Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How do I get to 285?

Monday, April 27, 2020

Stay Safe??

Safe? Safe is more than not sick.  Safe is more than being virus free. Safe is when you have food for meals. Safe is having money to pay your bills. Safe is having a job to earn a living. Safe is having a home not in danger of foreclosure. Safe is not having to worry about the utility bills being paid. Safe is having self-respect and not depending upon the state for your existence. Safe is having transportation. Safe is being able to take your family to places outside of the front yard. Safe is your children being able to go to school. Safe is not having to search stores for essentials. Safe is not having to forage for toilet paper. Safe is not worrying about whether the government will end your job or business tomorrow.

Every 3 or 4 minutes on television, there is a commercial with celebrities telling us "Stay home, Stay safe". Their goal is for you to watch television until you are sufficiently brainwashed. Don't buy into it.

We are in the midst of the greatest political power grab in American history. Politicians don't care if you are "safe".

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Time Travel

One day, I am going to invent a time travel machine and when I do here's where I am going.

I am going back to the first game of the World Series between the Athletics and the Dodgers. Two outs in the bottom of the ninth and Kirk Gibson at the plate with Mike Davis on second after a stolen base. Eckersley is pitching for the A's and the count is 2 and 2. Do I tell Eckersley not to throw the back door slider that Gibson is expecting? Not a chance, I am a Dodger fan. I just want to be there to see the home run.

I had a dishwasher named Charlie who worked for me for about ten years. He drove me crazy. I want to go back and talk to his father before Charlie is conceived. I want to give him a bag full of condoms and a brochure on the joys of masturbation.

I had a district manager named Jeff when I worked at Casa Gallardo. Every quarter, my performance review had a notation, "Gilbert tends to be sarcastic." I want to go back and tell him, "I got your sarcasm hanging right here!" Wait! I don't need a time machine, I actually have already done that one. Had a little brain fart on that!! It has been 35 years, guess it slipped my mind.

I want to go back to USC in 1975 and find Coach John McKay. I want to beg him not to take the coaching job with the Tampa Bay Bucs. I will tell him about the 0-14 season. I will tell him about the "Throw McKay in the bay" tee shirts. So many suffered from his decision to take that job.

I want to go back to June of 1971. My English teacher, Anne Ayala, gave me some good advice on life. I never really thanked her for that. She was right, everyone else was wrong. Thanks, Mrs. Ayala.

I want to go back to 1969 and tell Nixon, "Don't record anything."

I want to go back to 1963 and find Lee Harvey Oswald and give him  Roy Cooper's address.

More dreams at another time.

The Insanity of Roy Cooper

Here are some highlights of Roy Cooper's regime.

Roy says that Voter ID laws are unconstitutional, but closing your job or business is constitutional.

Barber shops and beauty shops are closed except for whoever is cutting Roy's hair.

Due to the COVID crisis, public schools are closed for the rest of the school year. But private and parochial schools can reopen on May 15. I thought this was a health crisis?

Roy closed the state in a matter of days if not hours. But he needs months of data to decide to reopen. Show us the data Cooper used to close the state.

The State Farmer's Markets are open but flea markets are closed. Same setup, different decision.

There are 100 counties in North Carolina. When it comes to Corona, Roy treats all counties the same. That means whether you have 2 people with COVID-19 or 2000 people with COVID-19, you will wait until King Cooper rules that we will reopen .

In 2016, Roy won by 10,000 votes out of 4.7 million votes cast. I don't see that happening again this year.

There aren't many blacks protesting for Roy to Reopen NC. Is this because they are used to being wards of the state?

Roy keeps sneaking out of state to attend fund raisers for him. The last incident of which I am aware is when he went to Tampa in March. State law requires that the Governor notify the Lt. Governor if he leaves the state. That has not happened yet. Why hasn't Roy been charged?

You can have 200 people or more in a WalMart, but only ten in a church. Why hasn't a large church or major denomination sued Roy?

When the governor shuts down a business and will not let them reopen, has the government "taken" that business? Is compensation in order?

Reopen NC Rally signs

Most photographed sign at the Reopen NC rally in Raleigh on April 28.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Sheetz run and done

My wife and I stopped at a Sheetz gas station yesterday on a trip to Virginia.
At the cashier checking out, I noticed a sheet of plexiglass hanging down from the ceiling between me and the cashier.
I told her, "Honey, that sheet of plastic is going to protect you from COVID about as much as my learning to hide under my desk in 1962 was going to save me from a nuclear attack."
It might be a while before my wife goes into Sheetz with me again.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Corona Cure??

If we can hang a governor a day and a news anchor everyday at Noon, 6:00 PM, and 11:00 PM, we can end the Corona Crisis by the weekend. Today is Thursday.