Sunday, March 31, 2024

Where I Find God?

 Today is Easter Suday. When I checked my e-mail early this morning, I had received an Easter greeting from one of my favorite auctioneers. It wasn't a surprise; I receive a similar message from him every year. I also received my Easter greeting from Alex McFarland, my go-to guy on religious questions. Alex is an evangelist and specializes in Christian apologetics. He has a website and has authored plenty of books. I have read several. 

As you have probably read here before, I am not a terribly religious man, I am a Methodist. Several months ago, Larry Fleet released a song called "Where I Find God". Of course, it is available on You Tube. I like the version where Morgan Wallen sings with Larry. If you have time after reading this swill, here's a link. Go listen! Larry Fleet - Where I Find God (feat. Morgan Wallen) (Live) (

Over the last seventy years I have belonged to several different churches. I have left a few because "I didn't find God there." Were they bad churches? No, they just weren't a good fit for me. I know that this may not surprise any readers, but I have a tendency to ask questions that no one else will ask. I learned to ignore people's reactions long ago. I just go ahead and ask the questions.

I listened to Fleet's song and learned a lot from it. I realized that throughout life I had found God at times but didn't always realize when it happened.

My paternal grandfather was a Baptist minister. He was the pastor at David Baptist Church in Kings Mountain for many years. He and his wife and my father are buried in the little cemetery at David Baptist. A few years ago on Father's Day, my wife and I attended the morning worship at David Baptist. My last time there had been in 1959, so there wasn't anyone that I knew there. However, the current pastor had known my grandfather. As my wife and I sat there through the worship service I experienced an odd feeling. Looking back from today's perspective, I would say that I found God on that Father's Day in Kings Mountain. Wouldn't Father's Day be the appropriate day to find God? After the service, we visited with the pastor and some other folks who had known my family. We also visited the cemetery, and I shared some thoughts with my grandfather and father.

Last November, I attended the Moultrie Swap Meet in November. It takes place at Spence Field which had been an Army Air Force training base during the World War 2 era. There is still a small active airport there, but the main purpose of the field now is that it is home to an industrial park and the Sunbelt Agricultural Expo. The car swap meet, and a couple of other shows are just a bonus. Anyway, on Saturday afternoon I spent 30 minutes talking about religion with a guy who strayed in looking for old license plates. I don't quite recall how we ended up on religion. He was a Gideon and we spent time discussing the idea of whether God was in all churches. When I talked to my wife that evening, I told her about this encounter. She finally said, "What are you saying?" I replied, "I was talking to a guy at the car show and realized that I had found God on an old airport tarmac surrounded by tires and tools."

My wife likes to go to the beach for her birthday. The good news is that her birthday is in February and it's not peak season. This year she wanted to go to the Yorktown Beach Hotel in Historic Yorktown, Virginia. We spent a couple of days there and on Sunday morning we sat on the balcony and watched the sun come up over the Chesapeake Bay and the York River. It was a beautiful sight. You cannot look at the sunrise there and not see the glory of God. So, we found God at sunrise on the banks of the York River.

What's my point in all of this? I don't believe that the human race and the universe are an accident. I believe that science is at its worst when it refuses to acknowledge the existence of a higher power. We need to stop substituting science for faith. 

What's the moral of this Easter message? In his excellent book, "In the Arena", Richard Nixon wrote of visiting the Grand Canyon and the incredible view looking out over the canyon from the rim. He then told of going down to the floor of the canyon and looking back up at the heights. The moral of Nixon's story? Until you have been to the depths, you cannot truly appreciate the beauty of the heights. If anybody knew this, it was Nixon. Maybe if our nation can realize that we are in the depths, we can find our way back and return to the glory of the heights.

That ends this year's sermon. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Lies of Diversity

 While Biden and Obama landed in New York on Thursday for a fundraiser that will raise an estimated $25 million for the Biden campaign, Donald Trump went to a wake on Long Island for slain NYPD officer, Jonathan Diller. Trump spoke to Diller's widow Stephanie at the wake. He also mentioned their young child in his comments. 

Biden was less than ten miles away but failed to take the time to meet the slain officer's family. Why talk to a cop's widow when you can hang out with Barack and the Hollywood crowd? In addition, Biden has yet to mention anything in public about the slain officer. Here's hoping Biden burns in hell!! 

Let's face it, Joe is on the side of the criminals. Democrats aren't willing to talk about minorities who break the law. George Floyd is the patron saint of ass licking liberals feasting on the fannies of the minorities. You can quote me on that!!

The Democrats report that they raised more than $25 million dollars in their "Three Stooges" Festival at Radio City Music Hall on Thursday evening. I think that a minimum donation of $100,000 rules out the attendance of those who do actual work for a living. Yet, Dims continue to claim that they are the party of the "working class". In reality, Democrats are the party of the "non-working class".

Is trying to get Biden reelected really a good use of $25 million? Instead of ads trying to show that Joe isn't a dementia case, why not put that money to a good use? Why not donate that money to "Tunnels to Towers" or "Wounded Warriors"? Even a better idea would be to donate that money to the Salvation Army and similar religious groups that are bearing the brunt of helping all of those illegals that the Democrats are bringing into this country to change the electorate. 

Why didn't Biden, who was only a few miles from the officer's wake, take the time to go to the wake? Was raising millions to re-elect a crook more important?

Biden added to his collection of whoppers by claiming that he challenged Trump to a golf game when Trump went to the Oval Office before he was inaugurated. There has been no one speak up to confirm that this actually happened. Put me down as a non-believer.

On Good Friday, New York City mayor Eric Admas received a "prison baptism" at Rikers Island prison from Rev. Al Sharpton. I can't decide which is worse. Was there not a real mayor available or was there not a real minister available? 

A few days ago, NBC hired Ronna McDaniel, Former RNC Chairwoman as a contributor. They fired her a few days later after all of their twits complained. I don't think that she ever had a chance to appear on a show. Is this the worst kind of censoring the media? I have run lots of businesses and hired lots of employees. I have never put anyone's job to a vote by the staff.

You have to love a band of buttheads who spend all of their time railing and ranting about the need for diversity. "Diversity" for these clowns is about skin color, gender (although there are only two) and sexual orientation. There is no diversity of thought at NBC. Groupthink is what brought Hitler to power. Groupthink is why Palestinians in Gaza are dying. People who are unwilling or unable to voice their own opinions are doomed. Of course, the case is easily made that there is no diversity of thought at NBC because there is no thought at NBC. Like good fascists, they are just chanting the party line.

This is why there is no future in liberalism in America. These clowns are unwilling to admit that they may be wrong. They are unwilling to allow others to voice different opinions where they work. Thanks to Chuck Todd, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid and the others at NBC and its bastard half-sister MSNBC, for clearing that up. NBC= Nazi Broadcasting Center. MSNBC= Mostly Shit, Nothing But Communism. Memo to my kids: When the revolution comes, get the staff at NBC first!!

Friday, March 29, 2024

Freaky Friday Free for All

 “And as long as I’m here, I’m going to try to do the job in a way that’s honorable.” Phony Fani Willis, this week. Obviously "honorable" is not a word that she actually understands. 

"The men that control and direct government are not in public office".  American Mercury, Fall, 1964 issue but still true today.

“Francis Scott Key Bridge, which I have been over many, many times commuting from the state of Delaware either by train or by car,” Joe Biden on Tuesday morning claiming that he had traveled by train across a bridge that has never had a railroad track. Facts are overrated for Joe. And yet no one in the liberal media has accused him of lying about this. They haven't even mentioned it.

In high school, I once read an issue of Newsweek magazine. Back in 1970, I thought that it was a horseshit magazine. Contrary to anything Kamala Harris may claim, the passage of time has not changed Newsweek.

"Whispering Joe" Biden merely confirms that those of us who believe that he is senile are correct. Maybe, he's not senile. Maybe he's trying to develop his own schtick. It's not working.  Maybe he needs to go back to sniffing little girls. Nobody does that better!!

We are on the horns of a dilemma. The Biden administration has flown into our country, at taxpayer expense, more than 300,000 illegal immigrants. Do we expel these illegals first or do we jail those responsible? I don't want to split hairs here, but isn't it a crime to aid and abet someone who is breaking the law?  We are borrowing money to fly in people who we are going to have to borrow more money to keep fed and sheltered. Is this some kind of government financed "circle jerk?" Do we not have enough criminals of our own? Must we reach out to Venezuela for gang members? Is California running low on gang members?

While the Biden administration is prosecuting Jan 6 demonstrators for allegedly trying to disrupt the work of the Congress, the government is illegally bringing people into the country. Can someone explain?

If they will bring in more than 300,000 illegal immigrants, can anyone seriously doubt that the same government would fly in cocaine for Hunter?

Government is the ultimate Ponzi scheme. If we will just give them a little more money, we can all be the big winners. I would put all of my money with Glenn Turner and Koscot Interplanetary before I would drop a dime into a bucket at a Democratic Party fundraiser.

DOJ now officially stands for Death Of Justice.

I saw Rep. Scott Perry on the news asking some bureaucrats why we can't account for 60% of the things shipped to the Ukraine. No bureaucrat can get the words "corrupt regime" out of his mouth. At least, in Vietnam that had at least one coup to change the leadership. In the Ukraine, we can't get the failed comedian off the stage. There is good news. We aren't the superpower being run by a guy with dementia. Oh, wait! That is us. 

