Rip Van Biden
Biden spent three days this week in Pennsylvania. On Thursday, he secured the endorsement of the Kennedy family. Obviously, that was excluding RFK Jr. I would love to be at their Thanksgiving gathering this year if Biden loses.
Despite the "experts" all claiming that family patriarch Joe Kennedy did not deal in illegal liquor importation during prohibition, several people involved in organized crime all claim that he did. He would need all of that money later to buy JFK a Presidency.
My favorite Kennedy story is that after the National Enquirer published photos of Ted Kennedy having sex with a young lady in his boat, Sen. Howell Heflin from Alabama said, "I see that Senator Kennedy has changed his position on offshore drilling."
Enough about the Irish mob. I think that they have just about milked the Kennedy name dry. It's been sixty years since JFK was killed, the coattails are gone. Who really gives a rat's ass about who the Kennedy family endorses? There's nobody looking at a line of illegal immigrants lined up for government freebies who is asking "Who are the Kennedys going to endorse?" It's 2024, excepting RFK Jr., the Kennedys are irrelevant. Other than for Rip Van Biden, because in his mind it is still 1972.
But back to Jolting Joe Biden or Rip Van Biden, you pick. Who knew that in 1973, the year Biden started in the Senate, Charlie Rich released an album that would become the Biden 2024 fight song? Yes, I am talking about Behind Closed Doors. This is where Biden's defenders all claim that he is almost lifelike. He can't put together two complete sentences when he speaks to the public, but he's Abe Lincoln in private. He can't walk up a set of stairs in public, but he's a gymnast in his private residence. Does anyone really believe this bullshit?
In Pennsylvania the other day, Biden lulled listeners to sleep with his claim that his uncle had been most likely consumed by cannibals in New Guinea. Never mind that the official Army records did not agree with anything Biden said other than that his uncle was in the Army.
In what has to be the most deceptive headline of the week, NBC reported that "Biden mischaracterizes his uncle's disappearance during World War II". Why not just tell the truth, Biden lied? Why use four letters when sixteen are available? Why use a single syllable when you can use five? Why? Because NBC is lying to us about Biden lying. Has NBC or their bastard offspring MSNBC, ever claimed that Trump mischaracterized something? Of course not, they tell us that Trump is a liar. Only Biden "mischaracterizes."
With apologies to Washington Irving, Biden's brain is the new Legend of Sleepy Hollow. There's just nothing going on in there. Biden is in a "Can you top this?" competition with himself.
The news media that refuses to acknowledge that Biden is suffering from mental issues is lying to America and the rest of the world. The question that America needs to ask the news media is "Why are you lying?"
This news media distortion is straight out of the Communist playbook. TASS cannot hold a candle to MSNBC when it comes to lying for the government. The New York Times lies so often that the three sane people in New York City are talking about missing PRAVDA. Give us a break guys, at least give telling the truth a shot.
Watch the video of Biden trying to order a milkshake at a WaWa in Pennsylvania and tell me that you want this guy to have the nuclear launch codes. By the way, why aren't there crowds of people in the picture with Biden? Democrats have to stage everything for Joe. It's a big day when he walks across the room in the right direction. Maybe they just needed to close the doors at WaWa so Joe could shine?
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