"Don't" don't work!!
Yes, I know it's bad grammar. But Biden is a bad President and an even worse human being. Why does he keep telling people "Don't"? Memo to the Dean of Dementia; It ain't working! No one or no nation is listening!!
Saturday night, after being told "Don't" by Dementia Joe, Iran launched more than 300, rockets, missiles and drones towards Israel. Over 99% of these were downed by the United States, Israel, France and the United Kingdom armed forces. I think that even Jordan may have taken a few down.
Naturally enough, today the Biden Administration told Israel that they are on their own if they decide to retaliate against Iran. This statement proves that Biden borrowed balls to father his children.
In my never-ending rant that "History is Circular", I hear in the distance Warner Wolf yelling, "Let's go to the history books!" Joe shouldn't need to go far. He can go to the Library of Congress and study the actions of one Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States. Contrary to what liberal historians tell us, Jefferson did more with his time than Sally Hemmings.
In the late 1700's and the early 1800's, there were the Barbary pirates. They occupied part of the Ottoman Empire in north Africa where today the countries of Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria are located. The leading city-state in that band of bandits was Tripoli. This area was called the Barbary Coast and was naturally inhabited by the Barbary pirates. For bonus points, they were Muslims. Yep, more terrorists from the "Religion of Peace". For years they preyed on American shipping and even captured the Philadelphia, a new American frigate. After that incident, Jefferson sent the US Navy and Marines to Tripoli. They blew up the captured ship and attacked the city's defenses. The Marine Corps hymn includes "To the shores of Tripoli" for a reason.
In 1805, William Eaton, the United States consul in Tunis lead an expedition of US Marines and a force of volunteers (irregulars or mercenaries, you pick) overland from Egypt to Tripoli. By coming overland rather than by sea, they were able to take Tripoli by surprise. Then they attacked the city of Darna which quickly surrendered. Eaton eventually brought the other Barbary states into line with the same approach, violence. The leader of Tripoli quickly worked out a treaty with Jefferson. Later, Eaton was a supporter of Aaron Burr, but that's a story for another day.
So how is this circular history? Iran today is the Ottoman Empire of 1801. Hezbollah, the Houthis, Hamas and other terrorist groups are the new Barbary Pirates. What we are missing is Thomas Jefferson. Instead of Tom, we have a pants shitting, aviators wearing, demented buffoon who can't fight his way up a set of stairs. His handlers seek to improve his image by putting him in shoes that may or may not reduce his tendency to fall. I don't believe that today's pirates are looking at Sleepy Joe and saying, "We better not make him mad. He will tell us 'Don't' again. We don't want that!"
What is the solution to this problem? Let's find a leader who won't need to borrow a pair!! If we aren't going to use our military to protect our citizens, why do we have it? Instead of squandering our money supporting a corrupt regime in the Ukraine, let's put it to work killing modern pirates.
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