We could probably get equipment for Ukraine cheaper if we would just buy back some of the billions of dollars in military equipment that we abandoned in Afghanistan. 

In the news, New York Governor Kathy Hochul's campaign was fined $50,000 for failing to provide worker's compensation for campaign staffers. She has failed to pay the state the 50 grand. Maybe, Letitia James could put her shoes back on and indict Hochul??

I am not accusing St. Joe of plagiarism just yet, but Democrats are upset about Trump selling a new version of the Bible. In response, Joe is rushing a new edition to the printers that claims, "In the first seven days, Barack created the Heavens and the earth." Joe is reportedly asserting that Ukraine is the Promised Land. The Prophet Joe will return Israel to the Philistines of Hamas and exile the Jews to the Ukraine. Copies will be available in the porn shop near you by Easter Monday. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

This is one smart Mexican!!


12 Items or Less??

 A couple of weeks ago, the U.S. Supreme Court held arguments in the Murthy v. Louisiana case. This was a case filed by the States of Louisiana and Missouri claiming that the federal government is censoring online speech by pressuring social media providers to remove content that the government finds objectionable. That is, anything that criticizes Biden and the Democratic Party.

The Democrats claim that the government is only using their "bully pulpit". The fly in that ointment is that they are using their "bully pulpit" to threaten social media companies with increased government regulation if they don't remove posts that the government dislikes. 

Earlier this year I saw Rep. Dan Goldman, or as we would call him here in North Carolina, the "Village Idiot", defend this practice by claiming that those posting items that the government doesn't like are "violating the terms of service".  WOW!!

Rep. Dan Goldman is the new standard for "stupid". If he weren't an heir to the Levi Straus fortune, he would be on a corner somewhere holding a "Please Help" sign. He's in Congress because he's rich and that's where the wealthy send their idiot children to play.

It has been reported that the FBI had eighty agents monitoring social media for posts questioning the "COVID crisis" or even worse, ridiculing Joe Biden. The nation's cities are awash in crimes and the FBI has eighty agents monitoring social media? Is this really the best use of our resources? Have we reached the point in our nation where we are paying law enforcement people to read social media posts looking for criticism of the biggest fraud ever perpetrated by the federal government? How many FBI agents were assigned to research the lies told by Biden, Fauci, the CDC and other alleged experts in the field? How about an investigation of doctors who have never actually practiced medicine, giving medical advice on how to deal with a disease, the development of which those same doctors actually funded? Surely, any of these violates the "Terms of Service."

The Supreme Court will probably allow this to continue as their questions indicate that they believe that the government has this right to force others to do something that the federal government does not have the power to do. This is in direct opposition to several other rulings, but they are trying to keep Democrats from expanding the court and destroying the American judicial system.

But, as usual, I think that we are over-complicating the whole issue. If federal law enforcement is being used to monitor social media for people who are violating the "terms of service", what other businesses could benefit from Federal law enforcement assistance? Can they post an FBI agent by the "Express Lane" at the Food Lion to keep people with more than 12 items from entering that lane?  If it's wrong to violate the "Terms of Service" on social media, then it must be just as wrong to violate the Express Lane item count at the grocery store.

Can we help hold down shoplifting by posting FBI agents at the dressing room doors in department stores to enforce the "No more than 5 items" rule?  

How many FBI agents are posted at the DMV to keep people applying for a new title out of the "Renewals Only" line? 

Can we get Elliot Ness to monitor the lines at restaurants that read "Dine-in" and "Carryout Only"? Or maybe the CIA should investigate whether the French Fries are actually from France. 

How about having the FBI investigate the "Terms of Service" at the Post Office? 

Has the FBI investigated the "Terms of Service' on who can buy Hunter Biden's alleged artworks? If you violate the terms, are you compelled to display the artwork on your wall?

How many government agencies are violating their own "Terms of Service"? Are any being investigated?

Is the Congress not passing the budget on time a violation of the "Terms of Service"?  Can we put Goldman in jail for this?

Maybe they will start charging illegal immigrants with violating the "terms of service" on entering the country?

To sum it up, other than social media networks, what businesses are having their "Terms of Service" enforced by the FBI? I am willing to wait for an answer. The Supreme Court needs to grow a pair and end this practice.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

I've Got a Secret

 Sorry, but I am not talking about the old television show from my childhood. However, in researching that show from my childhood, I found out that host Steve Allen was a Democrat and his wife, the comely Jayne Meadows was a Republican. Of course, that was before Democrats switched their affiliations to Communism. Steve would be a conservative in today's world. 

No, I am ranting today about the explosive growth in "secrets" in our alleged democracy. This issue is front and center in the news as the liberal media tries to tell us the what the difference is between Biden having "secret" documents and Trump having "secret" documents. Do I even need to mention Hillary Clinton and her "secret" documents? 

I was swapping emails with a professional writer, and he told me that he has submitted a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) to the National Archives for an FBI file about a now deceased prominent conservative writer. The writer had passed away more than fifty years ago. The Archives told him to check back after 2030. What the hell is in that file?

We are a nation obsessed with secrets. The storage of "secret materials" is a growth industry in the United States. We have to keep hiring more government employees to keep secrets so that Americans will not discover what the government is actually doing and start a revolution about those secrets. 

In 2018, to comply with a court order, the National Archives released a flood of documents about Martin Luther King. They had been held for more than 50 years when they were finally released. They are still holding a bunch of King documents that will not be released until 2027. What could possibly be in there? The documents released paint him as a serial adulterer, an alcoholic, an abuser of women and a man who watched a preacher friend rape a woman and laughed about it. What's left? A bad case of B.O.? Did he filch some booze money from the collection plate?

The National Archives did not hold the King documents for any national security reasons. They held them to preserve his image as a saint. It turned out that he was just a sexist pig like a lot of other folks. The alcoholic thing was just a bonus. Exactly how did this affect the national security?

Before you decide to write me a nasty e-mail, read my post from a couple of months ago, "Your Gods have feet of Clay". Then feel free to scrawl out a reply.

One person might be able to keep a secret. Two people have a slim chance of keeping a secret. If three people know, you may as well run the story on Fox News. 

I am fascinated about how bureaucrats, who are overwhelmingly Democrats, regard government secrets. James Comey, who kept the New York Stock Exchange safe from Martha Stewart, didn't think anything of Hillary hammering hard drives full of "secret" information. Attorney General "Ma" Garland, who has the vison of Helen Keller when it comes to Democrats violating laws, doesn't think that a Democrat can do anything illegal. Jack Shit, who is not even legally a Special Counsel, thinks that only Donald Trump can break a law. Jack Shit claimed that Trump told an ambassador from a friendly ally how many missiles a certain class of submarine carried. He claims that this violates the Espionage Act. The only thing this proves is that Jack Shit has never met a sailor. What do you think that sailors talk about in bars? Beyond that, has Smith ever seen a "Jane's" guide? 

I was discussing this with one of my associates and he said, "I can't believe that they still haven't released all of the info on the JFK assassination." I told him, "I don't think that they have released all of the information on the Lincoln assassination, yet!" Sad, but probably true on both counts. 

Joe Biden illegally removed classified documents from SCIF's when he was a Senator. He had these documents in his garage behind the Corvette. Robert Hur will not charge Biden for these transgressions because he thinks that he couldn't get a conviction because of Biden's mental state. But Dems tell us how sharp Biden really is behind closed doors. If Charlie Rich were still alive, he could do a remake of "Behind Closed Doors" and sing about Biden. If you don't listen to country music, you will need Mr. Google. 

Franklin Roosevelt was a Democrat. The biggest secret in WW2 was the Manhattan Project which produced the atomic bomb. Yet the Russians knew all about it. How? One person may keep a secret, two people probably can't keep a secret, and three people would constitute a family reunion in the Biden garage behind the Vette and the "secret" documents pile of boxes. 

If you decide to let people whose job it is to store "secret" documents, decide what is "secret", nothing will ever change. We will keep building warehouses to house "Top Secret" documents. This is a jobs program for those who are responsible for storing "secrets".

If it is wrong to give out "secrets" to other nations, why is okay for us to take "secrets" from other countries? I hate to bring "morals" into any discussion of government activity, but there seems to be a fundamental flaw in our moral compass on this issue. We steal from others while we complain about those who steal from us. Are we all Democrats?

Just between us, let's pack it in on the whole "secrets" business. Tell Biden if he can eliminate the "secrets" storage thing, he can house illegals in all of that warehouse space!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Top Twenty Tuesday Taunts

1. "The border is secure" said no honest person ever.

2. "Biden is going to unify the country." said morons across the land.

3. Robert Hur was not talking about Trump when he said, "An old man with a bad memory,"

4.  If your property in New York is valued by the government at $10 million and you pay property taxes on that value, if it sells for only $5 million, is the state going to give you a refund on the taxes on the overvalued $5 million? Asking for a friend.

5. This picture below is an aerial view of Mar-a-Lago. It has 58 bedrooms, 33 bathrooms, 12 fireplaces and 3 bomb shelters. It fronts the Atlantic Ocean, and the back is on the Intracoastal Waterway. Forbes values it at $350 million, AG James values it at $75 million, and Engoron the Moron values it at $18 million. 

