Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Summer of Love?

 Instead of AI, artificial intelligence, why don't we try to improve AI, actual intelligence? I have met people whose can openers are smarter than they are.

Yesterday, I went to the North Carolina state finals of the Odyssey of the Mind competition at Wingate University to support my granddaughter, Alice. It's always good to be among my fellow nerds and geeks. It was a bunch of kids engaged in learning how to solve actual problems. It was creativity from actual young minds and not machines. 

Maybe the best thing about Odyssey of the Mind was that without a quota system or DEI standards, they were able to assemble a representative sampling of the population. It looked nothing like the news about education on television. Congratulations to Alice and her team even though they didn't win!! Also, congratulations to all of the parents and family members who got involved with the education of their children. This is what learning is supposed to be. 

If you haven't heard of Odyssey of the Mind and you are reading this, look it up!! It's kind of like a science fair on steroids with your family supporting you. Also, thanks to my daughter-in-law, Brittany, for taking the time to be a coach for Alice's team. 

On to more pressing subjects. It's only March and the talking heads on the Sunday morning "news" shows have already run out of original ideas. By the time that November comes, the only thing that they will have left to call Trump will be Mr. President.

It is being reported that the federal government has flown in plane loads of immigrants from other countries. The question that begs asking is "Why haven't they flown in plane loads of Ukrainian refugees?" Is it because they already know what Communist and corrupt governments look like and they will warn Americans about Democrats? Or is it because they are white?

A frequent rant of mine both on this blog and in real life is that "History is circular". We can predict the future by studying the past. Rest assured that liberals are completely unfamiliar with this concept. One only need to examine our foreign policy to confirm this view. But if you need more data that Democrats don't study history, they are holding their convention this year in Chicago.

In 1968 the Democrats held their convention in Chicago. The convention was disrupted by anti-war activists and their battles with the Chicago police. The story of the convention was not that Hubert Humphrey was nominated but of the conflicts in the streets. There's nothing like a good riot to pull in the Democrats. Of course, that year most of the demonstrations/riots were about the war in Vietnam. The good news for demonstrators is that we have an assortment of wars to choose from for your demonstrating convenience.

Fast forward 56 years to this summer in Chicago. We are supporting Ukraine in a war against Russia that isn't going very well. In addition to that we are supporting both sides in a war in the Middle East. Kameltoe Harris has warned Israel that there will be "consequences" if Israel moves into Rafah to finish off Hamas. Do Israelis tremble at the sound of Harris' words? Not in this universe.  Add to that mix a big heaping of illegal immigrants flooding Chicago and you probably have the ingredients for some serious demonstrations at this summer's convention in Chicago.

Wait! I left out the recently elected Communist black mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson. There is no parsing Johnson's beliefs, he is a straight up Communist. He blamed the failure of a tax initiative on the ballot there recently on "Trump supporters".  I doubt that there are enough Trump supporters to fill a school bus in Chicago.

There's a great deal of discontent in Chicago about illegal immigration and the effects on the lower income class in Chicago. The riots in the street will confirm this for the Democrats and will probably be the only part of the news from the convention that I will watch. 

The Democrats are working to prepare the United Center for Biden's coronation. They are replacing the stairs and steps with ramps to make getting Joe in and out less entertaining. They are also putting in a row of child seats at the front of the stage to improve Joe's access to little girls. They have lined up hundreds of ice cream vendors to keep the crowd supplied with chocolate chip ice cream in waffle cones. Going with the President's favorite flavor will cause problems for mainstream media figures as they will struggle to find a question to ask the President.

Word from the experts in the Midwest political circles is that Chicago is trying to strip Cleveland of the nickname, "The Mistake by the Lake".

Unlike when he met the British Royal Family, Biden won't need to worry about blowing a big fart at the convention. They do call Chicago "The Windy City". Besides, it the Democratic Convention. The level of the stench of shit will be pretty high anyway. 

A friend has acquired the rights to the shoe concession at the convention where they will be selling the "Joe Biden" sneaker. They are not autographed, but he has drooled on them. They are guaranteed not to slip or trip as you try to walk up or down one of the aforementioned ramps. They make you feel at home in the Oval Office or on a shuffleboard court in Florida. They do not include access to a small girl whose hair you can sniff. Sorry!

If you are planning to go to Chicago for the convention, you should bring your own helmet and riot shield. Gas masks are optional, but strongly encouraged. "Is that the great smell of CS gas?" Of course not, they only use that on Branch Davidians and Capitol protesters. The chances that a lot of Democratic voters who are losing out to the illegal immigrants will be in the streets expressing their discontent is pretty high. Bookies have stopped taking bets on whether there will be a riot. The current bets are on how many riots. The only question left is "Will Merrick Garland call it a riot or an insurrection?" Even Garland can't claim that protesting the convention is obstructing the actions of Congress. But he may try anyway. 

Will TikTok have more reporters at the convention than the real Communist News Agency, MSNBC?

In an attempt to settle the locals about the immigration issue, Democrats are bringing in Nancy Pelosi to tell the locals why we need illegal immigrants. As she said so eloquently a few weeks ago, "We need people to pick our crops." As many in the crowd may know, that line was last used in 1860 to justify slavery. Thanks a million, Nancy!!


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