Monday, February 27, 2023

Donald Trump, Profit or Prophet?

 Here's my full disclosure statement before I write anything else. I voted for Donald Trump twice, in 2016 and again in 2020. I would prefer that we have a different Republican candidate in the 2024 general election, but if it is Trump, I will vote for him again.

I am fascinated by a disease called Trump Derangement Syndrome. It primarily strikes liberals in the United States. These people hate Trump but are unable to explain why in anything resembling a logical or even a coherent fashion. My favorite is the charge that "He is a liar." So, instead they voted for a guy who claims to be a Catholic but supports abortion. They voted for a guy who claimed to have three college degrees, graduated near the top of his law school class, was appointed to the US Naval Academy after graduating from college, was the first white guy at an HBCU, used to drive 18 wheelers. He also tangled with "a bad dude" named Corn Pop. He attended Catholic churches, black churches, and Jewish temples. No one alive can verify the black church and Jewish temple attendance. Biden gave up a run for President years ago because he plagiarized an English politician's speeches. Biden claims he saw his wife in an airport and went on a blind date. Her ex-husband claims that she had an affair with Biden before leaving him. All of these are lies by Biden. So, people with TDS ignore lying when Biden does it.  I guess that lying is not the real issue. Sometimes what people know is the actual truth is what bothers them.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome is so intense and irrational and affects so many people that I believe that it must be the work of God. There is nothing on this earth can explain the sudden loss of rational thought of this magnitude by ordinary people. 

The reaction of the liberal politicians and their allies in the mainstream media to Donald Trump reminds me of a scene in the movie "Oh, God!" John Denver's character goes to see a money loving evangelist and says, "God sent me to see you." The astonished evangelist exclaims "God sent you to see me?? The evangelist is today's leftist media and the liberal politicians they work with to destroy America. Trump is the character Denver plays. 

In the Bible, primarily in the Old Testament, God sent prophets with a message to his people, the frequently errant Israelites. Sometimes they listened to the message of the Prophet and got back on course. Sometimes they ignored the message and even killed the messenger. It didn't always end well for the Israelites even though they were God's chosen people. They ended up with other nations ruling Israel, such as the Roman Empire. Sometimes they were shipped off to other nations such as Babylon. 

I don't believe that God stopped sending prophets with the end of the New Testament. George Washington comes to mind, as he defeated the mightiest nation on earth and became the first President of our nation. Even Abe Lincoln rose to greatness despite beginning life as "The bastard from Bostic". More on that at another time. Then there were false gods such as Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Barack Obama. There was Martin Luther King. King did great things, but he also made lots of mistakes. Real Prophets like Trump, Washington, and King all delivered an important message, but they were all mortals. Mortals are going to make mistakes, all of them did. 

As we watch the United States stray farther and farther from God, remember that God tried to help us. But since we are so smart, we decided to listen to false gods instead. Where's today's Golden Calf?

The Golden Calf in America and western Europe is the whole homosexual/transgender thing. The queerest generation in history is convinced that anything sexual is okay. They may die from "social diseases", AIDS, Monkey Pox or diseases yet unknown, but they are going to have sex with anyone or anything. Doctors are telling us that they can turn women into men and men into women. What they don't tell you is that sex change operations commit you to a lifetime of expensive hormone treatments and more medical treatments. Not to mention the high suicide rate among those who have had the "transition surgery." In America, the left is convinced that everyone is on board with this sexual transition. We aren't.

The problem for America and western Europe is that the rest of the world is not on board with this rearrangement of sexual roles. You can't sell this shit in Africa, Asia, and most of South America. God sent a prophet named Donald Trump with a message. America doesn't want to listen. When the Chinese decide to take charge, you will know what I am talking about. That is my message for the left. 

In 2016 in an exchange on Facebook, some leftist claiming that he was a devout Christian was trashing Trump. I pointed out that the Christian faith is based on the principles of forgiveness and redemption. I reminded him of the story of Saul/Paul on the road to Damascus. He responded, "Are you comparing Donald Trump to St. Paul?" My reply was quick, "As a matter of fact I am. If you will stop using your Bible to prop up a broken leg on your coffee table and actually read it, you too can understand." He "unfriended" me! I have survived the heartbreak.

Donald Trump, Profit or Prophet? You make the call.



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