6, This photo below is a home in a lower middle-class neighborhood in Tampa that was built in 1959. It was renovated in 1991.The nearest water is a drainage canal about 400 yards away.  You can drive to the Municipal Beach on old Tampa Bay in 15-20 minutes. The flight path to the nearest runway at Tampa International is close enough to allow you to read the plane numbers as they pass near the house. It has three bedrooms and two baths. It is 1320 square feet. It sits on a 6600 square foot lot. It has one feature that you won't see at Mar-a-Lago. The mailbox is out front by the street. In June 2023 it sold for $390,000. Yes, $390,000. That's a 1320 square foot home on a .15-acre lot.  According to Engoron the Moron, you can have 46 of these houses or one Mar-A-Lago for the same money. I will take the Mar-a-Lago. 

7. If Trump picks Tim Scott as his VP candidate, Tim will be the first real black Vice-President. Before you blow a nerve telling me any differently, Kamala Harris' father said that they are not black. In 2020 he said that, but the media ignored him. I wonder why?

8. I rarely mention sports, but is Shohei Ohtani the next Pete Rose? I met Pete Rose once at the Waffle House in Tampa when the Reds stayed at the hotel next door for spring training.  Pete  also fathered a child with Terry Rubio, a girl who I went to school with in Tampa. I will have to check and see if she knows Shohei. If Ohtani engaged in illegal gambling, are they going to ban him for life? Or are they going to climb down from the ivory tower and forgive Pete Rose? Or are they Democrats and they are going with the two-tier of justice system that liberals love? 

9. When did they pass all of these laws that only apply to Donald Trump?

10. Is Biden going to throw Israel under the bus so that he can win the Muslim vote in Michigan? Will tossing Israel overboard allow the Republicans to narrow the gap in New York? Can you find a Jew in Florida who will vote for Biden?

11. Is Biden trying to mimic Putin by putting his political opponents in prison?

12. I am sick of hearing people say, "Trump is not above the law." What these dumbasses are unable to grasp is that "Neither is President Trump beneath the law." 

13. The real RICO case in this election is how Democrat local, state and federal officials are conspiring to keep Trump from being elected. Are they all going to be charged?

14. How are illegal immigrants allowed to fly without any ID, but Americans who were born here have to provide ID? What kind of sense does this make? The answer is easy. NONE!!

15. Is March Madness still the NCAA basketball tournament?? Or has it been replaced by the Biden administration drive to jail their opponents? 

16. Are all of the immigrants getting those COVID-19 shots at the border before they are admitted? Are they being issued masks to go with the free smartphones and airplane tickets?

17. Alvin Bragg released the illegals who attacked and beat two New York police officers in Times Square. He released them without bond. Are more New York residents worried about Trump paying a porn star than are worried about being attacked by illegals on the street? 

18. Nobody is walking down the street in Washington, DC tonight thinking "I hope Donald Trump doesn't try to attack and rob me tonight." Not even Cocaine Joe.

19. If car dealers have to start following the rules that Letitia James is trying to impose on Trump's business, it's over for car dealers. By the way, Letitia James has spent her life slopping at the public trough. She has never owned or operated a for-profit business that employed anyone. 

20. Has anyone other than Trump ever been charged for not paying the maximum for insurance and loan rates? Is it illegal in New York to pay less than the max? Will anyone else ever be charged under this statute?

Monday, March 25, 2024

Monday's Mixed Madness

 The mayor of New York, Eric Adams and his accomplice, race whore Al Sharpton, want the United States to do something about gang violence in Haiti. Obviously, these two clowns are not aware that the Biden administration is unwilling to do anything about gang violence in their own neighborhood in Washington, DC. Clean up your own backyard first, guys!!

A court has decided that the New York City property tax system is illegal and is allowing a lawsuit to proceed against the city. Will city officials be required to post a half billion-dollar bond in this case?

Let's talk about taxes. The nearby city of Greensboro wants to pass a prepared food tax to help fund the Greensboro Coliseum. Readers are directed to my post a few weeks ago titled, "Dear Greensboro, Your Coliseum Sucks." No amount of money will cure stupidity. I offer the U.S. Government as my exhibit on this claim.

In Virginia, they have a prepared foods tax on restaurant meals. This ranges in different local jurisdictions from 4.0% to 7.0%. This is on top of the 7% state sales tax. This means that on your $10 Big Mac combo meal the government makes between $1.10 and $1.40. The average restaurant's profit margin is around 10%. So, the government makes more than the business on the deal. While Biden blames "greedy businesses" for high prices, the reality is a different story. 

Back in Greensboro, the mayor wants a prepared food tax to improve the Coliseum. Rather than increase the tax burden on citizens, why not sell the Coliseum to a private company and get the city out of the Coliseum business? If it is as great an enterprise as they claim, it should not be hard to sell. 

Of course, this is not the case. The Coliseum has never actually been profitable. Like most entertainment centers and sports stadiums, we are told by the government that these are "quality of life" items to bring people to their city. What happens is that a lot of taxpayers end up paying for a place where they cannot afford to go. And in cases like the Greensboro Gun Show, the Coliseum bought out the Gun Show so that the City Council could prevent the citizens from buying firearms at the Gun Show. The purchase of the Greensboro Gun Show has not resulted in any reduction in Greensboro gun crimes. The only tangible result of this was that Coliseum Director Matt Brown, poured about $400,000 down the shitter. This was a political move by Director Brown to placate his City Council bosses who are pussies or Communists or both.  All of this story is in a post I wrote in May of 2022 titled "Killing the Greensboro Gun Show". So, in real life there are almost zero tangible benefits from the City of Greensboro operating the Coliseum. Most businesses spend money to make money. The City of Greensboro spends money to lose money. 

Of course, the real mission of the Greensboro Coliseum may be the same as that of the ancient Coliseum in Rome. It served as an entertainment venue to detract the citizenry from noticing the collapse of the Roman Empire around them. Readers are left to make their own judgements. 

Here's my final words on the Greensboro Coliseum. "That which deserves to live, does."

If you want to argue whether or not Democrats think that voters are stupid, this note. They have sent Kameltoe Harris out to convince voters to vote for her and Creepy Joe. Good luck on that!!

For April Fool's Day, will Karine Jean-Pierre actually tell the truth about something anything?

If you have been wanting to catch a live version of this blog, I will be at the Moultrie Swap Meet in Moultrie, Georgia from April 4-6. It's at Spence Field. I am near the big John Deere sign. Say "Biden Sucks" for a free gift!

Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Summer of Love?

 Instead of AI, artificial intelligence, why don't we try to improve AI, actual intelligence? I have met people whose can openers are smarter than they are.

Yesterday, I went to the North Carolina state finals of the Odyssey of the Mind competition at Wingate University to support my granddaughter, Alice. It's always good to be among my fellow nerds and geeks. It was a bunch of kids engaged in learning how to solve actual problems. It was creativity from actual young minds and not machines. 

Maybe the best thing about Odyssey of the Mind was that without a quota system or DEI standards, they were able to assemble a representative sampling of the population. It looked nothing like the news about education on television. Congratulations to Alice and her team even though they didn't win!! Also, congratulations to all of the parents and family members who got involved with the education of their children. This is what learning is supposed to be. 

If you haven't heard of Odyssey of the Mind and you are reading this, look it up!! It's kind of like a science fair on steroids with your family supporting you. Also, thanks to my daughter-in-law, Brittany, for taking the time to be a coach for Alice's team. 

On to more pressing subjects. It's only March and the talking heads on the Sunday morning "news" shows have already run out of original ideas. By the time that November comes, the only thing that they will have left to call Trump will be Mr. President.

It is being reported that the federal government has flown in plane loads of immigrants from other countries. The question that begs asking is "Why haven't they flown in plane loads of Ukrainian refugees?" Is it because they already know what Communist and corrupt governments look like and they will warn Americans about Democrats? Or is it because they are white?

A frequent rant of mine both on this blog and in real life is that "History is circular". We can predict the future by studying the past. Rest assured that liberals are completely unfamiliar with this concept. One only need to examine our foreign policy to confirm this view. But if you need more data that Democrats don't study history, they are holding their convention this year in Chicago.

In 1968 the Democrats held their convention in Chicago. The convention was disrupted by anti-war activists and their battles with the Chicago police. The story of the convention was not that Hubert Humphrey was nominated but of the conflicts in the streets. There's nothing like a good riot to pull in the Democrats. Of course, that year most of the demonstrations/riots were about the war in Vietnam. The good news for demonstrators is that we have an assortment of wars to choose from for your demonstrating convenience.

Fast forward 56 years to this summer in Chicago. We are supporting Ukraine in a war against Russia that isn't going very well. In addition to that we are supporting both sides in a war in the Middle East. Kameltoe Harris has warned Israel that there will be "consequences" if Israel moves into Rafah to finish off Hamas. Do Israelis tremble at the sound of Harris' words? Not in this universe.  Add to that mix a big heaping of illegal immigrants flooding Chicago and you probably have the ingredients for some serious demonstrations at this summer's convention in Chicago.

Wait! I left out the recently elected Communist black mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson. There is no parsing Johnson's beliefs, he is a straight up Communist. He blamed the failure of a tax initiative on the ballot there recently on "Trump supporters".  I doubt that there are enough Trump supporters to fill a school bus in Chicago.

There's a great deal of discontent in Chicago about illegal immigration and the effects on the lower income class in Chicago. The riots in the street will confirm this for the Democrats and will probably be the only part of the news from the convention that I will watch. 

The Democrats are working to prepare the United Center for Biden's coronation. They are replacing the stairs and steps with ramps to make getting Joe in and out less entertaining. They are also putting in a row of child seats at the front of the stage to improve Joe's access to little girls. They have lined up hundreds of ice cream vendors to keep the crowd supplied with chocolate chip ice cream in waffle cones. Going with the President's favorite flavor will cause problems for mainstream media figures as they will struggle to find a question to ask the President.

