Sunday, February 26, 2023

"Sweet land of hypocrisy"?

 Biden and his band of mental midgets are warning China that they should not furnish any weapons and war supplies to Russia. They warn that there will be "issues" if China gets involved in the war in the Ukraine.

I am little unclear on the logic, if there is any, in this situation. The United States can give the Ukraine all of the military aid that we want to give, but China cannot help Russia? Why? Because "Clueless Joe" says so? We can't dictate to other nations who their allies can be. Why try?

What are we going to do to China? Stop buying all of the billions of dollars of computers, shoes, electronics, and other goods that they produce? Let's empty the store shelves in America and see if the voters notice. When they do notice, Biden and his ass licking friends in the news media will simply blame Trump. That's what they do with everything else. They have been in office for over two years and yet Trump is still responsible for everything that happens. 

The Biden government can't clean up a train wreck in Ohio, but they are creating a train wreck in the Ukraine by supplying them with weapons that they have not been trained to use. So, who is operating those weapons or training the Ukrainians to operate them?

On second thought, it took the Biden Administration three weeks to find the train wreck in Ohio. "Clueless Joe" goes to Kiev and Poland, but can't find Ohio? 

When we will. hear about the Biden administration standing up for the rights of heterosexuals? Never. They are too busy fighting to enable the mentally ill to impose their beliefs on the rest of us.

To end discrimination, we are only hiring based on their race and sexual preference. That is, if in fact, they actually have a sexual preference. You get preferred treatment if you are a cross-dresser who steals the baggage of fellow travelers.

In a rare moment of compassion, I am not going to bring up the phony air raid sirens that sounded as Biden and his young lover Zelensky strolled the scenic streets of Kiev. 

The Biden administration fights profiling by having "Clueless Joe" attack conservatives as "ultra MAGA extremists". Where did an ultra MAGA crowd loot stores and burn police cars?

We don't have any US troops in Syria according to the Biden administration. Yet last week four US soldiers and a dog were wounded in Syria. Has "Clueless Joe" suspended the laws of physics to allow this to happen? Or is the government just lying?

In short, "Clueless Joe" is trying to destroy the nation he claims to love. A little more than a hundred years ago, a young Chicago White Sox fan said it best, "Say it ain't so, Joe." The kid was probably a Democrat.


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