Sunday, March 10, 2024

Barking Back to Dem Brain Dead Babbling Biden Blues?

 After watching the "highlights" of the SOTU speech, I agree with Greg Gutfeld. Now we know whose cocaine that was that they found in the White House last year. What did they give Biden to get him all jacked up on Thursday night?

Joe was fifteen minutes late arriving at the Capitol. They claim that it was because of protesters on Pennsylvania Avenue. Are you telling me that the Secret Service can shut down Manhattan when the President has to go there, but they can't get Joe down Pennsylvania Avenue at 9:00 PM on a Thursday night? Put me down as skeptical. My guess is that there was either an unscheduled diaper change or a new set of batteries in his remote-control receiver. 

Let's quit pretending that Joe Biden is in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Joe spent an hour yelling at people who he barely knows. People on alleged news network shows fawned over Joe like he was a toddler who stood up and used the toilet for the first time. MSNBC would have compared it to the Sermon on the Mount, but no one at MSNBC had ever heard of the Sermon on the Mount.

If Biden is so mentally sharp, why don't they have the Special Counsel charge him for his handling of all those classified documents that he took illegally during his Senate days? 

One of my favorite lines to use is, "You cannot bullshit one, who has bullshit many." Don't worry about the grammar, I am not turning this in as a term project in English. 

Pick your expression! We are being lied to. We are being bullshitted. We are being hosed. We are being deceived. We are being conned. We are being taken for a ride. We are being played for fools. We are being jerked around. We are being indoctrinated. Pick one and run with it. 

The government is lying to us. I am a big believer that figures don't lie, but liars can figure. They keep telling us that the economy is getting better, and inflation is going down. But every trip to the grocery store or the gas station costs more than the time before. There's less money in the bank every month. 

We are told that unemployment is down but there are people everywhere out of work. Businesses are closing and people are losing their jobs, but unemployment is down. How is that even possible? A lot of the growth appears in the nation's largest employer, the government. There's an enterprise famous for productivity. As I write this swill, government employees are writing new rules to prevent Trump from ending their jobs if he is elected. What a racket!!!

What we are seeing is the rise of an actual fascist state. The FBI is the new KGB. The Justice Department isn't just. The military is more concerned about transexuals than countries that would do us harm. The Transportation Department is a circle jerk. The more money we spend, the worse the roads become. I don't remember doors blowing off airliners when I was growing up. The EPA is busy trying to construct a world that will have us living like Fred and Wilma Flintstone. Yabba Dabba Dooo!!! 

The White House and their minions in federal law enforcement are violating the First Amendment with a callous disregard for the rights of Americans. Two Federal courts have already ruled that the Executive Branch has violated our First Amendment rights. The government's appeal is currently before the Supreme Court. 

While the FBI had eighty agents monitoring social media outlets to suppress free speech, thousands of gang members crossed our border to do us harm.  Was preventing people from criticizing the Biden administration more important than securing the nation? 

The Second Amendment is on life support as the government is trying to ban gun dealers and ammunition. If Democrats have their way, even if you are able to buy a gun, you won't be able to buy anything to shoot from it. 

Biden told us on Thursday that he is going to get the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates. Will he be getting his friend, Cookie Monster, to criticize the Federal Reserve? 

The Federal government keeps asking us, "Who are you going to believe, us or your lying eyes?" In 1968, I sat in an English class at A.P. Leto High School in Tampa where we discussed George Orwell's book "1984". The Biden administration is making Orwell look like an optimist about the future. 

Sorry Joe, Kameltoe, Cookie Monster and MSNBC, but I am going to believe what I see with my eyes and not that pile of crap that you are spreading. As long as I am talking "pile of crap", can we get the Roadrunner to drop a rock on Rep. Dan Goldman instead of the coyote? I won't describe Goldman as an "ass kisser", but when Biden farts, Goldman is the first to know. I turn off the television when I see Goldman.

Why don't you folks come clean and tell us who is the real President of the United States. It's obviously not the clown who we saw on Thursday night. Y'all are selling, but nobody without a (D) beside their name is buying!! 


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