Word from the experts in the Midwest political circles is that Chicago is trying to strip Cleveland of the nickname, "The Mistake by the Lake".

Unlike when he met the British Royal Family, Biden won't need to worry about blowing a big fart at the convention. They do call Chicago "The Windy City". Besides, it the Democratic Convention. The level of the stench of shit will be pretty high anyway. 

A friend has acquired the rights to the shoe concession at the convention where they will be selling the "Joe Biden" sneaker. They are not autographed, but he has drooled on them. They are guaranteed not to slip or trip as you try to walk up or down one of the aforementioned ramps. They make you feel at home in the Oval Office or on a shuffleboard court in Florida. They do not include access to a small girl whose hair you can sniff. Sorry!

If you are planning to go to Chicago for the convention, you should bring your own helmet and riot shield. Gas masks are optional, but strongly encouraged. "Is that the great smell of CS gas?" Of course not, they only use that on Branch Davidians and Capitol protesters. The chances that a lot of Democratic voters who are losing out to the illegal immigrants will be in the streets expressing their discontent is pretty high. Bookies have stopped taking bets on whether there will be a riot. The current bets are on how many riots. The only question left is "Will Merrick Garland call it a riot or an insurrection?" Even Garland can't claim that protesting the convention is obstructing the actions of Congress. But he may try anyway. 

Will TikTok have more reporters at the convention than the real Communist News Agency, MSNBC?

In an attempt to settle the locals about the immigration issue, Democrats are bringing in Nancy Pelosi to tell the locals why we need illegal immigrants. As she said so eloquently a few weeks ago, "We need people to pick our crops." As many in the crowd may know, that line was last used in 1860 to justify slavery. Thanks a million, Nancy!!

Friday, March 22, 2024

Reflections on Aging

The dog woke me up at 4:30 this morning. She's getting old and didn't want to wait for the alarm clock that I never set to wake me up. So, I got up and we walked outside to take in the beauty and peace of the world at that moment. The moon is nearing the full stage, but that full moon is still a couple of days away. It reminded me that Easter is a few days away. For those unfamiliar with the date of Easter, Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. My grandfather was big on planting by the signs of the moon. He always told me that you plant potatoes on Good Friday. Bet you didn't expect a gardening tip today.

I tell people that I am not a terribly religious man, I am a Methodist. Important note, I am not a United Methodist. I tried Presbyterianism one time a few years ago. It didn't work out for me, but I guess that was predestined. If you don't get the humor in that, check a theology book.

This getting old shit isn't what it is cracked up to be. A few weeks ago, I had to have two crowns on my front teeth replaced. They have been there so long that I had forgotten that they were crowns. I have had them for over sixty years. The dentist told me that crowns don't last that long. Apparently, he was wrong. 

 When I was in the fifth grade at Alexander Elementary in Tampa, our class was walking down the exterior walkway, and the sixth graders were behind us. One of the sixth-grade boys ran up and shoved me into a steel support pole. I ended up with a concussion, a chip out of my skull, 15 stitches, two broken upper front teeth and a lower front tooth shoved back a little. He ended up being expelled for the remaining three months of the semester. This was in the old days of swift justice. He had been expelled before I made it to the hospital. I long for the days when the government understood the concept of "justice". Today, they would have spent months trying to understand the environmental factors affecting the little bastard's behavior for which he bore no responsibility. Today, people break laws because there are no consequences.

Yesterday, my wife and I spent an hour and a half at the attorney's office signing our new wills. There's a fun activity on a Thursday afternoon. Only a colonoscopy could have put me in a worse mood. But there was a bright side. We walked across the square in Graham and got frozen custard at Whit's. The flavor of the week was Almond Joy. It was great! I must have had a Biden moment with the frozen custard!! I was able to fight off the urge to sniff my wife's hair. 

I got a message from a friend who had read yesterday's post about the "Dis-United States" and asked if I was feeling okay. I assured him that I was okay, but that it is time that we stop kidding ourselves about our national situation. Zig Ziglar used to say that things might be going great right now, but "There's always trouble ahead." Our problem as a nation is that we are ignoring the obvious signs of trouble.

The federal government is acting in unison with some state and local governments to destroy Donald Trump's business and his life. Make no mistake about it! When Nathan Wade wasn't balling Fani Willis, he was meeting with the White House Counsel. Then he was billing the taxpayers for all of it. That's the great thing about lawyers, you don't have to make up any stories.

This is straight out of the Communist playbook, but the Democrats are all lying. As they drive America deeper into debt, they are crowing about what a great economy that we have. They are worse than ten-year-olds lying about something they just broke in your house. Are they all on drugs?

The big news out of Washington this week is that the Biden handlers have switched Joe from dress shoes to some kind of casual sporting shoe that looks more like he should be on a shuffleboard court at Del Webb's Sun City than trying to walk into the Oval Office. Memo to morons: It's not Joe's feet that we are worried about. A change in footwear is not a proven cure for dementia!

In the sixth grade, Miss Umstott told us that we should leave the world a better place than what we found. Apparently, Democrats have abandoned that concept. 

Hope springs eternal in the minds of the crazy. Our granddaughter is competing in the state finals of the Odyssey of the Mind competition being held at Wingate University on Saturday. We will be heading out early tomorrow to cheer on the Herd of Nerds!! Maybe these kids are the hope of our future?

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Dis-United States of America

A federal district court judge in Illinois has ruled that illegal immigrants cannot be prohibited from owning guns, just because they are here illegally. The "judge" in question is a black, liberal, female appointed by Barack Obama. Did I even have to look that up to know? I could have guessed that without even pulling the Ouija board out of the closet to ask.

What next? Will illegals be allowed to vote? Can we prohibit them from doing anything? Not according to dumbasses like this judge.

This whacko broad, pardon me, judge, is a walking case for eliminating life terms for federal judges. It's time for that constitutional amendment to end lifelong terms that the same courts are certain to rule is unconstitutional.

There is trouble in paradise. As Americans, we have enjoyed about 200 years of being the top dog in the world. You don't need a gypsy to read the tea leaves to tell you that we are running out of time as a world leader. Our political system is overrun with corruption and our borders lack any meaning. The national debt is growing by leaps and bounds as we try to spend our way back to the top. You don't need a Harvard trained analyst to tell you that we are headed down the shitter. We are just trying to ignore all of the obvious signs. If ignorance is truly bliss, we would be the happiest people on earth. 

Let's give Balkanization a try. We need to divide the country into six different nations. We can group the Northeast States. Then we can group the Southern states. The Midwest can be a country of their own. The Plains states can gather together. The Rocky Mountain states can all get high together and we can have the COW Republic on the coast. That would be California, Oregon and Washington. Let Alaska become a province or three in Canada. Or Alaska could become the frozen Saudi Arabia of this hemisphere providing other nations with oil and other energy sources. We would probably have to let Hawaii go out on their own. They can bring back a King, it hasn't been that long for them.

We could give Washington, DC back to Maryland and let them sort it out. By the way, Maryland has to go with the Northeast states. We can let Letitia James put the United Nations on trial and see what happens with them. Maybe Letitia could send them to Brussels or wherever the European Union calls home. Let her take their buildings.

Let's surprise the world and take a preemptive action for a change. If you read history, and few actually do, you know that we are exceeding the average age for empires right now. Why wait for it to break up? Let's just go ahead and separate. Can't we seek a peaceful divorce? Can we "do it for the kids"? We could avoid the wars. We could provide for our defense by becoming the real NATO. That would be the North American Treaty Organization. 

We tried this in 1860 and Lincoln dragged the Union back together. I just don't believe that being reunited at the point of a gun is a recipe for a long-term relationship. Lincoln was able to "save the Union", but was the Union worth saving? We were able to come back together to win a couple of World Wars, but it hasn't been good since then. Let's admit that the Democratic giveaways of the Great Society have turned a productive nation into a society of panhandlers waiting for the next cheese giveaway.

Let's face it! What does someone in rural North Carolina such as this writer, have in common with some liberal in San Franscisco who wants free drug giveaways and legalized theft? At the end of the day, am I compelled to live in a shithole city just because they want to live there? Lewis Grizzard said it best, "There's nobody in a bar in Atlanta tonight celebrating a transfer to Newark, New Jersey."

Let's end it peacefully and start a new life as the Dis-United States of America.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Best Fish Story Ever!!

 I was working at the Waffle House in Tampa on North Dale Mabry in 1972 on the midnight shift. We were next door to the Hawaiian Village hotel and across the street from the 2001 Tampa Odyssey, one of the first strip clubs in Tampa.  I worked with two waitresses who I am going to call Lucy and Ethel, because at least one of them is still alive. At the time, Lucy was in her early forties and Ethel was in her mid-fifties. Lucy finally quit waiting tables at age 90 when the COVID cluster shut everything down in 2020. Like most waitresses working the midnight shift at any Waffle House, they were pretty vocal and opinionated.

Early one Friday morning, around 4:30 AM, we had a couple of truck drivers from Belcher Oil in Tampa come in for breakfast. The Belcher Oil yard was over in the Drew Park area near the restaurant and a lot of their semi tanker drivers stopped at Waffle House for breakfast. There was a shopping strip center next to us where they could park. One of the drivers was nicknamed "Melonbelly" by Lucy. She gave everyone nicknames. Mine was "Gilligan". Today, no one under sixty knows who Gilligan was. But I digress.

