Saturday, March 18, 2023

Same words, Different dummy

 Here's the latest example of the liberal control of the speech of their trained followers, in and out of the media. This latest outbreak of "monkey say, monkey repeats" is in conjunction with the Russian incident with a US drone over the Black Sea.

The Pentagon announced that the action was "unprofessional". There was a "News" report with Sen. Mark Kelly referring to several Russians who had flown with him as "unprofessional". There was another government spokesman who said that the Russians were not a "professional air force". Evidently "professional" was the word of the day in Washington, DC. That is excluding the public schools, of course.

Let's put all of the liberal lingo aside for a moment and discuss the word "professional." A "professional" is simply someone who gets paid for what he does. Russian pilots do get paid. They qualify as "professionals."

The US military system likes to brag about how diverse our ranks have become. The Russians had a squadron of female fighter pilots at the Battle of Stalingrad in World War 2. They were called "Night Witches" by the Germans. Would these women qualify as "professionals"? How long would it be before the USAF allowed women to fly combat missions? Asking for a friend.

The Russian planes may or may not be as good as ours, but that does not make them "unprofessional"? Have you read anything about the Korean War and "MIG Alley"?  The Russian fighters shot down some United States planes in Vietnam as well. Not bad for guys we refer to as "unprofessional". 

The United States and Britain and their allies were able to win the war in Europe because the "unprofessional" Russians kept the German army occupied in Russia while we built up our forces in Europe. Millions of Russians died in that war to help our side prevail. I think that referring to them today as "unprofessional" says more about us than it does about them. 

The "World Peace" that everyone claims to want cannot be achieved by attacking and ridiculing those that you disagree with on the concept. Maybe it is time to take a few deep breaths and sit down and talk. We are not always going to be right; they aren't always going to be wrong.


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