Just Thinkin' on Thursday
What the hell is going on at Chick-Fil-A? In the Greensboro area, we have been selected by Chick-Fil-A as one of the three test markets for their new "Fried Cauliflower Sandwich". I can't find the words to express my excitement over this new treat.
Does anyone seriously believe that we climbed to the top of the food chain to eat cauliflower sandwiches? Do you think that a shark attacks a human being because they can't find a fried cauliflower sandwich? Do you carry cauliflower to throw at a bear when you hike in the mountains? Ever baited a fishing hook with cauliflower?
It is not like I am totally opposed to cauliflower. I like it raw and dipped in 1000 Island dressing. It's even good batter dipped and deep fried with some kind of sauce that kills the cauliflower taste.
I gave up on Chick-Fil-A when their foundation abandoned the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for their beliefs about gay marriage to placate the left-wing nutcases. I haven't been in a Chick-Fil-A in several years. I am damn sure not going back for a fried cauliflower sandwich!
My wife and I spent a few days in Colonial Williamsburg last week. We like to go this time of year because there are no crowds. For a bonus this year, the weather was great.
We spent one day at Yorktown and did the Battlefield Tour. We haven't been there in about twenty years. There were a lot fewer artillery pieces on display there than there was the last time we visited. I don't know if they took them out due to problems with vandalism or if Biden shipped them to the Ukraine.
We made the requisite trip to Merchants Square in Colonial Williamsburg. As my wife is of Scottish descent, we always go to the Scotland Shop. I picked up a new fedora while we were there. My wife's family tree goes back to the MacLaines of Lochbuie, so she picked up a few tartan-adorned items. The Wyeth Candy store is only a few steps from the Scotland Shop. Late Saturday afternoon, it was packed. I fought the crowd and bought some of the eggnog fudge and the maple walnut fudge. It was really good. Thus ends my Rick Steves tour guide impression.
Walmart is closing their last two stores in Portland, Oregon. Who would have guessed that they would abandon a city where the government will not prosecute people who steal? When Walmart departs, others will soon follow suit. Residents of San Francisco and Los Angeles need to take note of this. By allowing people to steal at will without fear of prosecution, you are deciding to pay more for products and travel longer distances to shop. Welcome to free enterprise!!
In nearby Greensboro, liberals constantly talk about "food deserts' in certain areas. Who wants to open a store where people are going to steal your merchandise?? The city government doesn't leave their buildings open for the taking, why would merchants?
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