So, Lucy was waiting on these two drivers, and they were in the process of eating breakfast when Melonbelly called Lucy over to the table. Lucy's husband William was a truck driver for Florida Steel and knew a lot of the guys at Belcher. Lucy went over to the table and Melonbelly said, "Four of us are going fishing tomorrow. We are going out in the Gulf on Jerry's boat. How about you telling William that he is invited to go with us?" From there the conversation went like this.

Lucy: "William doesn't fish."

Melonbelly: " What do you mean? Doesn't William like to fish?"

Lucy: "William doesn't fish."

Melonbelly: "What do you mean? Does he not know how to fish? Will you not let him go fishing? What is it?"

Lucy "William doesn't fish."

Melonbelly: "Haven't you heard the old saying? If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime."

Lucy: "You are leaving out the last part of that old saying."

Melonbelly: "What are you talking about?"

Lucy: "The whole story goes like this. If you give a man a fish, you feed him for the day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to fuck and he will give up fishing forever. William doesn't fish."

Words cannot describe the look on Melonbelly's face when he heard that. It has been 52 years since that night, and I can still see all of those people's faces when I recount that story. That's still the best fish story that I have ever heard!!

Monday, March 18, 2024

Sundry Sunday Topics

 The next reporter who asks President Biden what flavor ice cream he is eating should have his or her press credentials burned over a "Build Back Better" banner fire built in a McDonalds "out of order" soft serve machine. But to answer their question, he's a Democrat, it's always chocolate chip.

If the Commissioner of the New York Fire Department wants to "educate" fire fighters who booed AG Letitia James, then she should also "educate' those high-ranking officials who were on the stage applauding AG James. If it is wrong to react negatively, it has to be wrong to react positively. Especially since "negative" or "positive"' are terms based solely on your personal point of view. Let me break it down for the leadership. Fight Fires, not Free Speech!!

The Commissioner of the NYDY got more boos at the St. Patrick Day parade in New York City on Saturday than her staff will have time to "hunt down."

Chuck Schumer, who scored 1600 on the SAT test, is proving that high test scores do not suggest the presence of common sense. Chuck says that Israel needs to hold elections to replace Netanyahu. Bebe said that he thinks that Chuck needs to go bite a hog in the ass. At least, that's what he told me about Chuck.

On Saturday, NC State beat Carolina for the ACC Basketball Championship. In other exciting sports news, a sober NASCAR fan was spotted at the Bristol race this afternoon.

Gas went up another twenty cents a gallon in North Carolina this week. If ice cream was going up at this rate, Biden would do something.

In North Carolina, we now allow online sports betting. The airwaves and the Internet are filled with ads for Draft Kings and Fan Duel. Now all we need to do is try to predict when the surge in personal bankruptcies will begin. Why work when we can gamble our way to riches? 

Fat Alvin Bragg has agreed to delay Trump's trial in the People's Republic of New York after more than 30,000 pages of documents were "discovered" in government records that mysteriously have not been available before. A case against anyone not named Donald Trump would have been dismissed for an "error" like this. 

In another demonstration of the strength of Biden's Build Back Better economy, Dollar Tree is closing more than 600 Family Dollar stores this year. They are also closing another 350 Family Dollar stores and 50 Dollar Tree stores in the following year or so. WOW!! What a statement of economic growth! 

Liberals blame dollar stores for the lack of grocery stores in low-income areas labeled "Food Deserts". As best as I can determine, according to the leftists, their constituency steals from grocery stores because there are dollar stores in the neighborhood. This causes the grocery stores to close and create "food deserts". If all of this makes sense to you, stop reading and go back to watching "The View". 

I can find no evidence that Judge Scott McAfee ever played football in school. With apologies to the late Toby Keith, McAfee "should have been a kicker". He just punted the Fani Willis fiasco to other courts to decide. He freely admits that Fani has violated most of the legal processes in the State of Georgia, but she should still be able to try Donald Trump. Back in the USSR, where McAfee obviously attended law school, they would have called this a "show trial". Research reveals that McAfee attended law school at Emory where there are actually more practicing Communists than in Moscow, DC. 

Is Nathan Wade going to bill Fulton County for the time that he spent defending his conduct as a hired attorney for the county? If so, he must have billed them for at least an hour for the time that it took him to respond to the question, "Did you ever go to a cabin with Ms. Willis?" Game shows don't last as long as the gap before his response. There will probably be some kind of boom in birth rates nine months after he finally answered that question. In Atlanta, a lot of the viewers got bored waiting for him to answer and had sex while they were killing time waiting for his answer. Yeah, that's not my best shot, but it is Sunday.

Biden is still pushing electric vehicles despite not increasing the production of electric power. Anyone this stupid was born to work in government. Buc-ees is installing more electric chargers at their travel centers. The length of time that it takes to charge your car is boosting their food sales as you have to do something while you are waiting. Maybe I can get a government grant to see how many children were born ninth months after their parents stopped to charge the Tesla?

Following that train of thought, in Tampa more than forty years ago, I heard radio ads for an "adult motel" in St. Petersburg. I can't remember the name of the motel, but I remember them advertising a "siesta rate" where you just rented a room for a couple of hours for a "nap". Maybe Nathan and Fani visited there? 

"March Madness" used to be the nickname for the NCAA basketball tournament. Now it is the start of the campaign season for Joe Biden. One day, Joe's wires are going to get crossed, and he's going to sniff an ice cream cone and lick a little girl. Chocolate chip, of course. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Saturday Night at the Satire

Long ago and far away in a place where people were proud to be Americans, we used to gather around the television set to watch Saturday Night at the Movies on NBC. Over the years, my attention span continued to decline until it's all that I can do to watch a commercial without reaching for the remote. So, the title Saturday Night at the Satire is my tribute to a day gone by. BYOP= Bring your own popcorn.

I love ice cream, but I am sick and tired of watching Joe Biden eat ice cream on the news. I understand that he likes ice cream. That's one of those comfort foods that those with dementia crave to make them feel better. This meets no one's standards for news. Call me when he eats a rack of ribs without choking!

Biden's latest stupid proposal to have the US Navy build a pier in Gaza is a disaster waiting to happen. This is like the "advisors" that we sent to Vietnam. How did that work out for us? What's our plan if some of our guys get killed by Hamas in Gaza?

I lived in Florida in the late 1970's when the waves of Haitians started turning up on the beaches there. The two biggest impacts of the Haitian influx were a crime wave and a comeback for tuberculosis which we thought we had eradicated. Why do we think that this time will be different? The Mariel boatlift was the same kind of thing. In addition to the good people who came, Castro emptied his prisons and sent them to us. You would think that we would have learned. You would be wrong if you believed that. 

Hundreds of people in our military were kicked out for refusing a vaccine that current refugees are not given the instant they are admitted to this country. This is a sure sign that something is amiss in Washington.

In a country where we can't find money to fix a pothole on the Interstate, the Democrats can always find a few hundred million to send to the Ukraine. I wonder how that works.

You know that sometimes you can't make up something as bizarre as things the federal government actually does. The government wants to change some laws so that McDonalds franchisees can have their soft serve machines fixed by third party companies. 

This is what the federal government thinks is important. Crime is rampant. Inflation is driving prices sky high. There is another war in the Middle East and armies of foreigners are crossing our borders with the help of the government. So naturally enough, the government wants to fix soft serve machines. Doors may fall off airplanes, but if Joe can't get a cone, the government is springing into action. There may not be any baby formula on the grocery store shelf, but the government wants to make sure that you can haul your baby to McDonalds in a car filled with overpriced gasoline and get them a cone.

After working in foodservice since 1967, allow me to share some inside information with you. I don't believe that the problem at McDonalds is all about the machines not working.

McDonald's soft serve machines are manufactured by Taylor. I have used some Taylor machines in the past and they were actually quality products. To be clear, this was before the "digital age" machines. Restaurant kitchens are not the ideal environments for electronic digital controls. Kitchens are hot, there's a lot of oil and grease, lots of hot water is being sprayed around to keep the kitchens clean. These conditions are not conducive to electronics-based appliances working reliably. As Ron Popeil would say, "Wait! There's more."

Soft serve machines are labor intensive. They are high maintenance women. Every night the machines must be disassembled and cleaned. Since lots of bacteria will grow at the temperature where soft serve machines operate, sanitation is critical. In the morning when you reassemble the machine, the parts must be washed and sanitized before reassembly. This is a fairly labor-intensive process. What's in short supply at every restaurant in the nation? Labor. 

So, as the restaurant manager, if you are busy and short staffed, you have to choose between good drive-through service times and having ice cream cones for the few folks who want those. Hint: Only one of those will affect your paycheck. You can't cut corners on the sanitizing process because that WILL make people sick. So, what's a manager to do? You tell people the ice cream machine is broken and use that labor to get guests served. Actually, I would tell people that their friends and neighbors are just too damned lazy to get a job or show up for work when they do get a job. If the government would stop paying people to sit on their asses, you could have enough employees to have ice cream ready for them. Of course, that's just me!!

If the machines are actually all broken, then Taylor has a problem. McDonalds is probably one of their biggest, if not the biggest, customers. Why would Taylor not fix the machines? Why would Taylor not improve their quality to prevent all of these warranty service calls? Maybe Taylor can't hire enough quality employees. Maybe McDonalds employees are sabotaging the machines so that they don't have to stop what they are doing to get some kid a cone. Or even worse, they might have to get Biden a cone. No matter which scenario you believe, they are all driven by the lack of good employees. 

