Thursday, March 26, 2020

Reflections from the Roadside

I ventured out this morning into a world inhabited by cowards who are hiding in their homes from a media induced panic over a virus which has killed fewer people than the seasonal flu. The lead coward in this state is Governor Roy "King" Cooper.

I went out today as part of my "outreach ministry". This is my effort to share my views with my fellow earthlings. I post a lot of  "stuff" on Facebook, but the exposure to strangers is very limited there. Regardless of your number of "Friends", there are only a couple of dozen folks who see your posts and fewer who actually read them. There are even fewer who understand and appreciate the wisdom in those posts. So I have a Plan B. I'm bringing my message to you as you drive.

Anyway, I have a couple of busy intersections where I prefer to set up. Today I set up at the intersection of US 29 and US 158. I like the on ramp to US 29 heading south to Greensboro. I parked the truck well off of the road and put a couple of signs on the back of it. "Shoot your TV" and "Remove Roy Cooper" were taped there. I held a sign that read "Open Churches, Close Cooper".

The good part of this activity is you get some pretty immediate feedback. The driver of the second car that passed blew his horn and gave me a thumbs up. Several people just look annoyed, as if you are forcing them to read your sign. I love the puzzled looks on many faces. Then there are the people who are too cool to be seen looking so they are trying to take a half look. I am holding a sign with four (4) words on it. How long can it take to read it?? Then there are those who are moving their lips while reading the sign. School system superintendents should be compelled to hang out with me so they can see the products of their work.

A lot of people are on their phones while driving. What did we do before we could talk on the phone while driving?? A guy in a semi pulling a 14' wide mobile home was steering with one hand and holding his phone with the other hand while turning the corner. I moved back a few feet.

There were a couple of people who stopped to talk and take pictures. So if this shows up somewhere online, you have been warned. Most of those pictures are probably posted with a caption that starts "I saw this nut on the side of the road".

The highlight of the day happened in the last couple of minutes that I was there. A small car with two women in it slowed down as they drove by, then they stopped. The driver put down her window and yelled at me, "Honey, what are you selling?" Stunned by her stupidity, I turned my sign to where I could read it.  Yes, it still read "Open churches, Close Cooper". I yelled, " I'm not selling anything. This is free information." She responded "Oh!" and pulled away. WOW!! And she drives?

If you want to be heard, poster board is less than a buck a sheet and the street corner is free. You may have to run off a beggar for a good corner but I am okay with doing that.

Silence is consent.


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