Monday, April 01, 2024

The Celebration of Mental Illness

 In Emperor Joe's latest proclamation, there was more than a moderate amount of insanity. Joe declared Sunday, March 31 as Transgender Visibility Day.

When Christians complained that Sunday, March 31 was Easter Sunday, they were told that March 31 has been Transgender Visibility Day since 2009. So, Easter having a 2000-year head start had no meaning for Slow Joe? The news media keeps telling us how Biden is a devout Catholic. That must be in the same way that I am a devout Democrat.

Transgenderism is a mental illness. It has been a mental illness forever. Doctors used to admit that it was a mental illness. Then they realized how much money was to be made by mutilating sex organs and filling people with expensive hormones. This is now a growth business for doctors and drug companies. Why wouldn't they advocate for more transgenders?

I am fascinated by a political viewpoint that screams "Follow the Science!" but refuses to actually do that. Medical science is producing faux women and faux men. This is like that "tofurkey" crap that the vegans hustle at Thanksgiving. You can claim that it tastes like turkey and smells like turkey. You can even make it into the shape of a turkey. But it's still not a frigging turkey!!

Why do parents let their children decide that they want to change sexes? If a five-year-old tells you that he wants to be a NASCAR driver, do you toss him the car keys?  If an eight-year-old tells you that he "identifies" as an amputee, do you let them cut off his leg? We want to protect our children from sexual deviants but then we let a surgeon mutilate their sex organs. What part of that makes any sense? If someone did that to a child outside of an operating room, they would be arrested and charged with child abuse. 

In 200 years, when a future civilization finds the body of a transgender and does tests to identify it, it will be a man, or a woman based on the based on the chemical makeup of the body. The only question that will be asked is "Why does this woman have a plastic dick attached to her?" You just can't change the chromosomes. The transgenders will never be a real member of the opposite sex.

What happened in that field falsely known as "medical science"? Who made the decision to just play along with the mentally ill? If I identify as Napoleon, will you give me half of Europe? 

What happens when the person gets buyer's remorse after the surgery? Could this explain the high suicide rates for transgenders? 

So, as Slow Joe and the Dims pander for votes, this point. Several years ago, I wrote a post about one of my favorite rants, the question never asked. I will give you the Readers Digest version. The question that we never ask is "Then what?" Are we going to let everyone decide their own gender?  Then what? Will they decide their own height? Will we surgically lengthen their legs to make them taller? When will it all stop?

Wake me when the adults return to the room!!


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