That's this week's Saturday Night at the Satire!!



Friday, March 15, 2024

Just in!! The Joke of Georgia Justice

No one with more than a room temperature IQ will confuse Judge Scott McAfee with Solomon after his decision was announced today about Fani Willis. McAfee ruled that either Nathan Wade had to be removed from the case or Fani Willis and her office had to be removed.

Either McAfee is "Solomon" or "Some Moron" after this ruling. If you get robbed by two guys, does only one get sentenced to jail and they get to decide who does what? Are you shitting me?

This is a ruling begging for an appeal. Even for Georgia, this is a stupid decision.  McAfee needs to save himself some public humiliation and remove his name from the ballot in the upcoming election for judges. 

Both Wade and Willis benefitted from their scheme. She paid him more than she paid someone who was actually an expert about RICO cases. Wade has never tried a felony case. Could he be a little more unqualified? 

Willis claimed that she reimbursed him for their trips. She has no written records. If you are one of the suckers who believes her story, then the next question is obvious. What did Wade do with that $9 K or more in cash? Don't waste your time having lawyers investigate this, call in the IRS. The IRS will make sense of all of this as they have experience in dealing with people who are hiding income.

Is Nathan Wade just Fani Willis's Stormy Daniels?

Frankly, I am a little surprised that the IRS didn't visit Wade after hearing that many of his clients paid in cash. Also, that putting everything on his corporate card and then sorting it all out at the end of the year is not exactly a "best practices in accounting" situation. 

The State of Georgia needs to just drop the case against Trump and his friends. There is a lot more dirt waiting ahead to bury the state. 

Meanwhile, Phony Fani has failed to comply with subpoenas from the Congress.  The first responsibility of those who seek to enforce the law is to obey the law.

Judge McAfee worked for Phony Fani in the DA"S office years ago. Judging my some of his courtroom decisions and now the current debacle, all of the evidence screams that he is still working for her.

As the song says, "You have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run." It's time for these clowns to run on out of this case.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Pi are squared

 Yes, today was Pi Day. Thursday 3.14. It was also Albert Einstein's birthday, but no one can be expected to remember that much. 

At Bojangles, we used to run a special on sweet potato pies on March 14. I forgot to go by a Bo's and check on that today. That's what happens as you get old. I didn't think that would have been a good stop anyway on my way to a doctor's appointment.

However, after the doctor's office, I stopped at the donut shop and picked up a couple of apple fritters to share with my beloved. Happy Pi Day Honey!!

Chuck the Schmuck Schumer told the Israelis today that they need to replace their government leader. No word yet from Netanyahu on what we should do with Biden. Bebe probably realizes that Joe is not the person who is actually in charge anyway. This was an act by Schumer so stupid that Lindsey Graham spoke about it in the Senate this afternoon. 

Tell me again why American Jews keep supporting Democrats, especially as Rabbi Dov Fischer likes to call them, "self-loathing Jews" like Chuck the Schmuck Schumer.

Chuck Schumer is a really smart guy. It's a shame that he keeps saying and doing such incredibly stupid shit like telling another country to remove their leader. We are supposed to be their friends, Chuck.

I never used the phrase "Read the room" until Biden and Schumer teamed up to destroy the nation. That's our nation, Chuckles.

I found out from my doctor that the ACC Basketball tournament is being played this week. There's another good reason not to turn on the television today.

I keep seeing older people on television who have obviously had a facelift. Does somebody take all of the mirrors out of your house while you are having the surgery? Years ago, Kenny Rogers had a facelift. My wife would always say the same thing when she saw a picture of Kenny after the surgery. "There's Kenny after the accident."

Why do so many oldsters do commercials after the surgery? Other than the obvious fact that they have to pay for the surgery. The other night while watching television a commercial came on. My wife asked, "Who is that woman?" I responded, "They claim that it is Marie Osmond." My wife said, "She looks okay, she just doesn't look like Marie Osmond." We won't discuss Marlo Thomas, Kathy Lee Gifford, or the Asian looking guy claiming to be Wayne Newton. Susan did suggest that Wayne and Kenny must have used the same surgeon.

Balance of Nature vitamins? Who wouldn't take pills rather than eat an orange? Other than me.

Who is it that Biden is worried about getting in trouble with if he answers questions from the press? Will he be disciplined by the evil Dr. Jill? Will he have to go to bed without his ice cream?

Just a random thought, but where was Dr. Jill when Joe was showering with his daughter? 

That call it DEI, because DIE would just be too obvious and honest. 

There are no plans to evacuate any American citizens from Haiti according to a Biden spokesman. Those folks might not be able to get home, but the Biden administration is working on plans to handle the expected influx of Haitian refugees. There certainly makes sense, at least in some perverse alternate universe. 

Long ago and far away in a place called the Waffle House, we had a customer who had been an officer in the Marines. He had been to Haiti in 1963 and then in 1965 he was sent to Vietnam for a year. More than once, he told me that he felt safer in Vietnam.

At a history group meeting the other night, we were trying to solve the issue in Haiti, and someone volunteered that the problem in Haiti was that so many people there are voodoo practitioners. Maybe instead of the Marines, we should send the New Orleans Police Department. 

The gene pool in Haiti needs a good cleaning.

I have had all that I can stand. First, it was commercials for Lume, a deodorant for women. Now, the same gynecologist who came up with Lume has developed Mando, a deodorant for men. She claims that it will work on a man's package.  Does package mean mail or male? Of course, the question that begs asking is how many men does she smell as a gynecologist? I think this whole trans thing has gone too far. Or is all of this stinking a result of those government decreed "low flow shower heads"? Just another reason to vote the bastard Biden out!! Give Biden a tube of that Lume and he will put it on some little girl's hair! Or squeeze the whole tube into a sugar cone.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Mid-Week Wonders

 I submitted my post about the Greensboro Coliseum as a Letter to the Editor in the Rhino Times of Greensboro. They changed the title from "Dear Greensboro, Your Coliseum Sucks" to "Complaints about Coliseum Event". I am going to refer to the folks at The Rhino Times as "faux conservatives" because my wife thought that me calling them "pussies" would be a little over the top.

The House has passed a bill requiring that TikTok end their relationship with the Chinese government. No word from Washington about when the United States government will stop getting all of our information from Facebook, Instagram, etc. Is the Chinese government also asking for data from banks about Bible and gun purchases? Like everything else in the United States, the federal government accuses others of doing what the government is actually doing itself.

Let's take all of the FBI agents and other law enforcement folks working on social media and move their asses to the southern border to secure it. The chances that someone is going to see "disinformation" on social media is about the same as seeing disinformation on MSNBC, but the FBI isn't hanging out monitoring the conversations at Morning Joe's studio. 

A stroke of common sense has hit the United Kingdom as the British have decided to end the sale of puberty blockers to anyone under 18.  Why not just ban production as no one over 18 is wasting their time taking a puberty blocker? They are past that stage.

I have read the transcripts from Robert Hur's interviews with Joe Biden. Now I know why no network wants to discuss them. The transcripts are okay, but I want to hear the tapes. Biden had five lawyers with him at the deposition. The most interesting parts of the transcripts, other than when Biden speaks, is to try to figure out what the words are that were redacted by the government. Apparently, among other things, we can't know about the furniture placement at Biden's homes. 

The new drinking game for listening to the deposition tapes will be drinking a shot every time that Joe says, "I am not being facetious."

In what might be the most bizarre part of the deposition, Joe talked about some guy who was cleaning a factory smokestack/chimney and got caught in a fire and lost half of his penis and one testicle. I am just not sure how that came up in a discussion of secret documents. "I am not being facetious."

Listening to Biden speak causes me to want to redefine "rambling". Hell, he makes me look positively focused.

Based on what Biden says, Disney will soon have a Biden beach house in their Fantasy Land section. Things happened there that are just not possible in real life.

And yes, Joe Biden did ask "Am I still Vice-President at that time?" in the discussion of at least a couple of situations. In one, he had only been VP for two or three months when the incident happened. 

And yes, it was Joe Biden who brought up his son's death. Don't ever discuss a loved one's death with Joe Biden because for Joe it is a "Can you top this?" competition. No one can mention a death without Joe mentioning his son's death. See SOTU speech for evidence. One would think that after mentioning it hundreds of times Joe would at least get all of the details correct. Spoiler Alert: He doesn't. 

Just for the record, Joe could not remember the year that Beau Biden died. He could remember the day but not the year.

A few days before Biden left the Naval Observatory, one of his staff members and someone else moved some boxes and other stuff in a minivan, rather than wait a few days for the movers.  No one seems to know what was in those boxes. 

Let's not forget the kid whose name is not known, worked on the Emperor's Corvette once while the Top-Secret documents were in nearby boxes in the garage. Joe can't remember the kid's name, but he knows someone who does. 

House Democrats have demonstrated that absolutely none of them understand the word "exonerated". Fat Jerry Nadler is old enough to know better. This discounts all of their statements about how smart they all are. Adam Schiff can write off any chance of the Asian vote after attacking Robert Hur, son of Korean immigrants. Someone should tell Fat Jerry Nadler that Hur is a New York native.

The story from folks in Georgia is that Judge Scott MacAfee will not disqualify Fani Willis because he is up for election in a few months and that would kill his chances. I just don't think that a judge who once worked for the prosecutor can be fair. In an actually fair judicial system, you aren't allowed to make decisions about your friends. And lawyers make jokes about folks in other places inbreeding?

