Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Memo to Mitch:

 An online headline this morning screamed "Mitch McConnell says 'way too much attention' has been given to Republicans who oppose aiding Ukraine."

Mitch said that the leadership of the Republican party supports the aid for Ukraine. He said, "Don't look at Twitter. Look at people in power." 

Let me offer a suggestion to the Senate Minority Leader. Mitch, it is time to see what the people of America think. I don't give a rat's ass what you and your band of bandits in D.C. think. I would hazard a guess that more Americans are worried about illegal immigrants crossing the southern border of our nation than are worried about Russians crossing the Ukrainian border. Why should we enforce the Ukrainian border when we don't enforce our own?

It was Mitch's "People in power" who took us to a twenty-year debacle in Afghanistan with the disgraceful ending on television.  It looked a lot like a rerun of the evacuation of Saigon, the end result of another decision by "People in power". Iran, Iraq, Syria, Bosnia and Somalia were all decisions by the "people in power".

The "People in power" evidently all rode the short bus to school. They take the term "slow learners" to new heights. We haven't won a war since WW2 ended in 1945, but we keep trying.

The United States has a history of supporting corrupt governments around the world. It never works out for us. There are those who believe that it will work out one day. There are those who believe that Lucy won't pull the football away one day as Charlie Brown tries to kick it. Good luck on that!!

While Biden is in Kiev, people in East Palestine, Ohio are out of their homes due to a train wreck. For two weeks Biden and Mitch's federal government has done nothing to help them. Do you think those folks in East Palestine are worried about the Ukraine? 

Crime is rampant in our cities, inflation continues to make food more expensive, Biden's energy policy is keeping the price of gas high and destroying the United States energy industry, and yet we are funneling billions to the Ukraine. WHY?? Does the corruption here match or exceed that of the Ukraine? 

Great news, Mitch!! I am about to wrap this up. Here's some advice for you about real leadership that I learned from a mentor at the Waffle House. He said, "If you want to be a good leader, you regularly need to look back and see that people are following." Give it a shot, Mitch!!


At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TRUTH!! Leaders usually have a following. Most cannot stand Mitch and his Chinese family ruining our lives. He stands for nothing decent and honest. The people of old Kentucky must be ashamed. I mean if their vote was actually counted. But, I truly doubt it. It's the same two headed snake and the illusion of choice. He and his ilk will go down in history as the most corrupt government in the history of the USA. Thank you Gil


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