Wednesday, June 28, 2023

It's called Random Moments for a Reason

 “The people running this world are running it over a cliff. They have done everything in their power to destroy every filament of reality that they could. They have destroyed capital. They have destroyed wealth. They have destroyed other countries. They have destroyed the social order. They have destroyed the culture. They have destroyed lives. They have traumatized the remaining populace. Let’s be clear; they are evil incarnate. If God is not real, we are all f’ed, forever.”– Michael Rectenwald, Author

Did the Department of Injustice take so long on the Hunter Biden "investigation" to allow the statutes of limitations to kick in on several of his offenses?

In Greensboro, Rep. Kathy Manning and County Commissioner Skip Alston both lobbied the federal government to place a facility for unaccompanied underage illegal immigrants in Greensboro. When the little bastards are escaping regularly, neighbors will know who to blame.

Several days driving in Florida has prompted a few questions. Does "No Fault Insurance" cause bad drivers or do bad drivers cause "No Fault Insurance?" Or is it just all of the Yankees who have moved down from New York?

Years ago, at the Waffle House in Tampa, the most frequently used expression by complaining customers was "I'm not rude, I am from New York." They were half right, their cars had New York plates.

Math rules!! A builder who told an employee to place boards on the roof "parallel to the rafters" was stunned to find out that "parallel" and "perpendicular" do not have the same meaning. Just another tribute to the failure of public education.

I used to keep a dictionary on the desk at a restaurant that I ran for many years. You can get that information on your smartphone now. Of course, that only works if you are smart enough to know that you don't know everything. You can probably find a kid who can use a rotary phone before you can find one who can use a real dictionary.

NASCAR is having a "Street Race" in Chicago this weekend. Already making headlines is the cost of beer at the race. Busch and Michelob are both priced at $10.50 a bottle. Ray Kroc, who built McDonalds into an empire, used to say, "This business is for the needy, not the greedy." Nobody at NASCAR ever talked to Ray Kroc.

A friend got a call from a NASCAR team wanting to know if he wanted to work this weekend as a door gunner on a racecar in the Chicago Street Race. He told them that he would go back to Vietnam first.

Since the Dobbs decision on abortion was leaked in May 2022, there have been more than 160 attacks on Catholic Churches.  On Saturday night, the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision, the interior of Incarnation Catholic Church in Orlando was burned. Why do we have special protections for places that perform abortions but no protections for those who oppose abortion? How many abortion clinics have been attacked since the Dobbs decision? Why isn't the FBI investigating these attacks on churches?

A relative was slightly wounded when he served in Vietnam. If his name was John Kerry, he would have received a Purple Heart. He got nothing. The problem was that his helicopter was in Laos at the time. The government would not admit that we had troops engaged in combat in Laos. Why am I writing this? Remember this story the next time a Biden mouthpiece says that we have no troops in the Ukraine. Here are a few undeniable truths. The sun rises in the east, the sun sets in the west, the government lies. 



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