Let me break down the Fani Willis case for you in simple language. Fani Willis hired the guy she was fucking at a higher hourly rate than she was paying the guy who is acknowledged as the expert on Georgia's RICO law. She wanted Wade to gain fame and fortune so that she could benefit from it. They took seven trips in six months. Save that "I reimbursed him in cash for my half" bullshit for somebody on MSNBC!!

Monday, March 11, 2024


 Joe Biden, the nation's Moron-in-Chief is running on a program of fighting "Shrinkflation". Biden describes this as products containing smaller amounts in the package but costing the same. He's really worried about how many Fritos or potato chips are in a bag. He has enlisted the Cookie Monster to help him in this fight as the taxpayers also fund his rants on PBS. 

Joe Biden acts like "shrinkflation" is some economic tidal wave that he has just discovered, and that government can save us from it. But like every other disaster on the planet, the government actually shares the responsibility for it.

Let's start with one of America's favorite beverages, coffee. Coffee used to come in one-pound cans. By the early 1970's processors had changed their processing methods to get more flavor out of the beans so that it didn't take as much coffee to brew a cup. So, the one-pound cans have pretty much disappeared. Is this shrinkflation? No, this is improved processing.

Soft drinks on the other hand keep getting bigger. In the early 1970's, most soft drinks were 12 or 16 ounces. The large family sized bottles were 28 ounces or 32 ounces. Today, soft drinks range from 12 to 24 ounces. The family bottles are 1, 2 or in some places even 3 liters. Several bottlers tried 3-liter bottles but they didn't sell well. 

In the last couple of years, soft drink prices have exploded. You don't see 2-liter bottles on sale for 99 cents anymore. Soft drinks at convenience stores in my area are usually in the $1.95 to $2.99 range for the 16-to-20-ounce range of drinks. At the grocery store, you can usually buy a six pack of 1/2 liter bottles for between $4 (on sale) and $8. 

Why have soft drink prices almost doubled in three years? Almost all depend on corn syrup sweeteners. When you take your food such as corn and use it to make fuel (ethanol) you are going to create problems. When you are burning your food for fuel, you have a bigger problem. The Biden administration has decided that rather than drill for oil in America, we are going to burn our food to power transportation. 

But Slow Joe's main issue seems to be chips and candy bars. Let me tell you what Joe doesn't know because he has never operated a real business. The first problem that most businesses face is that unlike the Bidens, checks from China just don't randomly turn up in our mailboxes. No candy manufacturer has received a diamond from China. 

As the price of ingredients, labor, advertising and packaging rises, businesses have to either raise their price for a product or reduce the portion size. Most choose to reduce the portion size. This results in customers either complaining about the price or the portion size. Why not raise the price? Every study ever done, along with almost everyone's experience shows that a price increase immediately causes a decline in sales. Over time, most people will accept the price increase and start buying the product again. But if you slightly reduce the portion size, not as many people will notice. In the end, your only options are to reduce the amount of product or raise the price. Pick one!!

The experts in government are always telling us to eliminate snacks and soft drinks. So now the clown in charge is telling us to give the public larger portions of the food that the government doesn't want them to eat. Yeah, I am a little confused. Did Corn Pop take Biden's candy bars away from him? Does Biden want kids to get larger portions of candy so that he can ridicule them for being fat. Do the little fat girls have hair that smells better?

Let's talk about "shrinkflation" that Biden can do something about. How many bombers did we used to get for a billion dollars? What's going on with the price of tanks? Why don't we get as many fighter jets as we used to get for our money? How much has the price of an aircraft carrier gone up in the last 50 years? Just for the record Joe, in 1977 the Eisenhower was commissioned at a cost of $679 million. In July 2017, the USS Gerald Ford was commissioned at a cost of $13.07 Billion and R&D cost of more than $4.7 billion. None of these carrier costs include the planes. You held public office for almost all of those years. Explain it to us. Get Cookie Monster if you need help.



Sunday, March 10, 2024

Barking Back to Dem Brain Dead Babbling Biden Blues?

 After watching the "highlights" of the SOTU speech, I agree with Greg Gutfeld. Now we know whose cocaine that was that they found in the White House last year. What did they give Biden to get him all jacked up on Thursday night?

Joe was fifteen minutes late arriving at the Capitol. They claim that it was because of protesters on Pennsylvania Avenue. Are you telling me that the Secret Service can shut down Manhattan when the President has to go there, but they can't get Joe down Pennsylvania Avenue at 9:00 PM on a Thursday night? Put me down as skeptical. My guess is that there was either an unscheduled diaper change or a new set of batteries in his remote-control receiver. 

Let's quit pretending that Joe Biden is in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Joe spent an hour yelling at people who he barely knows. People on alleged news network shows fawned over Joe like he was a toddler who stood up and used the toilet for the first time. MSNBC would have compared it to the Sermon on the Mount, but no one at MSNBC had ever heard of the Sermon on the Mount.

If Biden is so mentally sharp, why don't they have the Special Counsel charge him for his handling of all those classified documents that he took illegally during his Senate days? 

One of my favorite lines to use is, "You cannot bullshit one, who has bullshit many." Don't worry about the grammar, I am not turning this in as a term project in English. 

Pick your expression! We are being lied to. We are being bullshitted. We are being hosed. We are being deceived. We are being conned. We are being taken for a ride. We are being played for fools. We are being jerked around. We are being indoctrinated. Pick one and run with it. 

The government is lying to us. I am a big believer that figures don't lie, but liars can figure. They keep telling us that the economy is getting better, and inflation is going down. But every trip to the grocery store or the gas station costs more than the time before. There's less money in the bank every month. 

We are told that unemployment is down but there are people everywhere out of work. Businesses are closing and people are losing their jobs, but unemployment is down. How is that even possible? A lot of the growth appears in the nation's largest employer, the government. There's an enterprise famous for productivity. As I write this swill, government employees are writing new rules to prevent Trump from ending their jobs if he is elected. What a racket!!!

What we are seeing is the rise of an actual fascist state. The FBI is the new KGB. The Justice Department isn't just. The military is more concerned about transexuals than countries that would do us harm. The Transportation Department is a circle jerk. The more money we spend, the worse the roads become. I don't remember doors blowing off airliners when I was growing up. The EPA is busy trying to construct a world that will have us living like Fred and Wilma Flintstone. Yabba Dabba Dooo!!! 

The White House and their minions in federal law enforcement are violating the First Amendment with a callous disregard for the rights of Americans. Two Federal courts have already ruled that the Executive Branch has violated our First Amendment rights. The government's appeal is currently before the Supreme Court. 

While the FBI had eighty agents monitoring social media outlets to suppress free speech, thousands of gang members crossed our border to do us harm.  Was preventing people from criticizing the Biden administration more important than securing the nation? 

The Second Amendment is on life support as the government is trying to ban gun dealers and ammunition. If Democrats have their way, even if you are able to buy a gun, you won't be able to buy anything to shoot from it. 

Biden told us on Thursday that he is going to get the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates. Will he be getting his friend, Cookie Monster, to criticize the Federal Reserve? 

The Federal government keeps asking us, "Who are you going to believe, us or your lying eyes?" In 1968, I sat in an English class at A.P. Leto High School in Tampa where we discussed George Orwell's book "1984". The Biden administration is making Orwell look like an optimist about the future. 

Sorry Joe, Kameltoe, Cookie Monster and MSNBC, but I am going to believe what I see with my eyes and not that pile of crap that you are spreading. As long as I am talking "pile of crap", can we get the Roadrunner to drop a rock on Rep. Dan Goldman instead of the coyote? I won't describe Goldman as an "ass kisser", but when Biden farts, Goldman is the first to know. I turn off the television when I see Goldman.

Why don't you folks come clean and tell us who is the real President of the United States. It's obviously not the clown who we saw on Thursday night. Y'all are selling, but nobody without a (D) beside their name is buying!! 

Saturday, March 09, 2024

Saturday Morning Confusion VER 3.9

 Re: The Colorado attempt to interfere with a federal election. I haven't seen the Democrats this angry with the Supreme Court since Brown v. Board of Education. 

Memo to the Mile High crowd: When you try to overthrow the government, you should expect a little resistance.

Has anyone heard from that traffic court judge in Chicago who removed Trump from the ballot? Biden gave her a city full of wetbacks and she blamed Trump. Have they told her about the Supreme Court decision? Is she now going to convict Trump for blocking traffic with an insurrection?

Jamie Raskin? Because shit really is everywhere.

I deal in facts. In the judges and prosecutors involved in all of the Trump cases, black women and men are disproportionately represented. If they were white, we would call it racism. So, what is it called now?

There are 682 immigration judges and in November the backlog of cases numbered more than 3 million. Biden wants another 100 judges to reduce the backlog. That will reduce the backlog to 3836 cases per judge from the current 4400 per judge. Each judge adjudicates around 975 cases per year. So, if they don't let anyone else into the country, they can clear out all the cases in about four years. What are the chances that they won't let anyone else into the country for four years??

Biden's State of the Union speech was the best argument ever made for mandatory retirement age and term limits on politicians.

I just saw a story on the news about Biden's first campaign appearance in Pennsylvania. He was making a speech about millionaires needing to "pay their taxes". Maybe he should share that thought with Hunter? Did the big guy pay taxes on his cut? 

