Marketing 102?
I spent most of last week at the Moultrie Auto Swap Meet and Car Corral. The Spring Show is smaller than the fall show there. It's the opposite of the Charlotte AutoFair where the Spring event is much larger than the fall. The bad news for the Charlotte show is that they pissed off so many people during the Democrat-driven COVID crisis that their days are probably numbered. The show in Moultrie continues to grow as they are privately owned and operated. The Charlotte show is operated by the local chapter of the ACCA. The Charlotte show is a demonstration of the failure of "rule by committee". But, enough about that.
I attend several larger events a year. Whether it is a car show or a large flea market or the 301 Yard Sale, the problem is getting people to walk into your space to look at the "stuff" that you have for sale.
I like signs. There's probably not anything that I would not put on a sign to get attention. I travel with poster boards, paper, index cards, markers, tape and anything else that I need to put up signs. You may not believe this, but I don't actually have enough time to talk to everyone who passes by, so I rely on a few people to read a sign. Since the crowd at a car show is a little older than at a Taylor Swift concert, I know that most can read a sign.
My wife accompanied me to the event last week in Georgia and my sister and her husband came up from Florida for a day and some change. As a result, I have pictures to offer. My flip phone doesn't do high quality photos. So, here are some marketing tips in pictures for you.
1. Wear something that a passerby may notice. Here's an example. First is myself, my sister, and my beloved.
2. Here's pic of my sister and myself. She didn't get the memo on
How to Dress".
3. Try to offer a variety of uses for a product that you are trying to sell. I had six old baseball bats that I was trying to sell. As baseball spring training had recently ended, I suggested an alternative use and had already sold four before my wife took a picture. Remember, most products have multiple uses. There's an old adage that you need to remember, "Find a need and Fill it". This may have been the most photographed vendor sign at Moultrie last week.
4.In keeping with the idea of multiple usages, my wife tried to market an old locker that we had for sale. She got it sold!!
That is the end of this week's Marketing 102 Class. Comment with questions.
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