Sunday, April 14, 2024

On a Sunday Morning Sidewalk Ver 4.14

 Last night Iran sent a bunch of attack drones towards Israel. As even Sleepy Joe could have figured, it was a failure. If this band of dorks ever develops a nuclear weapon, they will end up blowing themselves up. It's been a long time since the glory days of the Persian Empire. It doesn't look like any change in the foreseeable future. 

 Liberals keep saying that Israel's response to attacks should be "proportional". So, if the Iranians send 300 bombs and missiles that don't work, should Israel send 600 that do work?? 

I am fascinated by this whole "proportional" response concept. Apparently, this is a new concept amongst the Democratic morons in our nation. (I used "amongst" because told me that it was considered old fashioned or pretentious. Yeah, that's my style!) I know that, because like anyone else who has read a history book, we have never practiced "proportionality" here.

In World War 2, the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor. There were 2403 Americans killed in that attack. At Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there were more than 100,000 Japanese killed in the attack. This doesn't include all of those who died later from effects of radiation poisoning. So, Sleepy Joe, is 100,000 deaths "proportional" to 2400 deaths? Or do we only use math when talking about Israel?

Was the invasion of two nations, Iraq and Afghanistan, "proportional" to the 9/11 attacks in the United States? Does a one-day attack justify a twenty-year war? Why not just bomb the shit out of them for a couple of weeks and let it go? Or is "proportional" a term used only for Israel?

It's a numbers game. How many Jews can be killed before Biden will drop this halfwit idea of "proportionality"? Somebody needs to ask the chick with the Jiffy Pop hair this question that is probably not in her binder.

The problem here is obvious to anyone who doesn't get their news from MSNBC. The problem is that the Democrats have sold their souls to the lunatic fringe. All of those folks chanting "From the river to the sea" are Democrats. If Sleepy Joe lets Israel kill those who attack them, the Democrats lose the election. FYI, Dearborn, Michigan is rumored to be considering a name change to "Jihad Junction".

We don't even use "proportionality" here in our own country. Thousands of blacks burned and looted large cities after George Floyd overdosed. How many of them went to jail? How many conservative white people were jailed after January 6? I will wait while you show me the "proportionality" of that.

How many Palestinian protesters at the Capitol are facing charges of "interfering with a government function"? Or does that law only apply to conservatives? Democrats will allow their supporters to do anything they want as long as they blindly wander into voting booths and vote Democrat.

As long as we are on the subject of Democrat terrorists, how about that Palestinian flag in the hallway outside a lunatic Democratic congresswoman's office? Why is that even allowed? How many Confederate flags are in the hallways of Congressional office buildings? Once again, it's about Democrats catering to their extremist wing. 

If you want to drive a liberal crazy, talk about the "proportionality" of Sherman's "March to the Sea" compared to Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. Yeah, nobody wants to talk about that. Mainly, because most liberals think that "history" is a pronoun. It's amazing how we treat our own people compared to people in other countries. 

There actually is a solution to this dilemma for Israel. They need to act like American liberals. All that they need to do is identify as "Palestinians" and then Democrats will stand and watch as they kill their enemies. That's how they do it here.


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