Joe Biden, the nation's Moron-in-Chief is running on a program of fighting "Shrinkflation". Biden describes this as products containing smaller amounts in the package but costing the same. He's really worried about how many Fritos or potato chips are in a bag. He has enlisted the Cookie Monster to help him in this fight as the taxpayers also fund his rants on PBS.
Joe Biden acts like "shrinkflation" is some economic tidal wave that he has just discovered, and that government can save us from it. But like every other disaster on the planet, the government actually shares the responsibility for it.
Let's start with one of America's favorite beverages, coffee. Coffee used to come in one-pound cans. By the early 1970's processors had changed their processing methods to get more flavor out of the beans so that it didn't take as much coffee to brew a cup. So, the one-pound cans have pretty much disappeared. Is this shrinkflation? No, this is improved processing.
Soft drinks on the other hand keep getting bigger. In the early 1970's, most soft drinks were 12 or 16 ounces. The large family sized bottles were 28 ounces or 32 ounces. Today, soft drinks range from 12 to 24 ounces. The family bottles are 1, 2 or in some places even 3 liters. Several bottlers tried 3-liter bottles but they didn't sell well.
In the last couple of years, soft drink prices have exploded. You don't see 2-liter bottles on sale for 99 cents anymore. Soft drinks at convenience stores in my area are usually in the $1.95 to $2.99 range for the 16-to-20-ounce range of drinks. At the grocery store, you can usually buy a six pack of 1/2 liter bottles for between $4 (on sale) and $8.
Why have soft drink prices almost doubled in three years? Almost all depend on corn syrup sweeteners. When you take your food such as corn and use it to make fuel (ethanol) you are going to create problems. When you are burning your food for fuel, you have a bigger problem. The Biden administration has decided that rather than drill for oil in America, we are going to burn our food to power transportation.
But Slow Joe's main issue seems to be chips and candy bars. Let me tell you what Joe doesn't know because he has never operated a real business. The first problem that most businesses face is that unlike the Bidens, checks from China just don't randomly turn up in our mailboxes. No candy manufacturer has received a diamond from China.
As the price of ingredients, labor, advertising and packaging rises, businesses have to either raise their price for a product or reduce the portion size. Most choose to reduce the portion size. This results in customers either complaining about the price or the portion size. Why not raise the price? Every study ever done, along with almost everyone's experience shows that a price increase immediately causes a decline in sales. Over time, most people will accept the price increase and start buying the product again. But if you slightly reduce the portion size, not as many people will notice. In the end, your only options are to reduce the amount of product or raise the price. Pick one!!
The experts in government are always telling us to eliminate snacks and soft drinks. So now the clown in charge is telling us to give the public larger portions of the food that the government doesn't want them to eat. Yeah, I am a little confused. Did Corn Pop take Biden's candy bars away from him? Does Biden want kids to get larger portions of candy so that he can ridicule them for being fat. Do the little fat girls have hair that smells better?
Let's talk about "shrinkflation" that Biden can do something about. How many bombers did we used to get for a billion dollars? What's going on with the price of tanks? Why don't we get as many fighter jets as we used to get for our money? How much has the price of an aircraft carrier gone up in the last 50 years? Just for the record Joe, in 1977 the Eisenhower was commissioned at a cost of $679 million. In July 2017, the USS Gerald Ford was commissioned at a cost of $13.07 Billion and R&D cost of more than $4.7 billion. None of these carrier costs include the planes. You held public office for almost all of those years. Explain it to us. Get Cookie Monster if you need help.
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