Friday, February 17, 2023

Remember sociopaths?

 Back when I was a kid and we had just learned to walk without dragging our knuckles on the ground, we had people called "sociopaths." In the past couple of decades, politicians and leftists have tried to stop using the word because it is "offensive". How do you offend people who rob, rape, and kill to pass the time?

The problem in today's United States is that we are being pushed to worship at the altar of "inclusion". People are demanding that we be more "inclusive". The problem is that societies have never been about "inclusion". They have always been about "exclusion."

We have excluded people who refuse to do their share of the work of maintaining the society. We exclude those people who do not contribute to the society. We exclude those people who will do us harm. That system worked for centuries until we got so smart that we decided to try another method. Now we are making it more popular for people to rob, rape, loot, steal, vandalize, and murder all in the name of "inclusion". 

People are being killed in their homes as we practice more and more inclusion. Stores are having merchandise stolen by the cart load by people who are benefitting from inclusion. People are so busy demanding "equity" that they don't have time to work. Why work if the "progressives" are going to give you everything you want in the spirit of inclusion?

Let's bring back "sociopath". If you don't want to work, starve. If you want to break the law, pay the price. If you get killed by an armed citizen or a police officer, let's give them a reward for saving society the cost of warehousing your ass for many years. Let's go back to bounties on convicted criminals. It's time to take the televisions and the exercise equipment out of prisons.

The twenty-year-old who killed ten people in Buffalo was sentenced yesterday to life in prison. What purpose does warehousing this psychopath for 50 or 60 years accomplish for society? We would get more benefit if we set up a gallows in the grocery store lot where he committed his crime and hang him right there. Invite all of the victims' families, serve lunch after he's dead. Upon further reflection, I think that given all of the circumstances in this crime, that guy may die in prison in less time than it took Jeffrey Dahmer to get killed. 

Democratic Party legislators in Michigan are going to try to get rid of gun sales in their state. A gun can't kill you without a sociopath pulling the trigger. The guy who killed those folks at MSU had already been in trouble with the law. When you plea bargain with a sociopath, this is the result. Enforce the laws!

"News" networks should stop broadcasting interviews where a friend or relative describes a killer as "just the nicest boy". Nobody believes that!!

District Attorneys and prosecutors who are trying to achieve "equity" by not prosecuting some crimes and dismissing charges against others need to be charged as accessories and jailed. 

It's time to end tolerance for "Sociopaths". The future of society depends on it. 


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