Dis-United States of America
A federal district court judge in Illinois has ruled that illegal immigrants cannot be prohibited from owning guns, just because they are here illegally. The "judge" in question is a black, liberal, female appointed by Barack Obama. Did I even have to look that up to know? I could have guessed that without even pulling the Ouija board out of the closet to ask.
What next? Will illegals be allowed to vote? Can we prohibit them from doing anything? Not according to dumbasses like this judge.
This whacko broad, pardon me, judge, is a walking case for eliminating life terms for federal judges. It's time for that constitutional amendment to end lifelong terms that the same courts are certain to rule is unconstitutional.
There is trouble in paradise. As Americans, we have enjoyed about 200 years of being the top dog in the world. You don't need a gypsy to read the tea leaves to tell you that we are running out of time as a world leader. Our political system is overrun with corruption and our borders lack any meaning. The national debt is growing by leaps and bounds as we try to spend our way back to the top. You don't need a Harvard trained analyst to tell you that we are headed down the shitter. We are just trying to ignore all of the obvious signs. If ignorance is truly bliss, we would be the happiest people on earth.
Let's give Balkanization a try. We need to divide the country into six different nations. We can group the Northeast States. Then we can group the Southern states. The Midwest can be a country of their own. The Plains states can gather together. The Rocky Mountain states can all get high together and we can have the COW Republic on the coast. That would be California, Oregon and Washington. Let Alaska become a province or three in Canada. Or Alaska could become the frozen Saudi Arabia of this hemisphere providing other nations with oil and other energy sources. We would probably have to let Hawaii go out on their own. They can bring back a King, it hasn't been that long for them.
We could give Washington, DC back to Maryland and let them sort it out. By the way, Maryland has to go with the Northeast states. We can let Letitia James put the United Nations on trial and see what happens with them. Maybe Letitia could send them to Brussels or wherever the European Union calls home. Let her take their buildings.
Let's surprise the world and take a preemptive action for a change. If you read history, and few actually do, you know that we are exceeding the average age for empires right now. Why wait for it to break up? Let's just go ahead and separate. Can't we seek a peaceful divorce? Can we "do it for the kids"? We could avoid the wars. We could provide for our defense by becoming the real NATO. That would be the North American Treaty Organization.
We tried this in 1860 and Lincoln dragged the Union back together. I just don't believe that being reunited at the point of a gun is a recipe for a long-term relationship. Lincoln was able to "save the Union", but was the Union worth saving? We were able to come back together to win a couple of World Wars, but it hasn't been good since then. Let's admit that the Democratic giveaways of the Great Society have turned a productive nation into a society of panhandlers waiting for the next cheese giveaway.
Let's face it! What does someone in rural North Carolina such as this writer, have in common with some liberal in San Franscisco who wants free drug giveaways and legalized theft? At the end of the day, am I compelled to live in a shithole city just because they want to live there? Lewis Grizzard said it best, "There's nobody in a bar in Atlanta tonight celebrating a transfer to Newark, New Jersey."
Let's end it peacefully and start a new life as the Dis-United States of America.
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