the "offended" police on this one? It doesn't matter to me anyway; I wouldn't go to downtown Greensboro after dark. It's not because I am worried about encountering  Mormons.


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