Liberals are aghast that Biden used the term "illegal" to describe the piece of imported shit that killed Lakin Riley. After calling the young lady "Lincoln Riley", did they really expect him to get the rest of the story correct? He read the button given to him by Marjorie Greene and mispronounced it. The illegal alien didn't have a button for Joe's use. Nancy Pelosi said that it was okay for Joe to use that term since it was the best SOTU speech that she had ever seen.

I used to work for an old alcoholic at the Waffle House named Archie Morgan. Normally, he was kind of quiet. If he was drinking, he was more than a little loud. One afternoon I walked in for my shift and saw the VP of Operations and our Division Manager sitting at the counter watching Archie work. Archie looked around and saw me. He greeted me loudly, "Hey Gilbert!! You know my old lady is no wrestler, but you ought to see her box!!" The VP looked at me and said, "Please, go take his place." For some reason, every time that I see Nancy Pelosi on television, I think of that story.

Let's drug test Presidential candidates. Shouldn't the Commander-in-Chief set an example for the troops? That should eliminate the Libertarians. Everyone knows that Libertarians are just Republicans who want to shut down the Federal Reserve and smoke weed. And the Federal Reserve thing is negotiable.

In 1960's Presidential election, Hawaii had two sets of electors. Nobody was ever charged with being a "fake" elector. They were a set of "alternate" electors depending on how the recounts came out. Phony Fani Willis stopped texting and screwing long enough to claim that this has nothing to do with elections now. 

Biden was caught on a hot microphone after the SOTU speech telling some people that he told Bebe Netanyahu that "he was going to have a come to Jesus talk with him". My money's on Netanyahu kicking Biden's ass right out of the Oval Office and down the hall if Biden ever tells him that in person. Biden should be careful; Bebe isn't Corn Pop.  

Biden's big deal going on now is his "Shrinkflation" fraud. He wants manufacturers to put the same amount of candy or cookies or chips that they used to put. If they do that, prices are going to explode. More on this topic later, but the moral of today's message is this is what happens when we elect a moron who has never actually even worked in a real business. I have hired busboys who knew more about how businesses operate than Joe Biden. That's why Hunter had to run the scam and Joe just had to show up for spaghetti and ice cream. 

I asked my wife, "Honey, why don't you ever put me on speakerphone with your friends?" That was on Tuesday, she's still laughing. 

Friday, March 08, 2024

State of the Union??

Before last night, I hadn't watched a State of the Union message in the last seventy years. This morning, I am proud to report that my record remains unblemished. 

I watched a five-minute recap of the speech this morning and considered sending sympathy cards to all of those in attendance. The last time that I saw an 81-year-old yelling at people like Biden was doing last night, my grandfather couldn't find his teeth.

Biden started the festivities by arriving more than 15 minutes late. The speech scheduled to start at 9:00 PM was delayed about thirty minutes. The delay was attributed to a group of protesters outside the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue. Who could have foreseen a group of protesters at the White House on the night of the SOTU speech? Almost anyone. This explanation, like everything that Biden said last night, doesn't make much sense.

The Capitol Police arrested a man for yelling from the balcony about the death of his son at Abbey Gate at the airport in Afghanistan during the withdrawal debacle in 2021. This from Yahoo news: "The heckler was identified as 51-year-old Steven Nikoui, whose son, U.S. Marine Kareem Nikoui, was among 13 U.S. service members and 170 civilians who were killed in an attack by a suicide bomber at Abbey Gate outside Hamid Karzai International Airport as American troops were withdrawing from Kabul, Afghanistan in 2021." So only the President can yell at people?

My favorite gaffe was when Biden told the Supreme Court Justices that "Women have electrical power." and then corrected it to "electoral and political power". I think that the "electrical power" was a Freudian slip letting us all know that Dr. Jill uses an electric cattle prod to keep him in line. 

Biden attacked Republicans by yelling "I know you can read." If only Joe could read? Marjorie Greene gave him a button with "Laken Riley" on it. Biden called her "Lincoln Riley". Democrats are saying that Biden "said her name". Not really. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. 

Biden referred to "my predecessor" several times. The media talking heads all assume that he was referring to Donald Trump. Just for the record, "predecessor" refers to all of those who held the job before him. There were 45 other Presidents before Dementia Joe. Was he talking about Obama, Bush, Carter or Clinton? They are all still alive. Maybe he was talking about Hillary Clinton who still thinks that she won?

Rep. Bob Good of Virginia said it best, calling it "“an angry, elderly gentleman with a poor memory yelling at people to get off his lawn.”

Nobody is going to vote for Biden to get three more Fritos in the bag. You can't take from Peter to pay Paul and expect to get Peter's vote. It's all an act. Cue Conway Twitty singing "It's Only Make Believe".

Biden and his fellow extremists have hitched their wagon to the star of illegal immigration. They are selling, but I don't think that Americans are buying. We will know in November.

Thursday, March 07, 2024

Dear Greensboro, Your Coliseum Sucks!

 Dear Greensboro,

I spent 24 years managing restaurants in Greensboro. I even lived in Greensboro a couple of years before most of your Coliseum employees were born.

On Saturday past I attended the Donald Trump rally held at the Coliseum. The Trump campaign had sent out an e-mail on the day before titled "Guidance for Guests". It explained the schedule of events, parking and parking fees. It also included a list of things not allowed in the Coliseum by the Secret Service.

Even though I had been warned about the exorbitant $20 parking fee, I still regard it as absurd. That's more than valet parking at a high-end restaurant and I have to do the walking.

We arrived at 8:25 and waited in the ever-growing line for three hours to get inside. There were a couple of food vendors in the parking lot and a bunch of hat and tee shirt vendors there. As the time passed the line grew until it almost reached the parking lot gate where we entered. So, there were probably 5,000 people waiting in the line. Did you have anyone checking in on those folks waiting in line? Of course not. There was a large police presence, but they were all hanging out up near the building entrance. The lack of concern for the public safety that your staff and the Greensboro Police Department shared is breathtaking. 

Have you heard of trash cans? If your answer is yes, there is no evidence available to support that claim. A lot of people in that line had soft drinks or bottled water or even snacks that they were consuming while waiting. I have seen at other event centers that they have disposable trash containers which are just cardboard boxes for people to put trash in. Rather than furnishing trash receptacles, you will pay someone to pick up all of the trash later and complain about those who left it there.

As I neared the front of the line, I saw two trash receptacles. One was by a set of exit doors on the building in an alcove. It was overflowing by the time I reached it. A few feet away in the same alcove was a Rubbermaid Brute trash can, probably between a 40- and 50-gallon capacity. Of course it was turned upside down. This sparked one of the funnier lines of the day as everyone who passed asked, "How many city workers does it take to turn over a trash can?" The other trash receptacle was by the doors. It was full long before I arrived, so I just tossed my empty bottle on the pile that was growing around it. A trash can was overflowing within four feet of the entrance and no Coliseum employee could see that and make a decision to empty it. Really?

I entered the space for the rally and there were two lines of more than fifty people. One line was for the bathrooms, and one was for the concession stand. There were somewhere between 3,000 and 5,000 people in that hall and you couldn't open another restroom? That's not the only restroom in that building. By the way, one of the five urinals in the men's room was out of order and covered with a trash bag. That left like one urinal for every 750 men. There were two employees standing in the bathroom. I can't tell you what they were doing because neither moved while I was in there.  I didn't make it to the front of the line at the concession stand to see how many staff members you had on duty, but it obviously was not enough as the line remained long.  

I won't bother commenting on the seating that you obviously purchased in a surplus sale from Spirit Airlines. I take a better chair to sit in at flea markets. You should let people bring their own folding chairs and blankets!!

In what was a master stroke in stupidity, the concession stand closed down around 1:00 PM. At the time, there were still more than fifty people in line. With the event not scheduled to start until 2:00 PM, you closed the concession stand and left thousands of people without access to food or drinks. You had a captive audience of thousands, and you stopped selling food and drinks. Really? This may be the answer to "What is the dumbest thing I have ever seen" question. You are selling incredibly overpriced drinks and food and you stopped for no reason. There were a couple of medical emergencies during the rally. Were those caused by the lack of access to food and drinks?

Your policies prohibit people bringing in food or drinks and you stopped selling food and drinks. Do you see the possible issue here?  You left thousands of people without food and/or beverages. If you aren't going to have the concession stands open, how about some vending machines? 

Here's my personal issue. I have diabetes. I left a few minutes before the rally ended because my blood sugar level was dropping, and I didn't want to add to the medical emergency numbers for the event. I spent more than 50 years in the restaurant business, and I am telling you that you need to hire some professionals to run your operation.

Years ago, I read an article in the Greensboro News and Record written by someone in the city government. This person described the Greensboro Coliseum as Greensboro's "crown jewel". The author was obviously someone who shopped for "crown jewels" at the Dollar Tree.  

I suggest that you either turn this over to professional management or return it to the cow pasture from whence it came.

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

The VA Flips Out?

 RimaAnn Nelson, an Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Operations at the Veterans Administration issued a memo banning this picture from VA facilities. She claims that this picture shows a "non-consensual act". She issued a memo on Feb.29 to ban this picture. Today, Secretary Denis McDonough, the Secretary of Veteran Affairs countermanded her memo with this statement.

"Let me be clear: This image is not banned from VA facilities - and we will keep it in VA facilities."

Attention: RimaAnn Nelson: The picture below is a nonconsensual act. Take action on this!!