Monday, April 27, 2020

Stay Safe??

Safe? Safe is more than not sick.  Safe is more than being virus free. Safe is when you have food for meals. Safe is having money to pay your bills. Safe is having a job to earn a living. Safe is having a home not in danger of foreclosure. Safe is not having to worry about the utility bills being paid. Safe is having self-respect and not depending upon the state for your existence. Safe is having transportation. Safe is being able to take your family to places outside of the front yard. Safe is your children being able to go to school. Safe is not having to search stores for essentials. Safe is not having to forage for toilet paper. Safe is not worrying about whether the government will end your job or business tomorrow.

Every 3 or 4 minutes on television, there is a commercial with celebrities telling us "Stay home, Stay safe". Their goal is for you to watch television until you are sufficiently brainwashed. Don't buy into it.

We are in the midst of the greatest political power grab in American history. Politicians don't care if you are "safe".


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