Democrats and Dollars
Washington is awash with rumors of the federal government defaulting on our financial obligations. This is merely a scare tactic being used by liberals in conjunction with their "fake news" spreading media allies.
The Biden misadministration is spreading a story that Joe Biden may invoke the 14th Amendment to keep from defaulting. The 14th Amendment was written about obligations of various governments after the Civil War. Biden would be best served if one of his lackeys would read him the article in the Constitution where it clearly says that only Congress has the power to borrow money.
My favorite piece of asinine info is the story that Biden could have the mint make a "trillion-dollar coin" and deposit that in the Federal Reserve to avert the crisis. First, that would demonstrate to Americans that our money is worthless and has no actual value. Toilet tissue would be replaced by rolls of ten-dollar bills. (Is it time to put Obama on the ten spot?) Beyond the reality of devaluing the currency and actually causing a financial disaster, someone should really get Biden a copy of the Constitution to read. Media "experts" should also be given reading lessons.
Allow me to direct the news media and Democrats (which may be redundant) to the US Constitution. In Article 1 Section 8, it reads, "Powers of Congress":
"To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;"
"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;"
"To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;"
I don't see where Biden has the power to have a penny coined, much less a trillion-dollar coin. Hunter wants Joe to do the trillion-dollar coin so that they can add "counterfeiter" to their resume. Of course, he will need a new laptop for that resume.
The loons at MSNBC and other alleged "news networks" are saying that the debt limit ceiling is unconstitutional. Congress passed that bill in 1960 and is free to revoke it at any time. It has been okay for the last 63 years, but suddenly it is unconstitutional. Really?
What has the liberals upset is that Republicans want to cut some programs that Democrats passed under the absurd name of the "Inflation Reduction Act". They want to prevent Biden from buying votes by forgiving student loan debt. The insanity of the student loan debt forgiveness plan is that Biden wants us to allow people to avoid paying their debt so that the Federal government can go further into debt. If this idea makes sense, go ahead and check into some kind of rehab center for leftists.
The Republicans want to cutback the massive handouts that are sending us spiraling into even deeper debt. Spending billions of dollars that we don't have to get things we don't need is not inflation reduction, it is inflation enhancement. This is the high cost of politicians from both parties buying votes with our money.
People are upset that their pet projects will not get funded and finished. It's not like the federal government has never cut spending before. It has just been a while. The nation is littered with unfinished federal and state projects. What's a few more?
Our Founding Fathers were wise enough to have the House of Representatives run for election every two years. Theoretically, this should keep the flow of fresh ideas and viewpoints moving forward in the federal government. It may be time to revisit that term limits idea.
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