Friday, May 12, 2023

Friday Morning Fever

 Geraldo Rivera is criticizing Republicans for their news briefing about the "Biden Crime Family". He told them that it is "Time to put up or shut up". These words from the man who brought us "The Mystery of Al Capone's Vaults". Call me when you are serious, Geraldo!!

Maybe Geraldo should do a sequel, "The Mystery of Joe Biden's Brain"?? Spoiler alert!! There was more in Al's vaults than there is in Biden's brain. You won't need two hours to figure it out.

Gov. Roy Cooper is touring the state doing roundtable discussions about the new NC abortion law before he vetoes it over the weekend. He's doing a rally on Saturday. The irony of Cooper vetoing a bill limiting abortion on Mother's Day weekend is just more than I can stand. Does anyone on this idiot's staff have a calendar? 

A divided Supreme Court ruled that California could set standards for how hogs are raised in other states for sale in California. Maybe next the Supreme Court can tell California to treat their homeless people as well as farmers in Iowa treat their hogs.

I watched the CNN Town Hall that they called off after 70 minutes instead of the scheduled 90 minutes. I have seen boxing matches where a fighter didn't take the verbal beating that Donald Trump put on the woman interviewing him. I prefer DeSantis, but Trump was at the top of his game on that show.

Diane Feinstein returned to work in Washington this week. She complimented Sen. Tim Scott thinking that he was someone else. Scott just played along with it. Scott has had plenty of practice dealing with Biden.

The news media still refuses to admit that Joe Biden is the biggest liar to ever live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. In dealing with addictions, we call this "enabling". 

Lying Biden, Ma Garland and Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer are the new Three Stooges. In case they falter, the Demoncrats have Chris Wray, Adam Schiff and Cameltoe Harris waiting in the wings. Harris is so dumb that she failed a urine test last week.

The FBI is a low-grade Gestapo for the Democrats. It's time to cut our losses and dissolve the FBI. At one time, the FBI was a premier law enforcement agency. At one time, I had a head full of hair and was thin. At least when J. Edgar Hoover or "Mary" ran the place the FBI was a little more balanced. Hoover was blackmailing all of the politicians. He was a non-partisan crook.

Have you noticed that Bernie Sanders never talks about jobs he had before getting into government? That's because he didn't have any. 

Word out of Washington is that descendants of Union Army soldiers are asking for reparations for their sacrifices in freeing the slaves. Kind of reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw that read, "If I had known this, I would have picked my own cotton."

The other night at my history club meeting, I delivered a program on Abe Lincoln. No one in that group will ever look at Lincoln the same way they did before the meeting.


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